Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

Re: Green Line to Medford to start in 2011

I don't deny that neighborhoods go through cycles. Right now up and down the East Coast we're in a renaissance of city living and it's basically economics at work. But I can't be the only who feels that cities are turning into the playgrounds of the well off. Downtown areas being expensive ok, but Southie, Somerville, Dorchester, where do the families live? Even Allston now has ripe off apartments. Middle class families are getting kicked out as a whole. It's better than crime and what not and I'm not sure if any other balance exists, but chain stores and ethnic-less yuppies taking over local business and families as a whole does suck. Local flavor is being sterilized.

Simple answer: blame exclusionary zoning and NIMBY behavior. Make it nearly impossible to build housing, and prices will go up. That's what's happening.
Re: Green Line to Medford to start in 2011

But I can't be the only who feels that cities are turning into the playgrounds of the well off. Downtown areas being expensive ok, but Southie, Somerville, Dorchester, where do the families live? Even Allston now has ripe off apartments. Middle class families are getting kicked out as a whole. It's better than crime and what not and I'm not sure if any other balance exists, but chain stores and ethnic-less yuppies taking over local business and families as a whole does suck. Local flavor is being sterilized.

If you begin from the premise that change is bad, you'll view any turnover in residents or retail as bad. Anybody who tries to stop this change ends up imposing serious costs on all of society (we've choked off housing supply in the vain hope of keeping us all in the same "moment" as we happen to be in right now). You say "downtown" should be expensive, but as cities grow, downtowns grow. Seaport, Kendall, Allston....Cambridge, Somerville. Beacon Hill was the Red Light District and farmland when it was developed into townhouses (c.1790). In NYC when St. Patricks was built, Rockefeller Center was like today's Somerville (tired low-rise apartments) and Queens was pastureland. Now 5th at 50th is the CBD and Queens is all apartments.

Change is what life does. That's how you know things are alive. They change. If life is good, change is good. Relax, you're soaking in it.

For 400 years, everyone has always been pushing somebody further out. Offices push residents out. Wharves pushed relentlessly into the harbor. Attached dwellings displace standalones (see Beacon Hill c. 1800), Big houses get cut up into apartments (Back Bay), and somewhere, nice middle class farming families are moving further out after selling the farm to a guy building ticky-tacky boxes.

In Re: Where do middle class families life?

Generally a place that has more space at the cost of more commute times.

Partly that's how you know they're middle class: their work is valuable enough to pay for a commute, but not so crazy valuable that they can afford to live in the Millennium or commute by helicopter.

In the city, high prices reflect a one-bedroom-per-wage-earner market. Every bedroom is going to be priced like it saves a guy a commute. Few parents can afford to keep a kid in a bedroom that a "real" wage-earner would like to occupy. So Families move where each wage earner can afford, say, 2 bedrooms. Retirees move to where they can afford a bedroom on "half-pay".

I live in Medford. So do a lot of Somerville cops with families. Solidly middle class--and looking forward to when they can rent or sell their childhood home in Somerville to the new people.

Families are coming to Medford and the schools are getting better almost in spite of themselves. Buy now, 'cause big stretches of medford will get more pricey still when the GLX gets to College Ave or the U-Haul.

10 years from now, Medford will be red hot, and South Medford will be gettin infill development. Families will be moving to fixer-uppers in Stoneham, Reading and Woburn. It was ever thus.
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Re: Green Line to Medford to start in 2011

In NYC when St. Patricks was built, Rockefeller Center was like today's Somerville (tired low-rise apartments) and Queens was pastureland. Now 5th at 50th is the CBD and Queens is all apartments.

10 years from now, Medford will be red hot, and South Medford will be gettin infill development. Families will be moving to fixer-uppers in Stoneham, Reading and Woburn. It was ever thus.

Right, but the point is that when Midtown became Midtown and Queens went from rural to suburban to urban, change in cities occurred naturally. For every person priced out of hyperdense Somerville, there is not a requisite apartment in Medford, and there is definitely not the requisite density in Woburn, Reading or Stoneham. Those are towns. And change is blocked now, and towns stay towns and city neighborhoods stay exactly as they are, with the only change being microadjustments of small infill. If this was the late 19th century, real estate speculators would have bought up all of metro Boston and every urban neighborhood you know would be being razed for denser housing. Ditto for the inner suburbs, which would be turning into townhomes instead of single families. I cant say I really want that, but we're backing ourselves into a corner and sooner or later, we will run out of towns anywhere near the city - where the jobs are - where affordable homes are to be found. Then what?
Re: Green Line to Medford to start in 2011

For every person priced out of hyperdense Somerville, there is not a requisite apartment in Medford, and there is definitely not the requisite density in Woburn, Reading or Stoneham...we're backing ourselves into a corner and sooner or later, we will run out of towns anywhere near the city - where the jobs are - where affordable homes are to be found. Then what?

