Hancock of the day...

Got some neato new pictures today. Let's start with some Hancock.



Surprise surprise, they can't all be nice! This side of the Hancock looked awfully filthy, not to mention completely different looking glass(?!?!?!) on parts of floors 37-39. Honestly, anybody know what the deal is with that?


DZH22 said:
This side of the Hancock looked awfully filthy...

Dunno why but the Hancock always looks that way under the late-day sun. Is it moisture seeping in between panes or something?
Surprise surprise, they can't all be nice! This side of the Hancock looked awfully filthy, not to mention completely different looking glass(?!?!?!) on parts of floors 37-39. Honestly, anybody know what the deal is with that?

That metal vent near the top is a cooling tower so maybe the cooling water either was or is overflowing or maybe that metal vent is rusting and staining windows below in a couple pics it does look very rusty. Your right it does look like shit.

The windows that look different around 37-39 are probably a different type of window shades or a window film in that area. Not sure about the Hancock Tower but many buildings have rules on this stuff so it doesnt look bad.
That metal vent near the top is a cooling tower so maybe the cooling water either was or is overflowing or maybe that metal vent is rusting and staining windows below in a couple pics it does look very rusty. Your right it does look like shit.

The windows that look different around 37-39 are probably a different type of window shades or a window film in that area. Not sure about the Hancock Tower but many buildings have rules on this stuff so it doesnt look bad.
Pretty sure most of those are shades. It makes sense for that time of day. The sun would be beaming on the windows on the West side. It's so interesting how the "mirrored" building facade slowly reveals its interior as the day progresses.
Looks like you figured out your camera, 02124. Nice shots.
Bought for $660.6 million, sold for $930 million? Well done, sir, well done.
