National Politics Thread

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Trump isn't even in office and the media is trying to put the blame on him for being involved with Russian hackers. Seriously did the Russians do anything different than what our CIA actually does? I would say CIA is probably more ruthless than a bunch of Russian hackers concerning other countries elections.
The liberal media is the main problem they are nothing more than a bunch of actors reading off teleprompter on what to say.

They lie about everything on the news at this point and don't focus on real issues.
The liberal medial idolizes the people that commit mass shootings and heinous crimes instead of completely disregarding the person that commited the crime and just focus on the victims.

The media is to blame for a lot of what is going on.

You don't need to be in office for a person to be involved with Russian hackers.
do you really think diplomacy is that shallow and decided over unrefined posturing.

Trump negotiates from strength. the uncouth is by design.

not saying i agree with it.

maybe you weren't paying attention the last 18 months. he's punking you and China. but it's an informal 'play' to show the Chinese he could give a rats ass about dressing in Taiwan in their Sunday best for the Chinese.
The people of Taiwan don't Trust trump. And they also think he's foolish for thinking he can use that as leverage with China. I support an independent Taiwan, but I know this is more likely to do them harm than good.

Anyways, Seriously, stop regurgitating what your talking heads are telling you. It's literally brainwashing tactics. They're the enemy! They can't be trusted! Only trust us! Everything is terrible but we can save you! Join us!

Fortunately trump is too outrageous for even his supporters over time. He was always a con man, there's no indication he's going to change to save the working man. His latest scheme will implode like Trump university ;)
I also can't believe Obama voters would even consider Trump.

I hear you, Jouhou. Sometimes that really baffles my mind too. But then I realize that there really are all kinds of different voters out there. Some are truly grasping - grasping at something, anything, that will impart some sort of change on their lives...they are so desperate to do away with their status quo and they are not thinking clearly, critically...

On the one hand I am furious at them, on the other hand, it just think its a sad, sad state of affairs that there are some people so unhappy, so desperate in our nation.
If the Democratic party supported Bernie Sanders who the majority in the Democratic party wanted to nominate. I don't believe Trump would be our President.

I would really stop blaming Russia, Republicans, Midwest Hicks, KKK and whoever else your trying to blame.

All the Democrats have to do is look themselves in the mirror. They are to blame for the entire corrupt process.
#1 Debbie Wasserman Schultz
#2 Donna Brasille
#3 Super Pacs
Basically the Democrats are setting up a system where the Super Pacs really nominate who is running for president not the people.

I thought the democrat party was for the people.
I'm not a republican either.’/ar-AAlROlA?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp
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If the Democratic party supported Bernie Sanders who the majority in the Democratic party wanted to nominate. I don't believe Trump would be our President.

While Bernie probably would have done better in the general election he still won less votes in the primary. The super delegates did not change the results of the election.
Also, Russia isn't a "blame" thing, it's in a way a separate issue. They attacked us. We need a strong response because russia only respects the plausible threat of force. It's ingrained in their culture.

I am livid that people are believing it's political, even after the election ended. There's no vote to sway now, maybe you should believe the damn CIA.
I know that this is going to sound horrible, but after reading about article after article about how the GOP and Trump are going to repeal Obamacare (and they don't seem to have a better replacement), I almost hope that all the people who lose their healthcare are Trump voters. I know I shouldn't feel that way because it sounds vindictive and petty, but some people have to fucking learn.
I know that this is going to sound horrible, but after reading about article after article about how the GOP and Trump are going to repeal Obamacare (and they don't seem to have a better replacement), I almost hope that all the people who lose their healthcare are Trump voters. I know I shouldn't feel that way because it sounds vindictive and petty, but some people have to fucking learn.

I do find it amusing and ironic that the republicans are pushing something that will disproportionately affect their own voter base. The elderly and the poor will be disproportionately affected. The republican party would be completely powerless if it weren't for the boomers and silent generation, our oldest living generations. The poor does extend into the democratic base too, however the red states that aren't retirement refuges for the elderly are... well... poor. Or resource rich. One of the two.

The rest of us will see damage, but it won't be as catastrophic for our collective lifespans as the above mentioned demographics.