Then we build the "requisite" apartments.

Everyone could have a three-bedroom condo in Camberville if we built them all to be a hundred stories high. And there's no actual reason not to do this except, as Arlington puts it in his/her (excellent) post, a desire to keep us in the current "moment."
Re: Green Line to Medford to start in 2011

The new (for Dec 29th) schedules for the expanded bus service (to "offset" the GLX delay) are now online. To compare "current" (fall 2014) to "expanded" (winter 2015) you can hack the URLs of your favorite pair.

Here's the "upcoming" 96
Here's the current 96

Replace the "096" in the url with any bus number you are interested in. It is fairly easy to make a visual comparison just by clicking between two browser windows, each opened to one of the schedules.

Thanks for the info. As far as improvements go, I'd say I was hoping for better. Here, for comparison, is a Before > After for each route:

MID 35 > 25
EVE 60 > 45
MID 30 > 20
EVE 35 > 30 (clockface!)
MID 25 > 20/25
EVE 65 > 50
MID 48 > 35
EVE 50 > 40
MID 48 > 35
EVE 50 > 40

Since some of these pairs overlap it is better than it looks. 80&88 will make service ~12min headways from "Washington St" to Lechmere. 94&96 will make service every 18 minutes from Davis to the future College Ave station (but c'mon if they'd taken them to 30 mins each, they'd run clockface individually and every 15 together...that's the kind of service people could depend on).
87 should have gotten upgraded as well. That bus is hell on wheels.
Invite today for an announcement next week. Just a victory lap for the federal funds coming through or something substantive? Lot of big guns for a rehash presser.

Green Line Extension Friends -

On Monday, Governor Patrick and US Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx are joining with Senator Warren, Senator Markey, Congressman Capuano, and Congresswoman Clarke for an important announcement about the Green Line Extension (GLX) project.

MassDOT and the MBTA would like to invite you to join us on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at the Somerville High School auditorium (81 Highland Avenue) to hear more about this next exciting development for GLX.

We hope to see you there!

Praying that they found a way to accelerate the schedule. If the state can work all night and replace a highway bridge, they can push for this to get done just a little faster. Anything helps at this point.

Note that I'm not saying it should be done in a night or week or anything like that. I understand this is a terribly complex project. I'm talking solely about the state's will to accelerate certain projects and wanting it to carry over to this project.
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Looking at the upcoming construction activity for GLX, the announcement on Monday may be for the start of phase 2.
Looking at the upcoming construction activity for GLX, the announcement on Monday may be for the start of phase 2.

Could be, but my money is on breaking news. Three reasons:

1 - There already was a groundbreaking presser and, given they are looking to make the news, it is hard to get reporters jazzed about incremental progress reports.

2 - Both senators and two federal reps will be there, and given Warren's schedule that is a noteworthy thing. If the congressional delegation is that strongly represented than there needs to be something for them to talk about, and that would be federal funding-related. Phase 2, to my recollection, is funded by state rather than federal money.

3 - No state reps mentioned as attending. No way they would jabber at length about Phase 2 without state reps there to tout it. They may attend, but if I were on Pat Jehlan or Tim Toomey's communication staff I would be chewing out the GLX team for not giving my guy a plug.
If they aren't announcing an extension to West Medford then they are wasting their time.
AKA Phase 5 (MVP - U-Haul terminus )

Or Gov Patrick squeezing in a victory lap

I would take any of:
- overall speed up
- phase 3 breakthrough (storage yard)
I'm going to try and attend. Monday might be the last nice, clear day for a while: good excuse for a ride.

I'll have my "green shovel" from a rally years ago.
If I recall, the funding for the project was announced a few weeks ago and Capuano said it had to go through some standard procedures to get the money. Maybe they're just announcing that it's fully funded and should be finished in 2020 as scheduled.

Would be nice if it were coming sooner though.
