National Politics Thread

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Sounds like you have some reading to do then.

Thanks I just looked it up. I hope that was not true---- Somebody should be investigating Hollywood at this point.

Bottom line you just can't trust anybody at this point. Pure manipulation across the board on both sides. Like the movie the House of Cards.
We are on our own. Surround yourself with good positive people.
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Anyone planning to be riding Turkish Airlines for the holidays........

make sure your affairs are in order.
Anyone planning to be riding Turkish Airlines for the holidays........

make sure your affairs are in order.

I'm amazed americans are still riding turkish after the July incident, I chalk it up to a lack of interest in international news.
I'm think Russia might light them up. Only a matter of time.

I hope Trump leaves Putin and China to clean up the MESS in the Middleast created by both Obama and Bush, Clinton Administrations.

We need to get out now. I only hope GOD has mercy on our nation for what we did to those people.

Wonder if the Clinton Foundation continues to collect their healthy donations from Saudi Arabia this time of year?
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In regards to Russia in particular, it's not that I necessarily trust them (I don't). I guess I'd just rather be an ally, or at least neutral, compared to reigniting an even more dangerous version of the Cold War. Constantly belittling, insulting, and pointing our fingers at them (poking the bear) is probably not in the best interests of most Americans.

So instead we should pick a fight with China while abandoning our European allies so they can be preyed on by Russia. Let's not poke one bear so we can poke the other one. Great plan. Absolutely great foresight.

The fact the DNC e-mails were "released" does not negate the fact that the e-mails were true.(It was not denied btw.)

Right, "blame the messenger, (Whom ever it was) that exposed the corruption in the DNC."

So,rather than remorse over Trump's election, take a hard look at the party that lost.
Why? They lost. Trump is in charge of the country now. The Republicans control all three branches of the government now. It's in their lap to 'fix' things.

And if I don't like they way they chose to do that, I am going to say so, loudly.
So instead we should pick a fight with China while abandoning our European allies so they can be preyed on by Russia. Let's not poke one bear so we can poke the other one. Great plan. Absolutely great foresight.

What's funny is I never mentioned China. Actually, it really is NOT that funny. You have quite the knack for putting words in people's mouths and then ripping on them for things they never said. It's a dirty, underhanded tactic and your overall debate skills are pathetic, at best.

You're as thin skinned, emotionally fragile, and generally full of shit as Donald Trump. You may have opposing views for the most part, but you're 2 peas from the same whiny, incoherent pod.

KentXie, what I am really trying to say is.... You are presidential material. (assuming you are rich) If covering his ears and screaming at the top of his lungs can work for Donald Trump, it can certainly work for you.

The fact the DNC e-mails were "released" does not negate the fact that the e-mails were true.(It was not denied btw.)

Right, "blame the messenger, (Whom ever it was) that exposed the corruption in the DNC."

So,rather than remorse over Trump's election, take a hard look at the party that lost.

The emails were hacked (by a foreign nation state actor, i.e. Russia) and leaked with the purpose of swaying our democratic process. That being said - what exactly was so damning in those emails? That the DNC, private political party, was biased toward/supporting their candidate vs an independent who decided to run on their ticket ?
The emails were hacked (by a foreign nation state actor, i.e. Russia) and leaked with the purpose of swaying our democratic process. That being said - what exactly was so damning in those emails? That the DNC, private political party, was biased toward/supporting their candidate vs an independent who decided to run on their ticket ?

And so was the National Media which is supposed to be BIAS for the American people trying to sway the election to the Democratic side.

Emails show corruption:
Clinton Foundation nothing more than a slush fund of free money to avoid paying taxes or actually work for a living. Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia which that country had involvement with 911 along with promoting Terrorist groups like ISIS. This is who we are supporting because of Black GOLD?
Benghazi scenario with Christopher Stevens which you gotta wonder if he was turning states evidence on the Obama Administration for supporting ISIS with Guns. Something was up to let him get killed or assassinated like that.
Loretta Lynch scenario with Bill Clinton--
Clinton Foundation and how they mishandled billions of world funds that were donated to Haiti people not Clinton's Foundation private connections.

Bottom line the CLINTONS SUCK. Then you have Elizabeth Warren supporting these people as they are collecting all these wall street banking fees for speaking at their events.

The Clintons are SWINES. What is there NETWORTH for being lifetime political hacks? 300Million?

