National Politics Thread

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You're a real idiot aren't you DZH?

It varies depending on the circumstances. You're giving me a real run for my money.

So it's Hillary and Obama rattling Russia, and Trump rattling China. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. At this point we're all a bunch of sheep anyway, distracted with our petty squabblings. We're screwed when our leaders say we're screwed.

Get a grip.....and go read the news. This isn't about you.

I do read the news. Today there was a political assassination and a terrorist attack in Europe. Brexit really happened and we are likely witnessing the dissolution of the EU before our very eyes. Hillary Clinton admires the biggest orchestrator of this mess, Angela Merkel. Europe is making the riots that have been happening in many US cities (to name a few Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Charlotte) look like child's play. The civil unrest in this country has really ratcheted up during the current administration, well before Trump even decided to run.

At the end of the day, I voted for one terrible person over another terrible person, and staved off the embrace of one set of terrible circumstances for the reality of another. So did you. Both sides have long since sold out, and don't care about you. At least not the ones who are able to get all the way to the highest offices. Hillary and Trump are 2 sides of the same shit stained coin. One party shoots you in the face while the other one lulls you into a false sense of security then shoots you in the back.

Anyway, your direst predictions of Trump's presidency would not be good for most of us. So good luck to you over these next 4 years.

Let's resume this back and forth shitstorm at the impeachment.
It's officially over. Donald Trump is the next president. For those of you praying for impeachment, keep in mind that the ultra-conservative Mike Pence is waiting in the wings.

Now somebody just needs to convince Donald to delete his damn Twitter account.

DZH is right again.

On a different topic, a few hundred years ago, the forerunners to recent Europeans, Christians, etc, weren't slaughtered because they decided that they wouldn't be. Eventually, it became clear they they would have to 'win,' in order for that to take place. But, it was easier to win, because they weren't awash in pc.

It's about to get real over 'there.' A moral dead end, (or worse) awaits what we might loosely describe as the host society of Europe.

Islam has one mission; to obliterate every other society from the face of the Earth. Most people find it a bit too unpleasant to accept this reality.

It just might be possible that Putin prefers having a conversation about 'this problem' with an administration guided by Donald Trump, instead of one headed up by Clinton. i realize it's an outlier. But liberals would be loathe to consider this theory.
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I would like to remind you Germany is most likely to set the best example, considering how much they want to distance themselves from their fascist years and really don't want to repeat that mistake.

I would also like to remind you that isolationist policy is not good for the economy, and is largely to blame for how we got completely blindsided by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. If we turn our backs on the rest of the world you will find we are no longer in a position of power. Apparently half our population was not paying attention in history class.

Also as for Russia's ambassador, they should have seen that coming. If they cared about the guy they would have given him a better security detail knowing what atrocities they had just committed nearby.
I would like to remind you Germany is most likely to set the best example, considering how much they want to distance themselves from their fascist years and really don't want to repeat that mistake.

I agree. Sometimes, I don't understand how someone like DZH (sorry I'm pointing you out again because you're the only person I know that is Jewish on this forum and who's people was also subjected to horror in the past) is against allowing refugees a safe haven, considering his own people (Jewish people) were accepted as refugees in US back in WWII. A common excuse people use is that a terrorist could be hidden among the refugees but that is no different than the risk the US took by accepting Jewish refugees in WWII where they could have run a real risks of accepting German spies into their country. I laud Germany for being open instead of leaving people to die.
It's the "I've got mine..." attitude, which I have certainly been guilty of espousing.
.....I laud Germany for being open instead of leaving people to die.

Pretty ironic that you make these remarks after a terrorist attack YESTERDAY left at least 12 dead in Germany. They don't even know if they got the right guy!

China has over 1.3 billion people. Germany has 80 million. So China has 16-17 times as many people as Germany, and over 4 times as many people as the US. I don't recall China taking in hordes of refugees from the middle east and Africa. Population-wise, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the way German culture is being remade on the fly. Hypocrite much?

Please reference this chart....

Capture by David Z, on Flickr

Pay close attention to the total population in the middle, and then the orange part of the graph in the upper right. It's important to note that the population growth here is similar among the refugees once they get to their new countries. They are working hard to flip the proportions between the nationals and the newcomers.

3 main questions need to be asked here.

