Key MBTA Bus Routes

Back of the Hill (rt 39 bus shares it with E Line) now has a box painted on the street that says "BUS" in it. How... useful? Alot of the improvements are simply putting trees by stops. I'm not sure any of this is helping, but okay. *shrugs*

Now they can get rid of that absolutely stupid and unnecessary stop on the E-line. Heath St/VA Medical Center is what, 800 feet away?
Now they can get rid of that absolutely stupid and unnecessary stop on the E-line. Heath St/VA Medical Center is what, 800 feet away?

Back of the Hill and Fenwood Rd are the most obnoxious stations in the entire MBTA! For an agency that hates street running, they sure love to keep their useless in-street stations!


I do use Back of the Hill inbound, though, on lunch break. That way I can grab the 39 or the train. It is best for determining which will arrive first. But even then, I could just wait at the previous 39 stop, and walk to the Heath St Loop if a train is coming.
Woke up today to discover that the 57 bus route had its stops moved!

Now, was that so difficult, Charlie?
I wound up moderating a small debate between a rider and the bus driver about a moved stop in Brighton Center. The Market Street outbound 57 bus stop was moved to the far-side, in front of the bank. The bus driver pointed out that this has helped speed up the bus considerably, because it always used to get stuck multiple cycles at the light due to the three closely spaced stops along Washington Street. But the rider was making a connection to the 86 bus to Cambridge which used to be very convenient, since it is right at the corner in front of Joey's, but now he has to run back to make it (and wound up nearly missing it).

Trying to strike a balance here is what's really tricky about these kind of improvements. If it didn't take three years turnaround to move a bus stop, it might be worth trying to refine it.
From the uploaded "update" file ( 6-21-13 Update.pdf)
Key Bus Routes ProjectUpdate
8/19/13 – 9/6/13
Construction is continuing on the MBTA Key Bus Routes Project, including MBTA ContractD30CN01 Bus
Route&Systemwide Improvements by McCourt Construction and MBTA ContractD01CN02
Enhancementsto Key Bus Routes 23 and 39 Project by LM Heavy Civil Construction. Routes 15, 22, 23,
28, 32, 39, 57, 66, 116/117 will continue to be under construction. Please note below the areas
impacted by scheduled work overthe nextthree weeks.
- Centre Street/Seaverns Ave (DBE work)
- Centre Street/St.John Street(DBE work)
- S.Huntington/Perkins Street(DBE work)
- Talbot/Dot Ave
- South St/Sedgewick Street(DBE work)
- Route #15 onDudley St andHancock St
- Route #32 onHyde Park Ave
- Route #66 including Tremont St,Huntington Ave,Harvard St, Brighton Ave, Cambridge St,North
Harvard St
- Route #57 includingGalen St, Tremont St, Washington St, Cambridge St, Brighton Ave, and
Commonwealth Ave
- Striping on Routes #22, 23, 28, 32, 39, 57, 66, 116/117
- Electrical work at Kenmore Station, ForestHills Station, Ruggles Station, Ashmont Station,
Wonderland Station, Wollaston Station, Alewife Station (DBE work)
- Bike Cage work at Alewife Station, Wollaston Station,Dudley Station (DBE work)
I think 57 is largely done now. I just noticed today that the 66 has finally had some more stops moved around in Allston. Franklin Street is now a far-side stop.
Benches and barrels ready to be installed.

They've started on the Number 1. I got off a Harvard bound No. 1 at Mass Ave opposite Westland last night and the bus driver very kindly told everyone that the stop is being moved down the block. There were people waiting to board there, but the sign had been removed and there were preparations on the Dudley bound side to remove the bus shelter there. There was no "Bus Stop Has Been Moved" sign up yet and there was work going on at the new stop, so I think the drivers are still treating it like a current stop. Now if only they can get the City to move the Norway St pedestrian light down the block closer to the new stop location.


Busiest way-stop on the 57 bus, Union Sq, with connection to 66. I thought they had passed it up.

You can barely walk through there now when people are waiting for the bus. Fantastic
Bleh, they managed to screw it up and missed a good opportunity.

Is there some sort of rule at BTD and the T that they are not allowed to provide more than 5 feet of clearance on a sidewalk?
I wonder how many people are confused by the former 1 stop at Comm Ave since the bus shelters are still there
It took them a month or so to get rid of the old 57/66 bus shelters in Union square. I would see people standing there and waiting. One time I had to explain it to 3 separate people within the span of 5 minutes as I was passing through there and back quickly.
I don't understand why people aren't being ticketed for parking in the brand new bus boxes. They're fucking painted boxes. How can you miss it? People will never learn unless you ticket them! (Looking at you, Huntington Ave opposite Wigglesworth, 39 Outbound)
I don't understand why people aren't being ticketed for parking in the brand new bus boxes. They're fucking painted boxes. How can you miss it? People will never learn unless you ticket them! (Looking at you, Huntington Ave opposite Wigglesworth, 39 Outbound)

Don't Block the Box was never enforced on Huntington either. Irked me every day that I lived over there.
