Hook Wharf | 400 Atlantic Ave | Downtown

OCT 22, 2014
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Planning Advisory Committee to meet today
The Boston Redevelopment's Waterfront Municipal Harbor Planning Advisory Committee will meet today from 3pm-5pm in the Fort Point room on the second floor of 290 Congress Street. Among the items that the committee will hear about is the plans from the owners of James Hook & Co to develop their property.

That would be a great stepdown height into the seaport area. Here's hoping for a great design.
I'd love to see a giant glass lobster claw condo tower.
280' is taller than the surrounding buildings right? Taller than Rowes Wharf, Independence Wharf, and InterContinental Hotel at least. That should be cool if it can look good. This location is crying out for a cool design.
Maybe it will be even taller now that developers have figured out they don't have to include mechanicals/crowns/spires in their public disclosures. I appreciate the hell out of this new trend!
Not bad. A good infill. We need more small towers like it along the Greenway.
That's quite nice. One thing it really demonstrates is that the problem in the seaport is not height, so much as width. I guess the floor plate requirements for office space dictate the stumps, but hopefully we'll get enough slender residential structures filling in as the area becomes more complete.
Quick screen grab:


I really like this design. It is simple, slender, and not out of place amongst its neighbors.
If I had a boat, it would be really fuckin cool to pull my boat up to that dock, walk up to Hook, and eat a lobster out on that porch in the summer.

I like this building and hope they build it.
It's okay. Looks like the old 888 Boylston proposal.
Agree with the consensus...this is a great design for this plot. Attractive building, right height, everything.
I'm on board with just about anything that gets us more outdoor waterfront dining.
It looks awesome. There are not enough glass buildings like that downtown. I'm curious what the other side looks like. Looks like it would be around 300 feet could be taller but i guess zoning is zoning.
So will the side facing the Greenway be garage entrance, drop off zone, etc?
