National Politics Thread

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At this point I don't trust anybody:
The Catholic Church
Penn State Scandal

It would not surprise me if Hollywood or Washington was this sick.

People that have power usually abuse it in really evil sadistic ways.
At this point I don't trust anybody:
The Catholic Church
Penn State Scandal

It would not surprise me if Hollywood or Washington was this sick.

People that have power usually abuse it in really evil sadistic ways.

You can't even trust yourself, Rifleman.

Scandal, what scandal?

President Obama has been squeaky clean, according to his closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

“The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” Jarrett said in an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday.

The aide, also a close friend of Obama and his wife Michelle, credited the first couple with being good people and getting good results.

“That’s because that’s who he is—that’s who they are — and I think that’s what really resonates with the American people,” Jarrett said.

Critics of the Obama administration said Jarrett was trying to re-write history.

“This is delusional,” said Tom Fitton, executive director of the government watchdog group Judicial Watch, which has filed numerous lawsuits to illuminate many of the Obama administrations shortcomings.

“The Obama administration has a scandal rap sheet longer than my arm. Between just the IRS abuses, Benghazi, and the Hillary Clinton scandals, this administration was even more corrupt than Nixon’s,” Fitton concluded.

Scandal, what scandal?

President Obama has been squeaky clean, according to his closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

“The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” Jarrett said in an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday.

The aide, also a close friend of Obama and his wife Michelle, credited the first couple with being good people and getting good results.

“That’s because that’s who he is—that’s who they are — and I think that’s what really resonates with the American people,” Jarrett said.

Critics of the Obama administration said Jarrett was trying to re-write history.

“This is delusional,” said Tom Fitton, executive director of the government watchdog group Judicial Watch, which has filed numerous lawsuits to illuminate many of the Obama administrations shortcomings.

“The Obama administration has a scandal rap sheet longer than my arm. Between just the IRS abuses, Benghazi, and the Hillary Clinton scandals, this administration was even more corrupt than Nixon’s,” Fitton concluded.

IRS which also targeted (in less numbers) Liberal groups. Maybe, just maybe, the Tea Party groups were being financed with that lovely Koch money and deserved audit? Oh, and the FBI's systematic targeting and dismantling of the Occupy movement - but, oh, boo hoo, its all about the right being targeted.

Benghazi? You mean those millions spent by the Republican House committee that came up with... well, nothing. You know, except for House Republicans continuously ignored requests to increase funding for embassy security. Right. Huge fucking scandal.

Hillary Clinton scandals? You mean the email server? No smoking gun, again - even after a full FBI investigation showing that there was no criminal wrong doing/intent.

Scandal, what scandal?

President Obama has been squeaky clean, according to his closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

“The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” Jarrett said in an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday.

The aide, also a close friend of Obama and his wife Michelle, credited the first couple with being good people and getting good results.

“That’s because that’s who he is—that’s who they are — and I think that’s what really resonates with the American people,” Jarrett said.

Critics of the Obama administration said Jarrett was trying to re-write history.

“This is delusional,” said Tom Fitton, executive director of the government watchdog group Judicial Watch, which has filed numerous lawsuits to illuminate many of the Obama administrations shortcomings.

“The Obama administration has a scandal rap sheet longer than my arm. Between just the IRS abuses, Benghazi, and the Hillary Clinton scandals, this administration was even more corrupt than Nixon’s,” Fitton concluded.

Spoiler alert, Tom Fitton actually has no arms.

But hey, at least we got Trump coming in with:

Trump University scandal
Sexual assault scandal
Hiring practices scandal
Tax scandal
Trump foundation scandal
Illegal immigration scandal (his wife)
Plagiarism scandal (his wife)

I guess you can say that he wanted a head-start before he starts making political scandals on day 1.
Rifle, have you ever considered moving to coos county of NH? Real estate is cheap, there's no traffic except for moose in the road, and you'd be surrounded by like minded people.
You know what? I can deal with president Trump if he grows a spine and goes after Russia with the same degree of assholery. Go after our enemies not our neighbors man. He shouldn't keep proving Putin right by continuing to act as a "useful idiot".

