Can anyone walk in and sit in on the meeting?
I wish this was being built here instead of the current proposal.
Just so you can feel a bit vindicated, that building reminds me of IP, which I think is incredibly ugly. I much prefer the tall/slim massing of the Filene's proposal.
Just so you can feel a bit vindicated, that building reminds me of IP, which I think is incredibly ugly. I much prefer the tall/slim massing of the Filene's proposal.
When KentXie originally posted this, I thought " each his own" thinking that most forumers would think this was deadeningly bland, so I'm a little surprised to see that others actively like this (though again, it's a free country). The actual renderings are also uninspired, I think, but then no one seems genuinely excited by them.
How in the heck can that remind you of International Place?
I mean, I guess everyone has their own taste.
I guess they do. I'm just an layman when it comes to architecture, but personally I find One Museum Park too busy. While I admit the 1 IP link is a stretch, from the angle in the photograph, One Museum Park strikes me as another round tower with a smaller tower randomly grafted onto/into it. Also, I wasn't saying that I prefer the Filene's proposal itself, just that with regards to massing, I would prefer stealing Legacy Tower from Chicago instead.