New Red and Orange Line Cars

I think it would have been worthwhile to come up with a livery that worked across trains and trolleys to impose some visual cohesion. Lacking that, at least the T logo could be identical.

1970's faux-wood paneling? We had that prominently featured in the interior livery of 3 rapid transit lines and the commuter rail until just a few years ago.
1970's faux-wood paneling? We had that prominently featured in the interior livery of 3 rapid transit lines and the commuter rail until just a few years ago.

I presume the third rapid transit line is the old 600 series BL cars? I never got a chance to ride on them.
Or we could go back to the "Whose line is it anyway?" days. . .










When Cambridge Seven developed the color coding identity for the MBTA in the mid-1960s, the original plan was for all equipment on all modes to be painted in a standard gray and white scheme with yellow doors. Prior to the Cambridge Seven plan, surface line equipment (bus, streetcar, and trackless) were painted in the tangerine and cream paint scheme, Blue Line cars were in a two-tone gray with orange stripe, Orange Line cars were painted in a dull orange and gray scheme, while the 1963 Red Line cars, which were funded by money from the state, were painted in "state colors" of blue, white, and gold.

A lot of buses were delivered or repainted in the gray scheme, a large number of Green Line PCC cars where repainted, three-pairs of Orange Line cars were repainted, and one trackless trolley, It was found however that the "Gray Ghost" scheme did not hide dirt well and was hard to see in some weather conditions. The 1969 Red Line cars were delivered with unpainted brushed aluminum and a thin red stripe. By 1970 , they had stopped repainting PCCs gray, and a couple of gray ones were actually repainted back to orange. In 1971, it was decided that rail cars would be repainted or new ones delivered in the color of the lines they were operating on and buses would be painted yellow. That has held, for the most part, since.
I remember riding on those "Relics from the Dinosaur Age" ancient Blue Line Trains when they were repainted in the Blue Line colors. That was back in the early to mid '70s!
EDIT: Voting was fraudulent. See update on next page.
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I can live with those. For whatever reason, I also liked the big logo on Red more than on Orange.
I can live with those. For whatever reason, I also liked the big logo on Red more than on Orange.

I did too. Apparently 90% of the people did. =P

I think the differing styles might be a cool opportunity to give each line its own "brand," so to say, or rather the Red Line it's own brand. Supergraphics are hip & edgy and make a statement.
I said as much in the other T thread (deleted now because I saw the chatter here), but if these shenanigans allowed us to dodge the dot matrix designs, it was a noble pursuit.
Which one of you bastards hacked the T poll? Developing now:

Shock! Scandal!

Jack Newsham ‏@TheNewsHam 9m9 minutes ago

UPDATE from @MBTA spokesman: "Tech staff informs me there is evidence of irregular voting patterns."@universalhub

Jack Newsham ‏@TheNewsHam 45m45 minutes ago
.@MBTA @baobaofzhang @universalhub

Dozens of consecutive votes cast by the same IP address, 2 to 3 survey completions per second -- no way!

Jack Newsham ‏@TheNewsHam 54m54 minutes ago
.@MBTA @baobaofzhang @universalhub

Dozens of respondents filled out the survey in ZERO seconds. Story coming soon.

Jack Newsham ‏@TheNewsHam 1h1 hour ago
The @MBTA color scheme vote trends for Red Line and Green Line are rather suspicious. @baobaofzhang @universalhub



Looks like before the shenanigans option 1 was poised to win across the board.
What's the point? This is like hacking a poll about what your favorite season is.
I am shocked, shocked, to learn that voting irregularities are happening in this Commonwealth.
I am shocked, shocked, to learn that voting irregularities are happening in this Commonwealth.

Wait... I get the Casablanca reference, but I don't get the comparison... Massachusetts has veiled vote rigging problems that I don't know about?
I am shocked, shocked, to learn that voting irregularities are happening in this Commonwealth.

I am shocked, shocked that a stupid "make the public feel involved" web poll can be hacked! Wait, no I am not. But why bother?
The T uses SurveyMonkey for all of their surveys. They probably shouldn't.