Its absolutely sickening that this women was running for president.
No need to keep bashing the Clintons. They lost, the election is over.
He should keep it up. It serves as a necessary reminder of the misguided hate and anger that won this election and turned the United States into an ugly and hopeless place in the blink of an eye.
And so was the National Media which is supposed to be BIAS for the American people trying to sway the election to the Democratic side.

Emails show corruption:
Clinton Foundation nothing more than a slush fund of free money to avoid paying taxes or actually work for a living. Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia which that country had involvement with 911 along with promoting Terrorist groups like ISIS. This is who we are supporting because of Black GOLD?
Benghazi scenario with Christopher Stevens which you gotta wonder if he was turning states evidence on the Obama Administration for supporting ISIS with Guns. Something was up to let him get killed or assassinated like that.
Loretta Lynch scenario with Bill Clinton--
Clinton Foundation and how they mishandled billions of world funds that were donated to Haiti people not Clinton's Foundation private originations.

Bottom line the CLINTONS SUCK. Then you have Elizabeth Warren supporting these people as they are collecting all these wall street banking fees for speaking at their events.

The Clintons are SWINES. What is there NETWORTH for being lifetime political hacks? 300Million?

Its absolutely sickening that this women was running for president.

Please link the emails/sources for the Clinton Foundation corruption in the leaked emails.

Please link actual sources on Benghazi: hint, after a two year, Republican lead committed and $7 million dollars later, the actual 800 page report basically shows... nothing. Well, it does implicate the GOP and Republicans for continually denying all request to increase security funding.

Loretta Lynch with no evidence what they discussed, and Comey leading the investigation, what effect could there be even if there was impropriety? As I already pointed out, Trump donated $25k from his Foundation to the Florida AG, Pam Bondi, which came at a very interesting time regarding her investigation into Trump University - where he directly ripped off Americans.

As for Haiti - I think you are confusing the leaked emails with the FOIA'd diplomatic cables, which, again, had no hard evidence of any pay to play or any other wrong doing. I also think you are confusing Hillary's role as the Secretary of State and that of the Clinton Foundation - the later which only raised and handled maybe $30 Million, and I have yet to see evidence it was used improperly.

The bottom line, again, is none of this matters. Trump is the president, and he has done much, much worse that the Clintons have. BTW, at least the Clintons made their own money instead of inheriting it from Daddy.
No he didn't. Racism and discrimination has always existed in the US and people like you who deny it are part of the problem. When minorities and marginalized people finally decided to not be quiet about it and to speak up, people in power like you dismiss it. When people who are discriminated against demand that they are to be treated as equal to white men, you fight them because you don't want to lose the privilege that comes with it. Rifleman, if you are not a minority or a marginalized person, you do not get to dismiss our struggle for better equality.

Exactly. And actually, Obama has been pretty quiet on race as an issue overall. It was certainly not a big part of his campaigns, nor has he made it a huge issue as President. He does, however, want everyone to be treated fairly and for all Americans to have equal opportunity to succeed.
It's officially over. Donald Trump is the next president. For those of you praying for impeachment, keep in mind that the ultra-conservative Mike Pence is waiting in the wings.

Now somebody just needs to convince Donald to delete his damn Twitter account.
What's funny is I never mentioned China. Actually, it really is NOT that funny. You have quite the knack for putting words in people's mouths and then ripping on them for things they never said. It's a dirty, underhanded tactic and your overall debate skills are pathetic, at best.

You're as thin skinned, emotionally fragile, and generally full of shit as Donald Trump. You may have opposing views for the most part, but you're 2 peas from the same whiny, incoherent pod.

KentXie, what I am really trying to say is.... You are presidential material. (assuming you are rich) If covering his ears and screaming at the top of his lungs can work for Donald Trump, it can certainly work for you.

You're a real idiot aren't you DZH? Never once did I say that you mentioned China. The reason I brought China up is because I was referring to Trump accepting a congratulatory phone call from Taiwan and then saying that he may not honor the One China policy. I wasn't ripping on you; I was ripping on Trump.

Get a grip you paranoid sack of shit and go read the news. This isn't about you. This is through Trump's mouth, not yours or mines.
He should keep it up. It serves as a necessary reminder of the misguided hate and anger that won this election and turned the United States into an ugly and hopeless place in the blink of an eye.

The reality is somebody like you will be voting for Chelsea Clinton in the future.
She seems like a true leader.
It's officially over. Donald Trump is the next president. For those of you praying for impeachment, keep in mind that the ultra-conservative Mike Pence is waiting in the wings.

Now somebody just needs to convince Donald to delete his damn Twitter account.

Agreed. I voted for Clinton but it's over (at least for 3 years).
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