National Politics Thread

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You are a fool.

No --you are the fool for reading this rubbish.

No he didn't. Racism and discrimination has always existed in the US and people like you who deny it are part of the problem. When minorities and marginalized people finally decided to not be quiet about it and to speak up, people in power like you dismiss it. When people who are discriminated against demand that they are to be treated as equal to white men, you fight them because you don't want to lose the privilege that comes with it. Rifleman, if you are not a minority or a marginalized person, you do not get to dismiss our struggle for better equality.

Forget racism and discrimination. America's main problem is INCOME INEQUALITY. It always has been.

Yes. You have very stupid people that judge people by color or race. Most of America is behind that at this point. Obama was our first elected black president with the basis of HOPE--Change and most of America was behind him.

Instead Obama was just another well educated political Chicago CROOK.
The truth hurts--

Just look at Elizabeth Warren--biggest hypocrite in the room.
She claims the game is rigged because of the bankers-- But then supports Hilary Clinton who was receiving unlimited speaking fees from the bankers only to gain special favors or lobbying banking regulations against the working class.

These people are not leaders they are opportunists and are just worried about POWER and money. If you can't see this through your eyes then you might want to reevalute your political stance.

What about the Corrupt non-profit Clinton Foundation?
What about our new future congress women Chelsea Clinton getting groomed for congress> Seriously she understands what the average American working class family struggles are.

Keep blaming the Russians with there hacking into the voters system but the National Media did not have an agenda? Right?

What about Debra Brasille and debra wasserman for manipulating the Democratic Nomination. They should be investigated for TREASON along with VOTER FRAUD. NO BLAME THE RUSSIANS.

Wake UP
If the FBI and the CIA said it was the Russians then it was probably the Russians.
No --you are the fool for reading this rubbish.

Forget racism and discrimination. America's main problem is INCOME INEQUALITY. It always has been.

Yes. You have very stupid people that judge people by color or race. Most of America is behind that at this point. Obama was our first elected black president with the basis of HOPE--Change and most of America was behind him.

Instead Obama was just another well educated political Chicago CROOK.
The truth hurts--

Just look at Elizabeth Warren--biggest hypocrite in the room.
She claims the game is rigged because of the bankers-- But then supports Hilary Clinton who was receiving unlimited speaking fees from the bankers only to gain special favors or lobbying banking regulations against the working class.

These people are not leaders they are opportunists and are just worried about POWER and money. If you can't see this through your eyes then you might want to reevalute your political stance.

What about the Corrupt non-profit Clinton Foundation?
What about our new future congress women Chelsea Clinton getting groomed for congress> Seriously she understands what the average American working class family struggles are.

Keep blaming the Russians with there hacking into the voters system but the National Media did not have an agenda? Right?

What about Debra Brasille and debra wasserman for manipulating the Democratic Nomination. They should be investigated for TREASON along with VOTER FRAUD. NO BLAME THE RUSSIANS.

Wake UP

And Trump just nominated a bunch of billionaires onto his cabinet. That's definitely going to fix income inequality. Waiting for you to rail on that one.

And no I won't forget racism and discrimination. Unlike you, I don't have the privilege to not have to deal with it in my daily life.
If the FBI and the CIA said it was the Russians then it was probably the Russians.

Since the FBI and CIA, NSA have so much creditability at this point we know its the RUSSIANS.

So where is the proof of the tampering. Explain to the American people on how the Russians rigged the Voting machines or how they tampered with them?

Ask yourself this. There are 4 components that I value in life.
#1 Health
#2 Time (Focus on something you love to do)
#3 Financial Security
#4 Family
#5 Religion/God

Wouldn't you think that the Dept of Education which we shell out Billions in Taxpayers money to help develop our children would focus on #1 and #3?
Nutrition and Monetary Policy (financial success).
I'm not sure how the inner schools are run today but seriously when I grew up we had health class once a month and rarely had a class on the economic system.

Talk about feeling our children. Then the politicians develop free healthcare and the 401K. Which the people in Washington have their own personal retirement & healthcare plans that are the complete opposite of what they are proposing for the public.

Like I said Obama only change was to try to become the first billionaire president after he leaves office.
Like I said Obama only change was to try to become the first billionaire president after he leaves office.

