Radian (Dainty Dot) | 120 Kingston Street | Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

OK those images fucking hurt. Doesn't seem real...are we sure it isn't 1959?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Agree. This building has great bones and is a high-quality structure that is getting replaced by something that will surely be shoddier and (as we can already see) is much uglier.

Masochism, self-hate, suicide: call it what you want, but this is a case of a city taking one of its strengths (our historic architecture and urban fabric, which is the greatest -- perhaps only -- attraction of Boston for someone not coming here to work in a specific industry) and trying to kill it. You do this enough, and your city soon looks like Phoenix.

This is one of those things that is so clearly, obviously stupid that one has to wonder whether Kairos Shen and the BRA aren't just massive bunglers but whether they're corrupt / on the take. After all, it's not like MA politics hasn't had numerous recent cases of that (DiMasi, Wilkerson, Tierney, Turner, Finneran, Marzilli, et al.).
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Anyone volunteer to document this building's destruction? We need to show future generations how stupid we were--as graphically as possible.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Anyone volunteer to document this building's destruction? We need to show future generations how stupid we were--as graphically as possible.

Just remember, this isn't exactly a "we" thing. I personally jumped for joy at the original proposal, which was then deemed "too iconic" for the banal strip of grass that replaced the elevated highway. That was a beautiful little tower that would have preserved a beautiful historic building beneath it, something we all could have (and should have) been proud of. Everybody involved with this (typical) decision should be shot... in the toes, feet, ankles, shins, knees, fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, ears..... then we can burn their eyes out by making them stare straight into the heart of these garbage projects they approve of.

Maybe next we can tear down the Customs House and finally build that 3rd Harbor Tower.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think when Briv says "we" he means Archboston members. I don't know of anyone on this forum who is happy about this development.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think when Briv says "we" he means Archboston members. I don't know of anyone on this forum who is happy about this development.

I meant the part where he said "how stupid we were", because I sure as heck am not part of that "we". I just don't have any clout over this kind of thing.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Add these to the archives...











Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

It's a shame. A lot of people can't see past the caked-on grime and efflorescence on the exterior and think it's a dump. A simple power wash and repointing and that facade would glow. It's actually in pretty great condition.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown


IAM thinkin this dEScriblin the ORISHENS of this TuRDENPRojecKt

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think every sign at every construction site that heralds the august participation of the BRA should carry the slogan:

"The BRA: Ruining what's nice about Boston since 1957. For us, it's still the '60s!"
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think every sign at every construction site that heralds the august participation of the BRA should carry the slogan:

"The BRA: Ruining what's nice about Boston since 1957. For us, it's still the '60s!"


An alternative slogan might go something like:

"Urban Renewal: Let's finish What We Started"
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

How about we make a bunch of fliers saying both of those things then every Friday after the construction workers leave we can post them everywhere around the site and continuously shame the city.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Is there a direct email address for Kairos Shen with which we can voice our disapproval on his track record?

Seriously, this guy pisses me off more than the mayor and it's clear that he's either oblivious to the fact that he is one of Boston's most incompetent city planner ever, or he has an enormous ego and wishes to shape Boston in his image, which is a bland city where nothing stands out.

I only wish that we knew someone who is journalist on the forum who can write an OP'ed on Boston Globe openly criticizing this man.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Residents of other cities live in fear of their iconic (ionic) buildings. Not here in Reston-on-the-Charles, however, thanks to Prince Kairos, slayer of iconia.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think the personal attacks against Shen are a bit over the top. He's playing by rules that were established long before he got there.
1. What the mayor wants trumps everything else. If the mayor is indifferent see rule #2.
2. Everything in Boston will be intentionally underzoned so that developers will need to ask for variances. Giving abutters undue influence in development decisions.

In this case it seemed like rule #1 didn't apply. So rule #2 came into play. The neighbors demanded less height. The developer said if I can't go taller I'm not saving Dainty Dot. Dainty Dot was deemed non-historical by and independent party. So Shen's hands are tied a bit.
His comments about wanting a building that is not iconic was infuriating, but when it comes to the destruction of Dainty Dot I don't think he has blood on his hands.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think the personal attacks against Shen are a bit over the top. He's playing by rules that were established long before he got there.
1. What the mayor wants trumps everything else. If the mayor is indifferent see rule #2.
2. Everything in Boston will be intentionally underzoned so that developers will need to ask for variances. Giving abutters undue influence in development decisions.

In this case it seemed like rule #1 didn't apply. So rule #2 came into play. The neighbors demanded less height. The developer said if I can't go taller I'm not saving Dainty Dot. Dainty Dot was deemed non-historical by and independent party. So Shen's hands are tied a bit.
His comments about wanting a building that is not iconic was infuriating, but when it comes to the destruction of Dainty Dot I don't think he has blood on his hands.

AMF -- Dainty Dot is not the Chadwick Leadworks or even the Hoffman Building

There are a lot of Dainty Dots -- Boston used to have a lot of that kind of industry-- the focus has to be on saving enough of the earlier eras so that people from a later era will see what used to be -- BUT you can not save every building that is from an earlier era
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think the personal attacks against Shen are a bit over the top. He's playing by rules that were established long before he got there.
1. What the mayor wants trumps everything else. If the mayor is indifferent see rule #2.
2. Everything in Boston will be intentionally underzoned so that developers will need to ask for variances. Giving abutters undue influence in development decisions.

In this case it seemed like rule #1 didn't apply. So rule #2 came into play. The neighbors demanded less height. The developer said if I can't go taller I'm not saving Dainty Dot. Dainty Dot was deemed non-historical by and independent party. So Shen's hands are tied a bit.
His comments about wanting a building that is not iconic was infuriating, but when it comes to the destruction of Dainty Dot I don't think he has blood on his hands.

In the 6-page article about Kairos Shen from the Boston Glove, Shen clearly states:

But Shen also hates flash, or designers who toot their own horn architecturally, and he has the architectural background to know it when he sees it. "I prefer the understated and sophisticated approach," he says. "I feel like . . . everybody wants to make a monument. Developers push the architect to do it because they want to stand out, because they have to market themselves.

"We don't have to have the fanciest and loudest piece of artwork from a great artist," Shen says. "We want their best work that represents all that this architect has in terms of their skill and thinking but that fits into Boston, that is reflective of the Boston character." He is aware of the fear that some residents have that one day, they will wake up and ask, "Oh, my god, are we in Shanghai?"

His last quote is brain scratching. Sure not all crazy designs are not the best work (see Dubai), but to imply that he is against iconic (or as he call it, flash and monument) and then say he "wants the best work that represents all that this architect has in terms of their skill and thinking," is literally contradicting and impossible given the faux height limit we have in the city.

If sophisticated approach meant heavy attention to detail on the cladding and facade, then that's fine, but the stuff coming down the pipeline are as bland as you can get, save for the Liberty Mutual building.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Right, but again I don't think Shen personally deserves to get piled on. He didn't impose the height limits. And those height limits contribute a great deal into the value engineering that occurs with some of the precast boxes that go up in this city.
