Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

Ugh, so it's just grandstanding.
...60 hours before Gov Patrick leaves office.

If it is any consolation, it appears no more contrived than usual since FFGA "letters" need to be finalized with a signed Agreement.

So the FFGA announcement that they already took a victory lap for (on Dec 2nd) did technically say that they were going to have to execute an agreement after a waiting/review period "no earlier than 30 days from the date of this letter". And that's probably what they're doing: an agreement-signing ceremony, with Foxx representing the Feds and Deval representing the Commonwealth, and our Senators/Reps getting a chance to take credit for it.

The 2020 launch was predicated on signing the deal before February 2015 (so they're keeping that schedule on paper).

So, yeah, it is totally contrived, probably right down to the Dec 2nd date which was barely in time to ensure that the 30-day wait was fulfilled and this happened before Patrick leaves office.
I thought maybe it was actually the fed coming to town to announce full funding for the NSRL, Blue Line Connector, GLX to Rt 16 and a brand new Urban Ring tunnel from BMC to LMA to Kendall.
The best part about living 13 times zones away from Boston is that this meeting will happen when I'm sleeping. I'll get to wake up tomorrow morning like it's Christmas day to see if I got coal or presents ;)
Bloomberg did the same with the 7 Line extension and that won't open for another 6 months if we're lucky.

Who cares, the man did more for mass transit in Mass than anyone since Dukakis, let him grandstand.
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My comment was not a knock on Gov. Patrick. Sorry if it came across as such. I've made my approval of Deval's governorship very clear on here. It was just an expression of disappointment that it will be announcing something that the media has already announced.
I thought that this was already u/c. All this bloody time!

Until I heard on the news this morning that they're bloody just now getting funding for the project! It hasn't even started yet!! :eek:
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I thought that this was already u/c.

Until I heard on the news this morning that they're bloody just now getting funding for the project! It hasn't even started yet!! :eek:

It is already under construction. Bridge work as been underway for some time. That's Phase 1. Phase 2 (tracks and stations) needed federal money to get going, and that's what is being announced.
I thought that this was already u/c.

Until I heard on the news this morning that they're bloody just now getting funding for the project! It hasn't even started yet!! :eek:

The news story (at least on WCVB) mentioned "portions of which are already under construction".

So chill a bit anyways. All is still well.
Phase 1 (new bridges on existing CR lines & demolition of structures) has been underway, but it is a pretty lame phase: when it is all done there'll still be no new transit capacity.

Phase 2 is the real thing...actual new (additional) transit miles and stations, and that's what's been waiting on the Fed $$$ (see upthread for the "real" phases 2, 3, & 4)
...60 hours before Gov Patrick leaves office.

If it is any consolation, it appears no more contrived than usual since FFGA "letters" need to be finalized with a signed Agreement.

So the FFGA announcement that they already took a victory lap for (on Dec 2nd) did technically say that they were going to have to execute an agreement after a waiting/review period "no earlier than 30 days from the date of this letter". And that's probably what they're doing: an agreement-signing ceremony, with Foxx representing the Feds and Deval representing the Commonwealth, and our Senators/Reps getting a chance to take credit for it.

The 2020 launch was predicated on signing the deal before February 2015 (so they're keeping that schedule on paper).

So, yeah, it is totally contrived, probably right down to the Dec 2nd date which was barely in time to ensure that the 30-day wait was fulfilled and this happened before Patrick leaves office.

Looks as if it was even worse than that

The formula is apparently based on the Commonwealth more than matching the Feds $ for $

Fed 43% with Massachusetts Taxpayers on the hook for 57%

No obvious place where that money is coming from

Better hope for the Olympics!
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Yeah, it was largely a victory lap.

Funny part was at the beginning. They asked everyone to take our seats. Then 10 minutes of ... nothing. Everyone was quiet and looking around. Yet another Green Line delay!
Looks like he was getting some last-minute stuff done before incoming Gov. Charlie Baker takes over the helm. Hah!!
No comments about the 3 Card Monty being played by Feds and Commonwealth

It looks as though the current cost estimate is now $2.4B the Fed's are pledging $1.0B subject to the Commonwealth coming up with $1.4B

Back when this was originally proposed it was supposed to cost $1B total

Looks as if there needs to be some rethink -- I suggest just build the Union Sq. piece and let it run for a while before starting to build the rest

The advantages:
  • you get the new Lechmere Station & let Magic do the Lechmere Sq. part of Northpoint
  • don't need the expensive vehicle maintenance facility immediately
  • don't need much additional rolling stock
  • measure / market the extension to the new Union Sq.
Looks as if there needs to be some rethink -- I suggest just build the Union Sq. piece and let it run for a while before starting to build the rest

Well, good thing no one is taking your suggestions!

I can think of no better use of $2.4b than bringing real transit to the densest community in New England. Longer we wait, the more expensive it gets.
