Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

Not open for further replies. night you can see how much isn't windows on the upper floors, it kind of looks weird from the outside.

When MT is done there won't be empty floors backlit by construction lights. At night, chances are more of the windows will be dark than not. This particular argument really has no bearing on the finished product.
Times square is one of the worst places on earth. Can we please stop idolizing it?

For the month of December I worked in Times Square, 7th and 40th. Mercifully my subway stop was directly across the street so I didn't really have to interact with it too much, but two thoughts: the constant crush of people of all types--not just idiot tourists--at all times is both exhilarating and exhausting; and the jacked up prices for anything resembling good food was always annoying.
1. You are comparing a residential tower's glass to an office building's glass.
2. You are comparing MT to possibly the best cladding in the world. (not best TOWER, for instance I would still say JHT is better than 4 WTC, because 4 has its awkward angles.... but that glass..... drool.....)

True and true. I would also add that there are so many dull glass boxes going up all over the place (not just Boston) that they're dragging down my opinion of glass in general. As for an example of a residential with good glass, umm, Trump Chicago?
Yeah. No one likes Times Square except wide-eyed tourists.

They don't like it so much as they are in shock. And when you are walking to work and they are standing there slack jawed you only want to harass them more.

DTX should be DTX, not anything different.
But if we're not like Times Square however will we get a Bubba Gump's and a Guy Fieri restaurant?
Since we're off topic, I like Times Square. I don't like the overpriced restaurants or bars, I don't like shopping there, and I don't want to have to be there. However, I do like passing through when I'm visiting. I like the lights and I enjoy the crush of people at all hours. I love taking someone unfamiliar with New York there. It's a fascinating site- still- to me. It will never be a place I stop and get food (why on earth would you?!), but I'm in the city once every two months or so and I always make a pass through. I sympathize with anyone who has to be there or works in the area. I get annoyed with a few extra college kids on the subway. I couldn't deal with that every day.

On topic, I like the bleachers at MT. I think it'll be a nice spot for a bit of respite and a nice view of the (hopefully) throngs of people on Washington St. as the neighborhood revitalizes. I think this area is going to be outstanding.
Since we're off topic, I like Times Square. I don't like the overpriced restaurants or bars, I don't like shopping there, and I don't want to have to be there. However, I do like passing through when I'm visiting. I like the lights and I enjoy the crush of people at all hours. I love taking someone unfamiliar with New York there. It's a fascinating site- still- to me. It will never be a place I stop and get food (why on earth would you?!), but I'm in the city once every two months or so and I always make a pass through. I sympathize with anyone who has to be there or works in the area. I get annoyed with a few extra college kids on the subway. I couldn't deal with that every day.
This. I love going to Time Square or Madison Square Garden at 2-4 am in the morning and standing in awe how the area is still so brightly lit and bustling with pedestrians that it literally feels like it is no later than 9 pm.
Yeah. No one likes Times Square except wide-eyed tourists.

Yeah, God forbid tourists ever come to Boston.

Let's keep it like it was in Mayor Curley's time.

A Times Square....or a Picadilly Circus.....or a Quincy Market serve purposes despite the local curmudgeons who somehow economically benefit from what happens in those god forsaken hellholes.

Tomorrow night I'm taking the family for 8 days to London. At some point we'll hit Abbey Road and walk across the street single file while someone takes our picture and some unhappy locals sneer on the sidewalk. Fuck 'em. Let them wallow in their ultracool unhappiness.

If you fear that your IQ will be irreparably harmed, then don't go there.......but enjoy the modern international airport and world class restaurants that sprout up around the city because of those 'idiot tourists'.

Sorry for being so uncool, but I'll take Boston 2015 over Boston 1955 any day of the week. And Times Square 2015 over Times Square 1975 also.

I hear Detroit is wicked authentic, though.
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Yeah, God forbid tourists ever come to Boston.

Let's keep it like it was in Mayor Curley's time.

A Times Square....or a Picadilly Circus.....or a Quincy Market serve purposes despite the local curmudgeons who somehow economically benefit from what happens in those god forsaken hellholes.

