MA Casino Developments

Riff -- Gasoline costs an extra $ per gallon in CA because of their regulating -- and there is absolutely no evidence that their Byzantine web of extra regulations has made them any healthier or even happier
It's not about making them healthier out there. It's about mitigating the problems brought on by spreading 15 million people throughout the LA area where everyone drives everywhere they go polluting the hell out of the air. All in a place with no natural water sources. They need to overregulate and conserve to survive, not as a goody two shoes we're saving the world kind of way. They may try to put that mask on it to make it seem less like, "We F'd up royally over the last 60 years, now you're all going to pay dearly for our poor planning. Enjoy the freeways!!"
They're actually not located there. They don't disclose the real location of their office on the website. I've been to their real office which is nearby.

The false address thing is super shady.

Gambling brings the excitement out of people: It's the Ultimate rush when your winning:
The downside of Gambling could lead to darkness especially when you lose everything.

I'm assuming they don't really want people to know were they are located incase one of their customers loses everything: Which could lead to desperate situation on which could be harmful to their employees:
This is the negative side of the industry.

If you get my drift.
I'm assuming they don't really want people to know were they are located incase one of their customers loses everything: Which could lead to desperate situation
Totally. Addictions ruin peoples lives and drive some addicts to be a threat to themselves or others. You and I agree on that, and would not have chosen a Casino, but proponents are aware of this downside too, and in weighing things are willing to live with the social risks (including a few dangerous losers) in exchange for brownfield cleanup, construction jobs, service jobs, tourism, road improvements, extended Orange Line hours, and tax revenue.
It's not about making them healthier out there. It's about mitigating the problems brought on by spreading 15 million people throughout the LA area where everyone drives everywhere they go polluting the hell out of the air. All in a place with no natural water sources. They need to overregulate and conserve to survive, not as a goody two shoes we're saving the world kind of way. They may try to put that mask on it to make it seem less like, "We F'd up royally over the last 60 years, now you're all going to pay dearly for our poor planning. Enjoy the freeways!!"

+1 ---------I hope MASS Leaders see this:
If I was the Governor: I would clean house in the MBTA also no more pensions: 401K like the private sector so Wall Street can swindle those too.'

Mass needs to invest BIG MONEY in clean efficient transportation system: I would also force the Non-Profits especially the colleges to PONY up money now for a new clean, efficient TRANSPORTATION GRID.

I would also have MIT come up with a GRID that can be Energy self-sufficient to our community: This would be HUGE
Gambling brings the excitement out of people: It's the Ultimate rush when your winning:
The downside of Gambling could lead to darkness especially when you lose everything.

I'm assuming they don't really want people to know were they are located incase one of their customers loses everything: Which could lead to desperate situation on which could be harmful to their employees:
This is the negative side of the industry.

If you get my drift.

Woah woah. Careful there. I believe the official DraftKings PR claim is that they are "Game of Skill" where people use "Advanced Statistical Analysis" to win (or lose).
They're actually not located there. They don't disclose the real location of their office on the website. I've been to their real office which is nearby.

The false address thing is super shady.

Super shady? False address?

Here's a PDF by their leasing agent blasting to anyone who cares to read that they relocated to 125 Summer St. (right-hand column, 4th bullet up)

Lots of references from Googling that Draft Kings is at 125 Summer St. as well.

Why should there be any reason to perceive the 265 Franklin St. address as anything other than a holdover from when they used to be based there? What am I missing?
Super shady? False address?

Here's a PDF by their leasing agent blasting to anyone who cares to read that they relocated to 125 Summer St. (right-hand column, 4th bullet up)

Lots of references from Googling that Draft Kings is at 125 Summer St. as well.

Why should there be any reason to perceive the 265 Franklin St. address as anything other than a holdover from when they used to be based there? What am I missing?