Millennials are still too young to be extremely dependent on healthcare. The silent generation and boomers will take huge losses on even the smallest change to healthcare protections. The ACA isn't just about the uninsured. I've seen huge benefits to my insurance as it's rolled into effect. Gee, basic vaccinations are free now. Preventative care like vaccines will save us all money in the long run, and it's such a simple thing.
Circling back to the millennials discussion (I'm going to regret this, but the data is interesting & supports what we were discussing), some new research is out:

Millennials make 20 percent less than their parents — and it’s killing the American dream
By Spe Chen on Jan 15, 2017

A new report published Friday says the same thing previous studies have said about the financial outlook for young Americans: It’s not great.

Published by Young Invincibles, a group initially formed in 2009 to amplify young people’s concerns about health care, the report found that workers who were aged 25 to 34 in 2013 are significantly worse off than their parents were at that age. Young adult workers today earn a median of $40,581 a year, which, adjusted for inflation and using today’s dollars, is about $10,000 less than young workers earned in 1989, a decline of 20 percent.

The story is, not surprisingly, similar when it comes to wealth. Millennials now own only half the amount of assets that baby boomers did when they were young adults.

The findings are consistent with recent academic research describing the decline in opportunities for young Americans. In a paper published last year, Stanford economist Raj Chetty reported that on average half of people born in the mid-1980s earn more than their parents did at age 30. By comparison, 70 percent of people born in 1955 earned more than their parents did by the age of 30.

Young adults today with a college degree and student debt earn a median income of $51,000 annually, which is 25 percent less than comparable young people in the late ’80s. (For college graduates without student loans, the decline has been smaller, at 18 percent.) The study found that the average cost of yearly tuition at public four-year colleges in 1989 was about $3,500 in today’s dollars. For young people now, it’s about $9,500.

“Decline in the young generation’s financial security,” said Tom Allison, the report author and deputy director of policy and research for Young Invincibles, “is a decline in the nation’s security.”

Thats because interest rates have been low for a decade along with Govt Spending is out of control.

Your buying power is worthless. You are basically slave labor at this point.
Bailouts to the rich and Welfare to the Poor
Destroyed the working class slave. (Destroyed the American Dream)

You need accountability and transparency---in our system or you will just get a bunch of groups looting the treasury.
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Thats because interest rates have been low for a decade along with Govt Spending is out of control.

Your buying power is worthless. You are basically slave labor at this point.
Bailouts to the rich and Welfare to the Poor
Destroyed the working class slave. (Destroyed the American Dream)

You need accountability and transparency---in our system or you will just get a bunch of groups looting the treasury.

Too bad the incoming president-elect has no intention of giving us either. Can't even release his tax forms (no transparency) or ever admit he is wrong for anything (no accountability).
The Obama administration has just raised interest rates rifle. What's your response to that?
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The Obama administration has just raised interest rates rifle. What's your response to that?

To clarify, Obama did not. Yellen did and the Feds are independents of the president.
this is why the fading American dream..............

even Jimmy Carter knew endless illegal immigration wasn't a good idea

but Friedman just gets straight to the point;

you can have immigration to work

but not (endless) illegal immigration to welfare + ms13 to prison.....

Just, no. Legally, illegal immigrants cannot get welfare. Full stop. MS13? What? I can remember, in the not too distant past, when the number one illegal population in Boston was Irish - and it is still a sizable portion of visa overstayers/undocumented people here.

As for endless - you do realize that the flow into the country (especially from the Mexican border) is pretty much a net 0/even negative, right? You do realize that even the entire concept of 'illegal immigration' is extremely recent in our history? Before there was even a concept of illegal immigration, the masses flowing in from Europe were just plain old immigrants. Funny thing though - there was a subset back then that didn't like 'em either and instead of calling them 'illegals' and demonizing them that way that just called em uneducated drunk <insert racial slurs of Irish/Italians/Polish/Jews/etc)>. Even passed laws here in Boston/at the state level to try to keep control and keep them down. Apparently, though, history isn't a strong suite of many people scared of the 'illegal' boogeyman.
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