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Besides, the absolutely best case scenario in this whole mess would end with President Mike Pence. Woo hoo?

A Pence presidency is far more terrifying to me & my peers because he actually means what he says & has a horrific record of acting on those beliefs. Trump is Trump (he's not a Dem or Republican, he only acts in his own best interest). Pence is a hardline conservative thru & thru.

Edit: Missed the sarcasm.
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Whoa. Hold on. The 'whoo hoo' was wholly sarcastic. I would HATE a Mike Pence presidency. Mike Pence is as evil as Trump is incompetent. Probably more so. It's a pure Sophie's choice between the two.
That said, I think Pence will have a lot of sway in a Trump administration, so I don't know that giving him the full set of keys would be that much worse.
Timing is everything. An impeachment is a years-long process, in all likelihood; and yes, I could see Paul Ryan Republicans pushing for it if things continue to spiral as they are. Impeachment proceedings would completely cripple the legislative agenda. Let's say Trump is forced out two or three years from now... that gives President Pence only 1 or 2 years in office, with what's most likely a horribly divided Republican party, so he'll have little to show for it. Disillusioned midwestern voters will sweep Sanders Dems into power in 2020 (which, of course, relies on the Dems promoting their Sanders wing over the next four years, which won't happen because the Dems never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.)
This is certainly a case of be careful what you wish for. Mike Pence would likely do more damage to liberal causes than bozo Trump.

By the way, here's another article about Jews and Obama. It mentions that member's of the mostly Jewish club are "at each other's throats" about whether or not to extend membership to Obama. I realize nobody *really* cares about the Jewish vote since it's unlikely to swing an election, but it's interesting to see the fractures in a group that once overwhelmingly sided with the Democratic party.

Here's my favorite quote from the article: “After the UN vote and attack on Israel, I think it probably hurts the club. If there is a club that excludes Jews, he would probably be more comfortable around those folks.”
I mean Trump moving the US embassy into Jerusalem would probably destabilize the entire Middle East region and give terrorist groups all the more reason to pursue armed conflict with Israel. But maybe Trump is right. Let Israel and the Middle East fight each other out like all the arm participants in Syria do. If that happens, I can see the Jewish demographic swinging right back to the Democrats.

But I agree, the Jewish golf club have the right to snub the president if they want.
Timing is everything. An impeachment is a years-long process, in all likelihood; and yes, I could see Paul Ryan Republicans pushing for it if things continue to spiral as they are. Impeachment proceedings would completely cripple the legislative agenda. Let's say Trump is forced out two or three years from now... that gives President Pence only 1 or 2 years in office, with what's most likely a horribly divided Republican party, so he'll have little to show for it. Disillusioned midwestern voters will sweep Sanders Dems into power in 2020 (which, of course, relies on the Dems promoting their Sanders wing over the next four years, which won't happen because the Dems never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.)

You skipped right past the 2018 midterm Congressional elections in your prognosticating - need to edit that in, as it is a yuuuuuuuge factor.
This is certainly a case of be careful what you wish for. Mike Pence would likely do more damage to liberal causes than bozo Trump.

By the way, here's another article about Jews and Obama. It mentions that member's of the mostly Jewish club are "at each other's throats" about whether or not to extend membership to Obama. I realize nobody *really* cares about the Jewish vote since it's unlikely to swing an election, but it's interesting to see the fractures in a group that once overwhelmingly sided with the Democratic party.

Here's my favorite quote from the article: “After the UN vote and attack on Israel, I think it probably hurts the club. If there is a club that excludes Jews, he would probably be more comfortable around those folks.”

Btw, I would like to apologize on behalf of the Democrats if it seems like the Democrats do not care about the Jewish vote. As an Asian, our vote and our concerns are rarely ever addressed or considered in politics and even in media and elsewhere so I understand your frustration. But I do want to say that your concerns and votes still matter or they should still matter and you should not stop fighting to have your voice heard.
Keeping in mind that the "Jewish vote" and the "Orthodox Jew vote" aren't the same thing. As much as Orthodox Jews and other highly pro-Israel Jews have abandoned the Dems, Democrats still win well over 50% of the overall Jewish vote.

I think the bigger story that always gets buried is that many American Jews aren't as dogmatically pro-Israel as the ADL, AIPAC, and other Jewish orgs. Liberal American Jews are drifting from Israel as Israel becomes more right-wing and authoritarian.
Keeping in mind that the "Jewish vote" and the "Orthodox Jew vote" aren't the same thing. As much as Orthodox Jews and other highly pro-Israel Jews have abandoned the Dems, Democrats still win well over 50% of the overall Jewish vote.

I think the bigger story that always gets buried is that many American Jews aren't as dogmatically pro-Israel as the ADL, AIPAC, and other Jewish orgs. Liberal American Jews are drifting from Israel as Israel becomes more right-wing and authoritarian.

True and I'm pretty sure Jews, just like other demographics, are swayed by more than just issues on Israel/home country. I'm assuming that the more progressive Jews are swayed more by progressive issues as well.
stagflation on steriods for 25 years.

Doubt it. The last stagflation was due to oil supply shock which caused inflation in the sense that it increased the cost in nearly every part of the US industries (since the US was incredibly depended on oil for fuel), and not solely on printing money. The US is no longer reliant in a single fuel source (and in fact have made strive in alternative energy, diversifying their fuel and energy sources) and the introduction of robots would reduce the cost of products, not increase it, meaning you won't see price shocks leading to reduction in supply and demand. Also, the implementation of robots means that it opens up a whole new sector in the robotic industry and the maintenance of these robots (i.e. software engineers, software developers, robotics, scientists, electronic, etc.) In a sense, those that would suffer the most are the blue-collar welfare workers who are being replaced and those that will benefit the most are the consumers if the US don't enact trade war tariffs and those that have advance degrees in the high tech industry. Those being left behind would be valued no more than those who work at McDonalds or at retail. Better start practicing on your coding skills.
This is certainly a case of be careful what you wish for. Mike Pence would likely do more damage to liberal causes than bozo Trump.