Having to go through the leasing agent to find that info is pretty obscure to most people but it doesn't matter I've talked to people who work there. They keep that address specifically as a mailing address.
Having to go through the leasing agent to find that info is pretty obscure to most people but it doesn't matter I've talked to people who work there. They keep that address specifically as a mailing address.
I'd say you've made a good case combining circumstantial evidence and direct testimony. Anyone who wants to know Draft Kings address isn't going to think Jones Lang LaSalle has the best answer (and JLL is just tooting its own horn, not facilitating customer connections).
Woah woah. Careful there. I believe the official DraftKings PR claim is that they are "Game of Skill" where people use "Advanced Statistical Analysis" to win (or lose).

Those are the sicko's: People like that think they are smarter than everybody else and when they realize their are variables that they can't control they lose it.

The regular gambling degenerates are already losers anyways.
Woah woah. Careful there. I believe the official DraftKings PR claim is that they are "Game of Skill" where people use "Advanced Statistical Analysis" to win (or lose).

On the question of "game of skill" vs "gambling", fantasy sports such as DraftKings and FanDuel fit in the exact same category as poker in my book. Both should not entirely be considered "gambling" (like table games, scratch tickets, or slots) as skilled and sophisticated players can and do win in in the long run. If DraftKings is legal, online poker should be too.

The flip side of these platforms being games of skill is that the far majority of people are not nearly as skilled and sophisticated as they think they are. What you end up with is a handful of consistent winners but many, many more losers. Most players just end up becoming money-losing "whales" that the winning "sharks" can take advantage of.
If DraftKings is legal, online poker should be too.
By that logic (and I generally agree with it) then sports-betting and all prediction markets are no more and no less gambling than the stock market. My conclusion is that these should be legal and regulated.
Agree here. Any sort of a system where you are playing against other players rather than playing against the house should be legal and regulated.
By that logic (and I generally agree with it) then sports-betting and all prediction markets are no more and no less gambling than the stock market.

I wouldn't go that far. In betting and prediction markets, each transaction that creates a winner must create an equal and opposite loser (and when the house cut is figured in then the loser loses even more). This is not true in the stock market. In the long run, the average stock increases in value while the average bet does not pay off. An investment in the stock market is, in a way, the same as a bet in a casino but where the investor gets the advantage of the house. Say what you will about Wall Street shenanigans and everything being stacked against the little guy, but it is still true that if an average Joe goes out and buys a passively-managed broad-based index fund or ETF, he will win in the long run (even when taking fees into account). An equally diversified betting strategy will yield no gain in the long run, and when the house cut is taken into account the bettor will come out a loser.

There's also the whole related aspect of the stock market serving a productive social function (the raising and efficient allocation of capital for business investment) while betting and predictive markets are just for fun.
Taunton casino moving forward:

Maybe it's time to pull the plug on the Brockton casino across the street from their high school?
Probably has always been the long shot. But, the across from a high school angle is so played out and pointless.
How dare you open a legal business where impressional young adults can see it? It needs to be hidden as if it's not something you want them to do when old enough to make their own decisions. This is what makes young folks want to do things more. If it's legal why hide it?
Probably has always been the long shot. But, the across from a high school angle is so played out and pointless.
How dare you open a legal business where impressional young adults can see it? It needs to be hidden as if it's not something you want them to do when old enough to make their own decisions. This is what makes young folks want to do things more. If it's legal why hide it?

Pointing out that the Brockton casino is across from the high school isn't a morality dig... It is a dig at this being a truly terrible location.
Well. Like many. I will also disagree. When I outlined two places in Brockton a couple years ago that could support a casino. This was number one of two.

I am sorry to see that for Springfield, which seemed to be trying to use the casino as a revitalization tool for their decrepit downtown. Granted, hedging on a casino for revitalization is fools gold at best, but this sure seems like a bait and switch by MGM.

Although I did not following the casino placement award shenanigans very closely, I would suspect that the awarding of the Springfield site over others was in large part due to the size and scope of the proposal. If so, I'd like to see the state step up and yank the award.
Who would pay for a hotel room at mgm Springfield? This place has Atlantic city bankruptcy written all over it.
