MA Casino Developments

I will stipulate that Wynn's Casino itself will be an island of luxury and prosperity. No one can reasonably doubt that. He is the best in the world at what he does and we are lucky/smart to have picked him.

Well said and I'll give the voters of Everett credit for taking a chance/voting for/welcoming this 'island of luxury and prosterity' into their midst. Only time will tell if the thousands of jobs created and property taxes paid, will indeed, lift up the fortunes of Everett.
We are 7/8ths of the way there, and I'd argue that the Red Sox, Pats, Bruins, & Celtics would've been Boston's "high-end/high-roller leisure" bullet point to fill in Boston's list without the need for a Casino.

Alington -- the one really loose element in the whole Casino Universe is a company called Draft Kings -- quite successfully developing global internet sports betting

ironically they are located in the heart of the Boston's traditional financial district in the one time iconic State Street Bank Building
DraftKings, Inc.
225 Franklin St.
26th Floor
Boston, MA 02110

Well said and I'll give the voters of Everett credit for taking a chance/voting for/welcoming this 'island of luxury and prosterity' into their midst. Only time will tell if the thousands of jobs created and property taxes paid, will indeed, lift up the fortunes of Everett.

Give Everett Voters Credit: Yeah there voters upgraded from death to gambling issues its definitely an upgrade from Monsanto:

Monsanto Stunned – California Confirms ‘Roundup’ Will Be Labeled “Cancer Causing”

Monsanto was seemingly baffled by the decision to place cancer-causing glyphosate on the state’s list of nearly 800 toxic chemicals.

How about an investigation on why the land is contaminated in the first place in Everett?
Who were the individuals that signed Monsanto free and clear to leave the state without cleaning the land? Talk about your leaders doing the right thing.
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I think the casino is going to wind up being tied far more to Assembly, and watever happens at Sullivan than to Everett. The site is kind of on an island as it is, so I think that, plus the surrounding prosparity, may help insulate it from the Atlantic City effect.

If anything, it will probably catalyze gateway center into being redeveloped into Assembly part deux. Even if not, worst case scenario things stay as they are now.
It is true that Casino's are not the "savior" that some make them out to be, and some even go out of business a few years after opening. (I've seen a shuttered one in St. Louis...maybe a former Winstar )(?)....these are your average/run-of-the-mill casino's-nothing five star caliber....BUT, with that said, I truly believe that if Wynn builds a clone of his Vegas casino in Everett, or something close, it will be an absolute win for Boston and the state. There is nothing on that level around here. I do not believe we will see busloads of grannies riding in for a few hours to play bingo. They will still go to Foxwoods/Mohegan Sun/Atlantic City. Wynn is aiming for the top tier, and if you look at the demographics, Boston and environs are exactly that. Why is Wegman's (higher-end supermarkets) doing so well here? Because we have the upper income consumers which support their concept very well. Remember Anthony's Pier 4? It was the top grossing revenue restaurant in the country at one time. Why? It was the ultimate destination for special occasions and fine dining experience. Why? Because it was over-the-top luxury. A permanently docked cruise ship sat next to the restaurant, where one would go for cocktails and to browse the outrageously expensive "gift shop", while waiting for your seating in the main dining areas.(even if you couldn't afford anything, it was fun just to look).....the Blizzard of 1978 flipped the shipped over and sank it. The Icon was gone forever, and the restaurant never really was the same afterward.....sorry to go off subject, but the point is: go for the best. It looks like WYNN/Boston will be the best.
Who were the individuals that signed Monsanto free and clear to leave the state without cleaning the land? Talk about your leaders doing the right thing.

That is the real scandal. Homeowners are harassed by DEP for mowing their lawns too close to wetlands and the state lets a major chemical company walk away from toxic waste next to a river.
Pretty sure that is only the portion of the site where Costco is now located.
That's how I read the PDF's part about a "regional shopping center" (and the dirt-cap on top of the brownfield is why all buildings (Costco, Chuck E Cheese, Target...) and all parking at the Gateway Center Everett (from 16 to the river)is about 15' higher than surroundings.
I think the casino is going to wind up being tied far more to Assembly, and watever happens at Sullivan than to Everett. The site is kind of on an island as it is, so I think that, plus the surrounding prosperity, may help insulate it from the Atlantic City effect.

If anything, it will probably catalyze gateway center into being redeveloped into Assembly part deux. Even if not, worst case scenario things stay as they are now.

Gateway center would really need to extend the river walk on that side of the river to go under the bridge and connect to the Wynn resort. I hope Everett can make that happen. And a convenient pedestrian bridge would be key to the ability to drive foot traffic to and from Assembly.