1. Why? Why is the (orange) population growing at such a rapid rate compared to the rest of the world? There is already so much chaos and misery in this region (see massive migration to Europe) and a finite amount of resources, so why is this the area that is expanding the most?

2. What are the ramifications of this? Aren't those countries already low on so many vital resources? Aren't those countries among the least educated in the world? How is it tenable to double+ the population? Can that population possibly survive within those borders? Which leads us to.....

3. This one relates the most to people like you, KentXie. The question becomes, how much is too much? When there is a never-ending supply of sob stories to tug at your heartstrings, how many of these people should the US and Europe open their arms for? If we are $100 trillion in debt, should we still allow another billion of them in here? Because let's face it, if there are 2.5 billion people on that continent, it's likely that 2.49 billion could seek a better life in Europe or America.

So basically, (A) can we indefinitely support the 3rd world without any detrimental effects to our own countries? (B) Why is it only the US/Canada and Europe that are being force-fed a never ending stream of outsiders, while Asian countries like China or middle east countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are let off the hook?
It's the "I've got mine..." attitude, which I have certainly been guilty of espousing.

+1 . But their lethargy will come back to bite them or their offspring because theyre next on the chopping block, they just dont realize it.
One of my admittedly more sinister thoughts on Trump’s election and in particular the repeal of ACA is that when it gets to the point of people dying off due to lack of access to care, a lot of them are inevitably going to be poor white males in red states who voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Full disclosure I'm a classic democrat.... repealing the ACA isnt necessarily going to deny people care. they can still just walk into ER's like they did in the past and they wont be turned away
That's true but it might be a bit more difficult for those with the stereotypical fat old white guy ailments - chronically bad tickers and lungs.
Even so, it's going to hurt minority communities to a far greater extent.
Pretty ironic that you make these remarks after a terrorist attack YESTERDAY left at least 12 dead in Germany. They don't even know if they got the right guy!

And I still laud them for taking the refugee in. The action of one terrorist does not speak for the actions of all Muslims or refugees. When the Jews killed Jesus, does that mean all Jewish people are bad? No, it doesn't. Furthermore, in 2011, Oslo was subjected to a terrorist attack by a far-right white man that resulted in 77 deaths. Does that make all far-right people dangerous? Should we deport all Trump supporters then because this could happen in the US as well? Should I start assuming that all white men are possible terrorists?

China has over 1.3 billion people. Germany has 80 million. So China has 16-17 times as many people as Germany, and over 4 times as many people as the US. I don't recall China taking in hordes of refugees from the middle east and Africa. Population-wise, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the way German culture is being remade on the fly. Hypocrite much?

I think you need to look up the definition of a hypocrite. I never lauded China in anything. My reference to China was the whole issue about Trump deciding to stop provoking Russia only to provoke China, another psuedo superpower.

In fact, the only hypocrite is yourself. In the other political thread, you mentioned that everyone hated the Jews yet you hate refugees for the same reason that people hate the Jews, which is the action of a few somehow represents the action of the many. You are no different than them.

3 main questions need to be asked here.

1. Why? Why is the (orange) population growing at such a rapid rate compared to the rest of the world? There is already so much chaos and misery in this region (see massive migration to Europe) and a finite amount of resources, so why is this the area that is expanding the most?

2. What are the ramifications of this? Aren't those countries already low on so many vital resources? Aren't those countries among the least educated in the world? How is it tenable to double+ the population? Can that population possibly survive within those borders? Which leads us to.....

3. This one relates the most to people like you, KentXie. The question becomes, how much is too much? When there is a never-ending supply of sob stories to tug at your heartstrings, how many of these people should the US and Europe open their arms for? If we are $100 trillion in debt, should we still allow another billion of them in here? Because let's face it, if there are 2.5 billion people on that continent, it's likely that 2.49 billion could seek a better life in Europe or America.

So basically, (A) can we indefinitely support the 3rd world without any detrimental effects to our own countries? (B) Why is it only the US/Canada and Europe that are being force-fed a never ending stream of outsiders, while Asian countries like China or middle east countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are let off the hook?

To answer your three questions.

Regardless of the circumstances, I will still accept refugees. The problem with your perception is that you assume that a majority of the refugees are bad which is untrue and while resource may be finite, denying them is essentially the same as being okay with killing off a massive population so we don't have to share.


