Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part IV (2011)

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what happen when u stick ur camera out the window while sitting in traffic 53 state

Dude you're the most epic poster. I was worried you'd stopped taking pics!!! Glad to see you're back.
Wow. That last one Doesn't even seem real.
lol! thanks I posted the wrong pix but got a comment so quick I left it up! here's what I wanted to post >
and the whole pix>
the best part is I could'nt even see what I was photographing(like 85% of my pixs),because I was reaching out the passenger side window and just pointed up :) luv digital camera's!
Last 2 pics on the last page are great. The very last one looked like it was created on a computer!
It's aged well. Bob Campbell hated the very idea of the building when it was completed in the mid-80s. I recall the illustration that went with his article in the Globe Sunday magazine -- it parodied RoboCop. I agree with his critique, the the transition from the old Exchange Building's facade to the tower is a bit clunky, but the tower itself is pretty damn cool.
6-10 more floors would have made it awesome! still one of my favorites!
Could have done a better job with that elegant staricase rather than just using it as an accessory to the atrium entrance
Dude you're the most epic poster. I was worried you'd stopped taking pics!!! Glad to see you're back.
thanks^ still here,like everyone else work is slow so I'm in the office more than out on the road :(
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