A bus shuttle from Sullivan Square station could help to drive foot traffic to Sullivan Square depending on how it was done.

I could see maybe one additional hotel across the street from Wynn next to the power station, but otherwise it is hard to see those few blocks of residential and existing mixed use getting enough benefit from proximity to Wynn to justify much redevelopment in the near term.

According to this letter, Monsanto didn't just walk away. Maybe they should have done more but that's another issue.

I'll point out a couple things:

(1) It is still an active Superfund site.

(2) If another party voluntarily cleans up a Superfund site, they can sue the polluter to recover the costs for the cleanup.

So, it seems it is still possible for Wynn to sue Solutia for the cost of clean up. (And note, as shown in the pdf, it is Solutia, not Monsanto that is the responsible party; although the current Monsanto has agreed to indemnify what is now Pfizer against any lawsuits against Solutia, so stuff could lead back to the current Monsanto).
You've been to Atlantic City? Baltimore? East St Louis? New Orleans?
I think that (along with the Monaco question) misses the point, which is that Casinos don't really have much impact at all. Places that are poor and distressed remain poor and distressed. Places that are wealthy and dynamic remain wealthy and dynamic. Fortunately, Boston is decidedly in the latter camp.
I'll point out a couple things:

(1) It is still an active Superfund site.

(2) If another party voluntarily cleans up a Superfund site, they can sue the polluter to recover the costs for the cleanup.

So, it seems it is still possible for Wynn to sue Solutia for the cost of clean up. (And note, as shown in the pdf, it is Solutia, not Monsanto that is the responsible party; although the current Monsanto has agreed to indemnify what is now Pfizer against any lawsuits against Solutia, so stuff could lead back to the current Monsanto).

I am pretty sure that the document shown is NOT for the Wynn site. It is for the Mystic View parcel where the big boxes are located. Like many sites, the Monsanto property was split up. The site Wynn acquired is called the Transfer Site. The docs for this one are located here:
Question: Why wasn't the SITE just cleaned up?

By what party? The state? The feds? Monsanto? Based on what happened, the only way that site was going to be cleaned was if a developer cleaned it. Wynn has been the only developer to bite.
Give Everett Voters Credit: Yeah there voters upgraded from death to gambling issues its definitely an upgrade from Monsanto:

Monsanto Stunned – California Confirms ‘Roundup’ Will Be Labeled “Cancer Causing”

Monsanto was seemingly baffled by the decision to place cancer-causing glyphosate on the state’s list of nearly 800 toxic chemicals.

Riff -- Gasoline costs an extra $ per gallon in CA because of their regulating -- and there is absolutely no evidence that their Byzantine web of extra regulations has made them any healthier or even happier

By the way there used to be an database at MIT with 4 columns:
  • Col 1 substance common name -- e.g. Water
  • Col 2 substance chemical name -- e.g. Dihydrogen Monoxide
  • Col 3 does it Laze -- yes -- under appropriate conditions
  • Col 4 does it cause Cancer -- yes under appropriate conditions in lab animals

Moral of the story hit it hard enough it will Laze -- get too much of it in / on you it will cause cancer
While it may have originated at MIT the "BAN Dihydrogen Monoxide!!" joke has been around for a very long time.

And to compare the chemicals typically manufactured at a Monsanto plant with water is disingenuous at best.
Alington -- the one really loose element in the whole Casino Universe is a company called Draft Kings -- quite successfully developing global internet sports betting

ironically they are located in the heart of the Boston's traditional financial district in the one time iconic State Street Bank Building
DraftKings, Inc.
225 Franklin St.
26th Floor
Boston, MA 02110


They're actually not located there. They don't disclose the real location of their office on the website. I've been to their real office which is nearby.

The false address thing is super shady.
While it may have originated at MIT the "BAN Dihydrogen Monoxide!!" joke has been around for a very long time.

And to compare the chemicals typically manufactured at a Monsanto plant with water is disingenuous at best.

Staler -- you missed the point -- the dihydrogen monoxide was just a trivial example

The table [it was on paper back a few decades ago] was an active evolving table based on studies of the various materials as the studies were published

The point was as I said both Lazing or Lasing if you prefer and Cancer are normal responses of systems to extreme stimuli or highly unusual situations

Another way to look at it is as MythBusters showed -- you can cook with C-4 -- it just burns

However, subject the same handful of explosive stuff to a small trigger explosion from a blasting cap and it will level your house
