Lrfox -- Perhaps its an exhibit of the old as in 110 years old viaductI was wondering this too. I rode by yesterday and noticed a guy up there doing what seemed to be repairs on some of the rivets. I'm 100% certain my unskilled eyes were deceiving me and it was likely demo prep, but it's still strange that this section is still standing.
A little hard to imagine it staying right there. It appears to be directly in the alignment of the new viaduct.Lrfox -- Perhaps its an exhibit of the old as in 110 years old viaduct
They left one of the Green Monster Posts as an "art work" part of the Big Dig
A little hard to imagine it staying right there. It appears to be directly in the alignment of the new viaduct.
Havent seen this posted yet.
“Civic group has bright ideas for the darkened Lechmere viaduct”
“Light Boston has announced the winners of a competition it held for ideas to light up the concrete span near the Museum of Science. Built in 1910 to carry the MBTA’s Green Line over the Charles, the Viaduct lacks the grandeur of its neighbors, the Zakim and the Longfellow bridges. But the contest, says Light Boston, is a chance to beautify a long-neglected stretch of the Charles that’s starting to emerge from its industrial past.”...
I like it a lot, Id love to see this implemented. Boston is too dark at night and I support almost any lighting schemes that are tastefully done.
Cantabrigians won't like it....especially if it changes colors a la zinc.
This is the view from the Boston (harbor)side. A lot of Cambridge's (Charles) view will be blocked by the MOS & garage.Cantabrigians won't like it....especially if it changes colors a la zinc.
Who would see it? Only people in North Point Park.
This is the view from the Boston (harbor)side. A lot of Cambridge's (Charles) view will be blocked by the MOS & garage.
(I love the lighting plan--makes a "Zakim" out of a "blah")
I'm enjoying those new embankment wall structures -- i love those niches for greenery. I assume that the greenery helps with stablizing the embankment and the niches also allow water infiltration(?). Reminds me of Japan/Taiwan.
I'm enjoying those new embankment wall structures -- i love those niches for greenery. I assume that the greenery helps with stablizing the embankment and the niches also allow water infiltration(?). Reminds me of Japan/Taiwan.
Walked by the new Union Sq station yesterday. Looks like they're building the stairs from Prospect to the platform now
I like it a lot, Id love to see this implemented. Boston is too dark at night and I support almost any lighting schemes that are tastefully done.
Interesting, I'll have to revisit the plans. The way that this is being constructed (but poorly photographed by me) it looks like they'll become steps from Prospect St.They eliminated those stairs/elevators as part of the redesign. If we do get access from the bridge, that's going to have to come from US2.