By the way, here's another article about Jews and Obama. It mentions that member's of the mostly Jewish club are "at each other's throats" about whether or not to extend membership to Obama. I realize nobody *really* cares about the Jewish vote since it's unlikely to swing an election, but it's interesting to see the fractures in a group that once overwhelmingly sided with the Democratic party.

Here's my favorite quote from the article: “After the UN vote and attack on Israel, I think it probably hurts the club. If there is a club that excludes Jews, he would probably be more comfortable around those folks.”

I can't wrap my head around why anyone would say Obama is "anti-Israel." My conservative Jewish family members are constantly going on about how "Obama hates Israel" even before the UN vote.

For fucks sake, he approved a spending bill of OUR tax money that gives Israel $3.8 billion per year for the next ten years. That's not something you sign for a country you hate.

As for abstaining in the recent UN vote: As far as I'm concerned, he did the right thing. Personally, I feel like Kerry's speech brilliantly summed up why it needed to be done. Basically, Israel needs to be saved from itself.

**Edit: One more thing. In one of the original GOP debates, Trump was actually blasted by fellow Republicans for taking a somewhat neutral stance on Israel and Palestine. I recall him saying something to the effect that the US should try to work as a neutral mediator. I actually agreed with him there.

Then he had a private meeting with Sheldon Adelson and suddenly he became Israel's biggest cheerleader.
Besides, the absolutely best case scenario in this whole mess would end with President Mike Pence. Woo hoo?

President Pence is seriously the best assassination/impeachment insurance trump could have possibly gotten himself.
I don't know about impeachment. I think there is a large pool of congressional Republicans who would love to see Pence take over for Trump.
President Pence is seriously the best assassination/impeachment insurance trump could have possibly gotten himself.

If reports are true that Trump took bribes (disguised as lucrative deals) from Russia, even the prospect of Pence as president won't be enough to stop a Trump impeachment. If a smoking gun is found, Trump could be impeached before his first year is complete.

By the way, Russia's involvement in the election now makes much more sense with blackmail in the picture. Russia didn't do it because they believe Trump is friendlier to Russian. They did it because, between Hillary and Trump, Trump is deemed by the Russians to be easier to blackmail than Hillary, hence why Russia leaked all the damaging reports on Hillary to Wikileaks before the election and kept Trump's quiet. Releasing it would mean they have no leverage over Trump.
There's been rumors of trump being blackmailed by Russia since July. From the intel I've seen he's just a useful idiot to Russia. Narcissists are notoriously easy to manipulate.
There's been rumors of trump being blackmailed by Russia since July. From the intel I've seen he's just a useful idiot to Russia. Narcissists are notoriously easy to manipulate.

Unfortunately for Russia, the hacked information on Trump has been leaked meaning if Trump gets impeached, Russia just lost their puppet. In that case, would Russia be ballsy enough to try to get some dirt on Pence?
I'm hoping we can just keep up sanctions until they can't fund this shit anymore. They can be the new North Korea, just threaten people with nukes to try to get taken seriously. Oh wait Russia already does that. Invest in renewables, don't hate on oil produced in the US, let's bleed em dry. Oh right let's fix that loophole that allows russia to indirectly fund their propaganda outlets abroad. Free speech is safe if we focus on funding.
Russia's puppet.

you mean like having a summit meeting OF SUBSTANCE between Russia, China and NATO to disarm North Korea..... that produces RESULTS or else.... is Trump playing Russia's puppet???

Trump is about to TOTALLY ASSKICK Russia's biggest ally (Iran).

Kentxie, you're DNC flailing is obvious..... you need a hug.

next thing, you'll tell me Mr. Long on Ambition Short on Substance Grandstandieur has a chance in hell at being our next mayor....

At least he's not acting like a PC bafoon.... That, of course would be Michelle Wu.
Trump isn't even in office and the media is trying to put the blame on him for being involved with Russian hackers. Seriously did the Russians do anything different than what our CIA actually does? I would say CIA is probably more ruthless than a bunch of Russian hackers concerning other countries elections.
The liberal media is the main problem they are nothing more than a bunch of actors reading off teleprompter on what to say.

They lie about everything on the news at this point and don't focus on real issues.
The liberal medial idolizes the people that commit mass shootings and heinous crimes instead of completely disregarding the person that commited the crime and just focus on the victims.

The media is to blame for a lot of what is going on.
Russia's puppet.

you mean like having a summit meeting OF SUBSTANCE between Russia, China and NATO to disarm North Korea..... that produces RESULTS or else.... is Trump playing Russia's puppet???

Trump is about to TOTALLY ASSKICK Russia's biggest ally (Iran).

Kentxie, you're DNC flailing is obvious..... you need a hug.

next thing, you'll tell me Mr. Long on Ambition Short on Substance Grandstandieur has a chance in hell at being our next mayor....

At least he's not acting like a PC bafoon.... That, of course would be Michelle Wu.

What substance? He already lost China as a partner to disarm NK by provoking them through Taiwan. Did I mention that Trump is looking to abandon NATO?

Do you have a problem with being PC or would you like me to start referring you as trailer trash welfare baby since it seems you rather have people be less Pc?
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