Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

Which carrier blinks first from Boston - Doha/Dubai/Istanbul/Tel Aviv?

I guess I am still just surprised that Boston will have non-stop flights to all of them. I can easily understand having flights to 1, or 2 (same goes for cities like Miami, or Atlanta). But to have non-stop flights to all 4 is incredible for Boston.
Which carrier blinks first from Boston - Doha/Dubai/Istanbul/Tel Aviv?

I don't see Emirates leaving anytime soon, just because they are an aggressive airline and couldn't care less about losing money in the short term on Boston. They will do whatever they can/need to drive competitors out of the market.

I don't think El Al is competing with Emirates because 95% of travelers are going to Israel, and Emirates doesn't serve Israel. However, they would be the most likely to pull out first if things aren't going well.
Here's the cherry on top for recent flight announcements.

2 weekly (Mon/Fri) Boston-Manchester UK on Thomas Cook Airlines.



eff 30MAY16 Manchester – Boston

TCX724 MAN1300 – 1450BOS 330 5
TCX862 MAN1300 – 1450BOS 330 1

TCX725 BOS1735 – 0445+1MAN 330 5
TCX863 BOS1735 – 0445+1MAN 330 1

Good route for tourism in New England though I wonder if it connects to other holiday destinations across the pond like Funchal/Canary Islands/Egyptian Red Sea/Greek Isles.
Massport released the March numbers for Logan.

YTD Passengers: 6,754,186 (up 3.8% over 2014)
YTD Domestic Passengers: 5,713,133 (up 2.3% over 2014)
YTD International Passengers: 1,024,017 (up 13.4% over 2014)

March Passengers: 2,704,714 (up 5.8% over March 2014)
March Domestic Passengers: 2,307,210 (up 5.1% over March 2014)
March International Passengers: 390,578 (up 10.2 % over March 2014)


Europe Flights - 194 passengers
Middle East - 238 passengers
Asia - 174 passengers
Central America - 103 passengers

Which carrier blinks first from Boston - Doha/Dubai/Istanbul/Tel Aviv?

I guess I am still just surprised that Boston will have non-stop flights to all of them. I can easily understand having flights to 1, or 2 (same goes for cities like Miami, or Atlanta). But to have non-stop flights to all 4 is incredible for Boston.

Mass -- look at the growth figures for International Travel at Logan -- that's the true growth market

I'm fully expecting that by the time of "the Olympics" or the "Not Olympics" that International travel might almost double from where it is so far with the majority of the growth being to Middle East & Asia -- the losers will be some of the European Flag Carriers who provided the easy connections in FRA, LHR, etc.
Cool stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Pix from that:



In partial answer to my own question, I think that the interior shot is actually not in the expansion. The floor plans don't show any rest or food court area in the new footprint, so I suspect the render is of the current food court location between E5 and E6. Either that, or amphitheatre seating is the newest thing in hold rooms.
Woohoo, transparent jet bridges! How freakin cool is that! European airports have had them for years! Glad to see we're finally catching up!!
Looks world class. What are they doing about the rest of the terminal? (I don't expect you to have the answer, more of a rhetorical question :))

Definitely an upgrade and very functional looking, but world class? Maybe in the world of US airports it is competitive, but I can think of 50 international airports that are WAY more architecturally impressive. Not complaining (I'm good with functional), just keeping it real. ;)
Definitely an upgrade and very functional looking, but world class? Maybe in the world of US airports it is competitive, but I can think of 50 international airports that are WAY more architecturally impressive. Not complaining (I'm good with functional), just keeping it real. ;)

Architecturally impressive isn't really my standard, and I'm not saying it's #1. It looks like a newer European facility (not Doha, Beijing or Dubai, just Vienna or Munich), is all I'm saying.
Architecturally impressive isn't really my standard, and I'm not saying it's #1. It looks like a newer European facility (not Doha, Beijing or Dubai, just Vienna or Munich), is all I'm saying.
I agree. Dual Jetway Loading is new for Logan, isn't it? That we're leaping to Triple Jetway is, I agree, pretty special (after all, how many airports in the world will ever get A380s?) I'd say A380-ready = World Class.
Where is Terminal C?

Different project, but renderings have been provided for that as well. Not quite as exciting. I'll find them when I have more time.

In the immediate sense, Terminal C is on the opposite side of the building from the renders. It's not shown.