Tomorrow night I'm taking the family for 8 days to London. At some point we'll hit Abbey Road and walk across the street single file while someone takes our picture and some unhappy locals sneer on the sidewalk. Fuck 'em. Let them wallow in their ultracool unhappiness.

If you fear that your IQ will be irreparably harmed, then don't go there.......but enjoy the modern international airport and world class restaurants that sprout up around the city because of those 'idiot tourists'.

Sorry for being so uncool, but I'll take Boston 2015 over Boston 1955 any day of the week. And Times Square 2015 over Times Square 1975 also.

I hear Detroit is wicked authentic, though.

I think you read way more hipster angst into my comment than intended.
Hey if it makes y'all feel better, the Leaning Tower of Pisa probably has it the worst.

Sorry for being so uncool, but I'll take Boston 2015 over Boston 1955 any day of the week.

Anytime someone posts a pic of Boston in the 40's or 50's or early 60's, someone will invariably comment about the 'good ole days of gritty Boston and what we've lost!' And shmessy, I'll always think this as well. Have a blast in London!
Anytime someone posts a pic of Boston in the 40's or 50's or early 60's, someone will invariably comment about the 'good ole days of gritty Boston and what we've lost!' And shmessy, I'll always think this as well. Have a blast in London!

Thanks, den! really looking forward to seeing some incredible architecture in the next few days. Especially pumped about seeing a play next Thursday night at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane....tho' I hear it's haunted! :eek:

But back on point, I'm very happy that they are putting in those bleachers at Millenium Tower no matter how un-Times Square-esque the view will be. Any type of public access urban amenity is a positive. I hope this is a trend of things to come in Boston.
Thanks, den! really looking forward to seeing some incredible architecture in the next few days. Especially pumped about seeing a play next Thursday night at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane....tho' I hear it's haunted! :eek:

But back on point, I'm very happy that they are putting in those bleachers at Millenium Tower no matter how un-Times Square-esque the view will be. Any type of public access urban amenity is a positive. I hope this is a trend of things to come in Boston.

schmessy i sent ya some stuff check it out in a message for your trip
When I walked past the Roche Brothers entrance this afternoon, the door was open, and it looked like the fit out was really far along. I didn't take pics, in a hurry, but opening can't be too far off. I found an early March report that said mid-April was the target, and that looked reasonable from the glimpse I got.

I am very psyched for this place to open. I don't know Roch Bros, don't have one anywhere near where I live, but have heard mostly good things about them. It should be an excellent addition to DTX.
I am very psyched for this place to open. I don't know Roch Bros, don't have one anywhere near where I live, but have heard mostly good things about them. It should be an excellent addition to DTX.

Me too. Excited to have a grocery/snack option at work other than Walgreens.
I grew up in Roche Bros. territory. I'd put it a step up from the Stop & Shops of the World, and a step below the Whole Foods, with pricing that always seems about right. It should fit in nicely as a center piece for a neighborhood of luxury tower dwellers and office drones. Seaport, take note.
I rarely have strong feelings about grocers. But, the one and only time I went to a Roche Bros. I could not wait to get out, and had feelings of nothing but hate as I exited.

I don't know what it was. The layout sucked and was not intuitive. The selection sucked. The prices were awful with so many other options nearby.

I went in with open mind thinking 'I'll give this a shot, never been in one, and I've heard good things'. Left shaking my head.

I have not before or since had any comparable feelings about any grocer. Although, I'm pretty sure I have never been to a Whole Foods, so that could change.
I rarely have strong feelings about grocers. But, the one and only time I went to a Roche Bros. I could not wait to get out, and had feelings of nothing but hate as I exited.

I don't know what it was. The layout sucked and was not intuitive. The selection sucked. The prices were awful with so many other options nearby.

I went in with open mind thinking 'I'll give this a shot, never been in one, and I've heard good things'. Left shaking my head.

I have not before or since had any comparable feelings about any grocer. Although, I'm pretty sure I have never been to a Whole Foods, so that could change.

I dont really have strong feelings. The Roche Bros in Needham is definitely pricy, but that's to be expected. The one in W Rox is pretty good the few times Ive been and more noticeably, the employees there are VERY nice. The Roche brothers (think one is still around) were/are really good guys, community oriented, etc... so I support them on principle regardless..
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