(A) Perhaps, or perhaps not. Regardless, I will still accept them. One, because refugees are humans. They are not broken body parts. And two, each of them have skills that can benefit the US. Each of them can be productive members of society and their children can be productive members of society. Einstein was a refugee once you know.

(B) Because many of those aforementioned countries don't care. I don't laud them but just because they don't accept refugees doesn't mean we should lower our moral standards to their level. I donate and raise money every year for the Walk For Hunger. If someone who is wealthier than me doesn't donate, that doesn't mean that gives me an excuse to not donate to those in need, even though that person has more resource than me.

Let me end my response with my own question for you. If Israel was subjected to a massive attack resulting in the refugee crisis, and the US, seeing how there are a lot of anti-Semitic elements in the country, decides to not accept any Jewish refugees, would you be okay to shutting the door on your own people?
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Passed by Republican appointees. This is all very simple.

Republicans, Democrats and the rest of Washington have been the enemy.
What don't you get?
Yes... My personal view is I believe in the concept of being conservative in Govt. Balanced budget, keep our Govt from growing into a the Trillion dollar animal it has become.

Invest the taxpayers money
#1 Infrastructure,
#2 Find solutions to always better the environment
#3 Use our oceans as the future of water sources.
#4 Clean Energy
#5 Balance budgets Accountability/Transparency

Let the states control these issues. Security, teaching our children.
#5 Police/Teachers/Fire Dept.

Let me tell you what will happen under a TRUMP presidency.
#1 Expect the BIGGEST economy Boom in History for the next 2-5 Years
#2 Expect the BIGGEST Crash in history--2-5 Years out. Everybody gets WIPED out besides a handful of people.
The situation was already written with all the Rules and Regulations in place.
Republicans, Democrats and the rest of Washington have been the enemy.
What don't you get?
Yes... My personal view is I believe in the concept of being conservative in Govt. Balanced budget, keep our Govt from growing into a the Trillion dollar animal it has become.

Invest the taxpayers money
#1 Infrastructure,
#2 Find solutions to always better the environment
#3 Use our oceans as the future of water sources.
#4 Clean Energy
#5 Balance budgets Accountability/Transparency

Let the states control these issues. Security, teaching our children.
#5 Police/Teachers/Fire Dept.

Let me tell you what will happen under a TRUMP presidency.
#1 Expect the BIGGEST economy Boom in History for the next 2-5 Years
#2 Expect the BIGGEST Crash in history--2-5 Years out. Everybody gets WIPED out besides a handful of people.
The situation was already written with all the Rules and Regulations in place.

Sounds like you should have voted for Hillary, dumbass.

Even so, it's going to hurt minority communities to a far greater extent.

Of course but hardly anyone will miss the fat stupid white guys come 2020/2024.
Republicans, Democrats and the rest of Washington have been the enemy.
What don't you get?
Yes... My personal view is I believe in the concept of being conservative in Govt. Balanced budget, keep our Govt from growing into a the Trillion dollar animal it has become.

Invest the taxpayers money
#1 Infrastructure,
#2 Find solutions to always better the environment
#3 Use our oceans as the future of water sources.
#4 Clean Energy
#5 Balance budgets Accountability/Transparency

Let the states control these issues. Security, teaching our children.
#5 Police/Teachers/Fire Dept.

Let me tell you what will happen under a TRUMP presidency.
#1 Expect the BIGGEST economy Boom in History for the next 2-5 Years
#2 Expect the BIGGEST Crash in history--2-5 Years out. Everybody gets WIPED out besides a handful of people.
The situation was already written with all the Rules and Regulations in place.

I am not remotely interested in what you have to say.
Republicans, Democrats and the rest of Washington have been the enemy.
What don't you get?
Yes... My personal view is I believe in the concept of being conservative in Govt. Balanced budget, keep our Govt from growing into a the Trillion dollar animal it has become.

Invest the taxpayers money
#1 Infrastructure,
#2 Find solutions to always better the environment
#3 Use our oceans as the future of water sources.
#4 Clean Energy
#5 Balance budgets Accountability/Transparency

Let the states control these issues. Security, teaching our children.
#5 Police/Teachers/Fire Dept.

So... everything Clinton campaigned on, and Trump campaigned against. Great.
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