Also, triple-jetway is exciting. Unfortunately, from the rendering it appears that main cabin passengers will be boarding through the center fuel tank... :)
Cool stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Pix from that:




Might as well have the drawings from last Autumn to further illucidate the discussion

Btw, the floor plans for the A380 accommodations are here:

From PDF: http://www.massport.com/capitalprog...6-D1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFO TERMIMLA PLANS_1-8.pdf
(The images are lower quality than I had hoped for when I exported them from the PDF. The PDF is a nice CAD export with really crisp lines you can zoom in on if you are interested in exploring further.)








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Architecturally impressive isn't really my standard, and I'm not saying it's #1. It looks like a newer European facility (not Doha, Beijing or Dubai, just Vienna or Munich), is all I'm saying.

With all due respect, have you been to the Vienna airport? It's on par with LaGuardia (worst in the US), if not worse.

Europe has some nice airports (Zurich, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm). These are largely smaller airports in smaller cities... just as many of the nicer US airports are in places like Sarasota, FL, or Seattle.

But plenty - like their US counterparts - were built in earlier eras and very expensive/difficult to renovate (look at Berlin's Brandenburg Airport debacle). So they remain either fully outdated (Berlin, Milan, Rome), or a hodgepodge of gross old facilities and some newer additions tacked on, similar to Logan, JFK, etc., etc. Most of Europe's bigger airports (Munich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam's Schiphol, Heathrow) and plenty of others (Geneva, Madrid, and Dublin (at least when I saw Dublin last 10 yrs ago)) are in that boat, IMO.

If you want to feel bad, go to Zurich's airport. But it's not that representative, even of Switzerland (the only other real airport in the country, in Geneva, is gross). Logan is on par with most, and a JFK is probably actually ahead of the Euro pack after its many recent renovations ... just don't let the horrendous roads leading in/out of JFK factor into the equation.
With all due respect, have you been to the Vienna airport? It's on par with LaGuardia (worst in the US), if not worse.

Europe has some nice airports (Zurich, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm). These are largely smaller airports in smaller cities... just as many of the nicer US airports are in places like Sarasota, FL, or Seattle.

But plenty - like their US counterparts - were built in earlier eras and very expensive/difficult to renovate (look at Berlin's Brandenburg Airport debacle). So they remain either fully outdated (Berlin, Milan, Rome), or a hodgepodge of gross old facilities and some newer additions tacked on, similar to Logan, JFK, etc., etc. Most of Europe's bigger airports (Munich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam's Schiphol, Heathrow) and plenty of others (Geneva, Madrid, and Dublin (at least when I saw Dublin last 10 yrs ago)) are in that boat, IMO.

If you want to feel bad, go to Zurich's airport. But it's not that representative, even of Switzerland (the only other real airport in the country, in Geneva, is gross). Logan is on par with most, and a JFK is probably actually ahead of the Euro pack after its many recent renovations ... just don't let the horrendous roads leading in/out of JFK factor into the equation.
Flughafen Wien is a really bizarre airport. Terminal 1A is a temporary-turned-permanent check-in pavilion for the budget airlines and used translucent polycarbonate (to achieve an effect ala Kunsthaus Bregenz) to try to liven up what amounts to a stark warehouse. Terminal 1 was recently redone in 2013, lightening up the space with bright lights & white paint. It's got a similar feel (on a smaller scale) to Terminal C at Logan. The new Terminal 3 (SkyLink "Star Alliance Terminal") is beautiful though.

How long has it been since you've been to VIE? It's very much an airport in flux, trying to modernize itself. Calling it on par with LaGuardia is a bit much.
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Zeroing on the new work
camparing the renders with the floorplans
Cool stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Pix from that:




Might as well have the drawings from last Autumn to further illucidate the discussion

Btw, the floor plans for the A380 accommodations are here:

From PDF: http://www.massport.com/capitalprog...6-D1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFO TERMIMLA PLANS_1-8.pdf
(The images are lower quality than I had hoped for when I exported them from the PDF. The PDF is a nice CAD export with really crisp lines you can zoom in on if you are interested in exploring further.)



How long has it been since you've been to VIE? It's very much an airport in flux, trying to modernize itself. Calling it on par with LaGuardia is a bit much.

About 1 year (Feb 2014). I may have missed the recently redone terminal - but the LaGuardia analogy worked for what I saw. The parts of Vienna airport that I have been in are actually worse than most of LaGuardia, which also has made a few (half-hearted) attempts to spruce itself up here and there (and LaGuardia's Marine Air Terminal is one of my favorite pieces of airport infrastructure anywhere).