Trump, Gump or Chump.........The concept of freedom, liberty and justice of America is long gone. The American sheep have sold out that concept for SAFETY given by the Corporate machine along with the Federal Govt Agencies.

Dumb American Sheep only cares about Flat Screen TV's, genetically modified foods like Doritos, Double Stuff Oreo Cookies, 2-Liter of Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, video games, Iphones and watching Football.

The millennial generation is going to go down as the worst unprepared generation in history. They will not have a clue when this stock market crashes and there are no more cushy jobs because the corporations have offshored tens of millions of jobs for slave labor-- not only that they are starting to automate with AI and Robotics. The suicide and drug rate will be very high for this generation since they have no communication skills besides texted, snapchat, Instragram, Twitter and facebook. This generation is a bunch of entitle shitheads that have no real work ethic along with no conservative views.

When America crashes I believe China and India will start to lead the world.

Our leaders in Washington got played like suckers following and listening to the globalists agenda.
In America it probably cost a company to hire an employee over a million dollars over a 10 Year time frame with Healthcare, Disability and all the other ridiculous costs like SS, Medicare.
How much does a company pay for labor in China? $3.00 an hour if that. (Destruction of America Currency with 10 years of low interest rates)
Federal Reserve destroy the price mechanism in our free markets that determined the value of goods & services vs supply and demand.
if you notice America is off the gold standard and now the powers to be want cash out of system. Just a system that somebody punches electronic digits backed by nothing when we have missing trillions.

Between the last 30 Years of the Clintons, Bushs and Obama we got sold out for a World Govt concept.
Maybe they all thought they were doing the right thing deep down. But in the end Greed definitely took control of morality.

Washington has made America into an economic experiment that only values corporate earnings not personal freedom or choice.
Just look at the animals that kidnapped that disabled boy---in Chicago perfect example of our society not having value for life
I'm sure that group that kidnapped that boy was probably received EBT cards, Section 8, Food Stamps the deprived of our society.
The reality is the most valuable thing in life is being self-sufficient on your own not depending on anybody. These people have unlimited time with no direction--- IDLE TIME IS THE DEVILS workshop.

Giving generations of welfare, bailouts to the major corporations, stimulus packages to the unions to buy votes have only demoralized the working class generation that actually does the right thing for America's society. The corporate media and society now have you thinking that working at a grocery store, dunks or a gas station is as low as you can be.

Thats where I stand at this point. Trump, Clinton its not going to matter what is coming. America has turned down a dark path with allowing the United State Treasury to print unlimited amounts of money backed by nothing but IOU's.

In the end I believe that America will default on its debts and be forced to sell it military and nuclear arsenal to deal with feeding its people to the same group of Globalists that crash the system in the first place.

Heads we win-- tails you lose

Thats my rant and view what is going on. I'm not liking alot of Trumps moves and I do believe their is a conflict of interest between his businesses and being our president. But Trump was our only hope for America coming back to justice but as you can see he is already backing off from the Clintons and hiring the same group of criminals who have been watching America's Debt rise since Regan years.

I think the real reason Trump is our president is because he is the KING of BANKRUPTCY and that is where America is heading.
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Millennials got fucked by the recession. Get your facts straight. We had no cushy jobs. You keep talking like that and I will get pissed at you personally.

So it looks like Trump just called everyone who thinks Russia is our enemy "stupid". Yeah good job uniting this country, asshat.
Millennials got fucked by the recession. Get your facts straight. We had no cushy jobs. You keep talking like that and I will get pissed at you personally.

So it looks like Trump just called everyone who thinks Russia is our enemy "stupid". Yeah good job uniting this country, asshat.

Listen to yourself we got screwed because of the recession?