His net worth as of November 2016 is $12.2million. Clearly he is trying to become the first billionaire president. Why did you vote for Trump if you didn't want a billionaire president?
And Trump just nominated a bunch of billionaires onto his cabinet. That's definitely going to fix income inequality. Waiting for you to rail on that one.

And no I won't forget racism and discrimination. Unlike you, I don't have to privilege to not have to deal with it in my daily life.

I never said Trump would fix the situation. My point is Trump is probably a lesser of a piece of shit than the Clintons.

I would rather Trump higher billionaires to fix the situation than elect people that come into office with no money but just happened to leave office as multi-millionaires. (Clintons, Democrats and Republicans)

The Billionaires that are getting elected have every incentive to help the overall population because if society falls their digital currency becomes worthless along with their status in society. Remember that.
I never said Trump would fix the situation. My point is Trump is probably a lesser of a piece of shit than the Clintons.

I would rather Trump higher billionaires to fix the situation than elect people that come into office with no money but just happened to leave office has multi-millionaires. (Clintons, Democrats and Republicans)

The Billionaires that are getting elected have every incentive to help the overall population because if society falls their digital currency becomes worthless along with their status in society. Remember that.

These billionaires HELPED create income inequality. Remember that before you blindly trust them to save you.

And yeah Trump is a lesser piece of shit who apparently spent donation money for a portrait of himself. Yeah clearly a lesser piece of shit. Did I mention that he also ripped off students with his Trump University bs?
These billionaires HELPED create income inequality. Remember that before you blindly trust them to save you.

Our Govt created Income inequality not these billionaires. They just took advantage of the rules & regulations in place because these political hacks would do anything for money and power along with getting re-elected.

I'm not saying these billionaires are innocent but the people to be blamed are our leaders.

Not 1 executive from Fannie and Freddie Mac has been investigated after TRILLIONS of Taxpayers losses? WTF
These corporations did not file financials for 3 years but remained listed on the NYSE.


Our Govt created Income inequality not these billionaires. They just took advantage of the rules & regulations in place because these political hacks would do anything for money and power along with getting re-elected.

I'm not saying these billionaires are innocent but the people to be blamed are our leaders.

Yes taking advantage and gaming the situation means they didn't create income inequality while the incoming president is looking to give higher tax cuts for the rich and wealthy and corporation. Great start on Trump making income inequality worst.
If the FBI and the CIA said it was the Russians then it was probably the Russians.

Plus multiple other agencies and third parties. Having done (and still do) some stuff in infosec it is pretty scary the amount of disinformation and uncaring about this - its pretty serious. Admittedly we kind of kicked this sort of thing off ("cyber attacks"). As for the other points in Rifle's list - its pretty much a Fox News/Breitbart/Limbaugh bingo of talking points. In the end none of it matters because Hillary lost (the electoral vote), and Trump with his appointments has already pretty much made all of those points reality - not Hillary. That is always what got me this election - all of these attacks on Hillary, and yet, here is Trump who is going to do the exact same things (that Hillary is accused of going to do) but on steroids.
Ask yourself this.

Who does the IRS work for the American PEOPLE? Or some agenda since the agency was found targeting certain groups like the TeaParty. That alone is very disturbing to me.

So basically they can destroy anybody life with out due process.
Ask yourself this.

Who does the IRS work for the American PEOPLE? Or some agenda since the agency was found targeting certain groups like the TeaParty. That alone is very disturbing to me.

So basically they can destroy anybody life with out due process.

Ask yourself this. Trump who is a billionaire is giving the 1% a significant tax cut so they can grow their wealth more. Is the president working for the American PEOPLE? Or the 1%?
Ask yourself this. Trump who is a billionaire is giving 1% a significant tax cut so they can grow their wealth more. Is the president working for the American PEOPLE? Or the 1%?

I agree with you 100% the tax system needs to be completely overhauled.
I don't agree with these non-profit agencies that claim they are giving their money away but only in reality they are building giant tax shelter corporations which is gaming the system even more against the working class.

