Northeastern eyes dorms

My excitement for this development cannot be fully measured or appreciated by any tangible metric.
What? With this much hype, I had thought not only had Grandmarc been approved, but also doubled in height.

You played us well, my friend.
If Grandmarc were doubled in height there would have been a heart attack epidemic among bthe NIMBY's
I'll admit my excitement for this impending announcement is heightened somewhat because I've been a tour guide for the last 2+ years. But even so, I encourage you guys to reserve judgement until you see what's planned/will be built.
Someone ban him


But even so, I encourage you guys to reserve judgement until you see what's planned/will be built.

At this point, if it isn't the most amazing piece of architecture in Boston, I suspect you'll start receiving death threats from some of the members here.
I was wondering what was happening with that. Don't we have a thread for it?
Well now Northeastern students now know where to go to talk about Boston developments.
Well for me, this is the most amusing 2.5 pages of posts I read in a while.

Also, in a bit more sad finding (aside from the hype letdown), I googled that there was two Southeastern Universities. There is the one linked already and there's was another one at Washington DC that collapsed in 2009. The interesting bit is the school was also a spin off from the YMCA, just like Northeastern. They're like siblings! I also notice a parallel that Northeastern was being squeezed before it decided to gun for top tier status climbing up the rankings. Looks like Southeastern went the opposite direction. Kinda sad that it went down.