1929---great depression
1970's and 80's very uncertain times. a lot of violence in between races. No jobs very high interest rates 20% which setup the 90's along with the boom
The great depression generation was the greatest generation that ever walked this planet to survive that economic castrophre. They understood selflessness, help each other to survive.

The Millennials are nothing more than the entitled generation that was actually born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

My generation would go to the park with a shovel on a day like this to play basketball. The millennials can't leave their house without playing XBOX, IPhone, or get the last update on their Instagram account.

Big difference of generations: The overall Millennials have had LIFE very easy compared to past generations.
Rifle, your generation is also the whiniest bunch who caused the Great Recession while our generation is left to pick up the pieces. Why don't your generation do something about your lack of skills and go to college and get an actual job that pays well? This economy isn't your economy anymore. You don't need manual labor to be successful anymore. You need higher education and more advance skills.

By the way, those who are on welfare are not those who are from millennial generation but are the poor citizens of red states with no education and belongs to the generations prior to the millennial so don't even kid yourself.

And we are the generation who will have to support your poor ass because your generation didn't put enough money into their retirement fund to survive until you die. You guys are our burden to carry.
Scientifically speaking, boomers were found to be the most narcissistic generation, as evidenced by your whining about Millennials.

Oh poor you, apparently our parents didn't beat us enough. Thing is, the boomers did (our parents), literally and figuratively.
Rifle, your generation is also the whiniest bunch who caused the Great Recession while our generation is left to pick up the pieces. Why don't your generation do something about your lack of skills and go to college and get an actual job that pays well? This economy isn't your economy anymore. You don't need manual labor to be successful anymore. You need higher education and more advance skills.

By the way, those who are on welfare are not those who are from millennial generation but are the poor citizens of red states with no education and belongs to the generations prior to the millennial so don't even kid yourself.

And we are the generation who will have to support your poor ass because your generation didn't put enough money into their retirement fund to survive until you die. You guys are our burden to carry.

If I was a betting man. I would say the majority of welfare states are whats left of the blue ones.

Not sure who the millennials will be supporting when most Humans only need food, energy and shelter.

Do you really believe the civil war was about the fight for slavery between the Red & the Blue states? "The war was fought over state's rights and the limits of federal power in a union of states"
If I was a betting man. I would say the majority of welfare states are whats left of the blue ones.
You would be out of money then.!IpqnG

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States — the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill.

Take a look at the difference between federal spending on any given state and the federal taxes received from that state. We measure the difference as a dollar amount: Federal Spending per Dollar of Federal Taxes. A figure of $1.00 means that particular state received as much as it paid in to the federal government. Anything over a dollar means the state received more than it paid; anything less than $1.00 means the state paid more in taxes than it received in services. The higher the figure, the more a given state is a welfare queen.

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

New Mexico: $2.03
Mississippi: $2.02
Alaska: $1.84
Louisiana: $1.78
West Virginia: $1.76
North Dakota: $1.68
Alabama: $1.66
South Dakota: $1.53
Kentucky: $1.51
Virginia: $1.51
Montana: $1.47
Hawaii: $1.44
Maine: $1.41
Arkansas: $1.41
Oklahoma: $1.36
South Carolina: $1.35
Missouri: $1.32
Maryland: $1.30
Tennessee: $1.27
Idaho: $1.21

Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Where can we find liberal bastions California, New York, and Massachusetts? California is 43rd, getting back only $0.78 for every dollar it sends to Washington. New York is 42nd, and one penny better off, at $0.79 per dollar. Massachusetts is 40th, receiving $0.82 for every dollar it sends to DC.
If I was a betting man. I would say the majority of welfare states are whats left of the blue ones.

Not sure who the millennials will be supporting when most Humans only need food, energy and shelter.

Oh come on. I avoid this thread at all costs but for you to just assume the top blue states use the majority of welfare is just absurd, especially with no source. The Cheat Sheet (using real data, from USDA and US Census) compiled a list of the top 7, and they're not the top blue states. It's a mix.
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