Billionaires/Corporations need to start paying much more.
Why do you think I get so mad about the Liberty Mutual Building? Granted its beautiful and one of the better developments in the city.
But really the taxpayers had to fund that to a point?
.........but it doesn't change the fact that the US election was tampered with by a foreign power.

The Citizens United decision has helped murder the political process in America. What happens when foreign powers are massive donors for a candidate's campaign? (look at Hillary's love of middle-eastern countries' money) Is it somehow OK that a candidate might be beholden to foreign donors over the best interests of America? Couldn't that easily fit the definition of "tampering"?

Unfortunately, it isn't just foreign donors that came out of the woodwork with that decision. Corporations and the ultra-rich now wield far too much power over this country's elections.

In regards to Russia in particular, it's not that I necessarily trust them (I don't). I guess I'd just rather be an ally, or at least neutral, compared to reigniting an even more dangerous version of the Cold War. Constantly belittling, insulting, and pointing our fingers at them (poking the bear) is probably not in the best interests of most Americans. This is the same country that offered us information on the Tsarnaev's which was summarily ignored by the current administration. We would be better off working together than in a no-win stand-off that could lead to WW3. As much as I love the American ideal, it's not like our GOVERNMENT is the "good guys" anymore anyway, or has been for a while. (CIA are ultra shady) The lines are blurred. I'm tired of the finger pointing and the divisiveness, both between these countries, and among ourselves.
Ask yourself this.

Who does the IRS work for the American PEOPLE? Or some agenda since the agency was found targeting certain groups like the TeaParty. That alone is very disturbing to me.

So basically they can destroy anybody life with out due process.

Old saying I always had - I would rather mess with the FBI than the IRS. They also targeted some liberal groups, too - admittedly more conservative groups were targeted, but, that could just be because they were, well, more shady and full of shit. On the other hand you have the feds infiltrating and busting up (ala the 60s/70s provokers) the Occupy movement. Your point really makes little sense.

Just for the record - Trump is now surrounded by Wall St on everything economic. He is surrounded by climate change deniers. He is surrounded by people who think evolution is a joke and we should teach intelligent design in public schools. He is surrounded by people who think the minimum wage is a bad idea. His "foundation" was rife with corruption and basically bribed the AG in Florida. He has called out American Citizens for their ethnic background. He never released his tax returns. He is the obvious choice of Russia and Putin. In the short time of being President elect, he has already pissed off China and India. His tax policy will have huge cuts for the rich, tiny cuts for the poor, and tax raises for the middle class.

And yet - why are you still harping on Hillary? She doesn't matter at all anymore.
At least nobody here is preaching pizzagate as the truth.

And yeah Trump is a lesser piece of shit who apparently spent donation money for a portrait of himself. Yeah clearly a lesser piece of shit. Did I mention that he also ripped off students with his Trump University bs?

Trump is a pos. Hillary ripped off the world's poorest country, Haiti, after an earthquake that killed a quarter of a million people. She's also a pos. Would you rather get buried in a pile of elephant dung or a pile of hippopotamus dung? Quite the topic for debate club.
The Citizens United decision has helped murder the political process in America. What happens when foreign powers are massive donors for a candidate's campaign? (look at Hillary's love of middle-eastern countries' money) Is it somehow OK that a candidate might be beholden to foreign donors over the best interests of America? Couldn't that easily fit the definition of "tampering"?

Unfortunately, it isn't just foreign donors that came out of the woodwork with that decision. Corporations and the ultra-rich now wield far too much power over this country's elections.

In regards to Russia in particular, it's not that I necessarily trust them (I don't). I guess I'd just rather be an ally, or at least neutral, compared to reigniting an even more dangerous version of the Cold War. Constantly belittling, insulting, and pointing our fingers at them (poking the bear) is probably not in the best interests of most Americans. This is the same country that offered us information on the Tsarnaev's which was summarily ignored by the current administration. We would be better off working together than in a no-win stand-off that could lead to WW3. As much as I love the American ideal, it's not like our GOVERNMENT is the "good guys" anymore anyway, or has been for a while. (CIA are ultra shady) The lines are blurred. I'm tired of the finger pointing and the divisiveness, both between these countries, and among ourselves.

+100 I don't trust Russia but sometimes it takes an Enemy to wake you up on what is really happening to the United States destroying itself from within.
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