Re: Fidelity's HQ may go high
Filene's is a facadectomy. No actual building remains behind those walls on Washington and Summer streets. Would you rather have the walls removed instead of keeping them and inserting a new building behind them?
Its a lie. And its a cheap, dirty, chickenshit lie at that. I would rather live in a sea of kensingtons than watch another ferdinand, russia wharf, or hong luk happen. At least the kensington is truthful in its unapologetic value engeneered cheap ass facade. Its honest in its expression of the testimony to sacrificing any self worth or pristige for the bottom line profits. Facadectomies are taking the impressive works of the past and tearing out their soul, to replace it with consumable garbage. Then even worse, everyone stands back and pats each other on the back saying what a great job they did "preserving" something.
Bullshit. Is it preserving your mother if she has cancer, so I take out her bones, muscle, brain, etc and replace it with a monkeys? She still looks the same, and she's alive! We preserved her! Don't worry that the eyes are a different color and the insides don't quite work the way they did, its all the same, right? And its progress! A testemant to modern medecine!
If a building has outlived its useful life in its current form it should either be evaluated to see how it can be adapted and reused in the modern era, preserved as a museum, or TORN DOWN. Its about so, so much more than aesthetics. Its about truth. Its about soul.
There is no reason we can't build today as we did before. It is the acceptance of this lie that allows the rumor to perpetuate. It is the acceptance of the arguement for facadectomies that "well, we couldn't POSSIBLY build something like this again" that allows the cycle of sub par workmanship, cheap design, and crappy materality to perpetuate. Every facadectonomy that occurs is just one more thumbs up to developers that they dont have to even try when they design, they can just build a cheap box, pretend its something else, and then use a marketing department to convince everyone it is. Its bad design propoganda, on a fascist scale.
Looking at russia wharf makes me sick. Watching the ferdinands skin propped up makes me want to vomit. These buildings could have lived on useful as ever but their developers were too cheap, lazy, stingy, and stupid to bother even thinking of how to do it. Its too hard. Tearing the guts out of a building is easy. Fooling the public into believing they somehow perserved something is easy. Not having an iota of independent thought to realize that these buildings are a cheap cop-out for true design is easy. Realizing that one would rather suffer a million government centers because at least they are honest and shameless as to what they are is not. People hate post modernism for its irony and shoddy use of detailing? It doesn't even hold a candle to this.
*again, sorry for my bad spelling, I'm on my phone for the week*