Radian (Dainty Dot) | 120 Kingston Street | Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Not every old building can be saved, including this one, but the façade should have been saved and a new building grafted onto it.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

In the 6-page article about Kairos Shen from the Boston Glove, Shen clearly states:

His last quote is brain scratching. Sure not all crazy designs are not the best work (see Dubai), but to imply that he is against iconic (or as he call it, flash and monument) and then say he "wants the best work that represents all that this architect has in terms of their skill and thinking," is literally contradicting and impossible given the faux height limit we have in the city.

If sophisticated approach meant heavy attention to detail on the cladding and facade, then that's fine, but the stuff coming down the pipeline are as bland as you can get, save for the Liberty Mutual building.

Kent -- I kind of agree with his stated goals -- its the execution that counts -- consider Philip Johnson and Boston:

1) He bunkerizes the addition to the BPL -- a major league flop
2) He creates some sort of faux whatever building at 500 Boylston -- a design apparently similar to something he did in Virginia
a) He's supposed to do another 500 Boylston - -there is enough outrage that he's fired and Robert Stern is hired for the 2nd building which is turned 90 degrees from the Johstrosity
3) He does IP1 -- Robert Campbell makes the memorable statement that perhaps he was having an affair with a Palladian Window saleswoman
a) When the Travellers Building is imploded for 125 High Street -- as the dust settles someone watching by the Federal Reserve Bank is heard to remark -- "Damn IP is sill standing they blew-up the wrong building"

Great architect?
Certainly mega famous -- anything that he did in Boston that you'd keep?
Anything that he did that you'd sacrifice?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Not every old building can be saved, including this one, but the façade should have been saved and a new building grafted onto it.

Ron -- I agree that would have been the best outcome -- the facade is nice especially the cornices and the treatment of the windows
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Since there has been quite a bit of negative posting about this project, Kairos Shen will be leading a discussion around "Boston and the Skyscraper" next Thursday at 6:30pm at the BSA (Boston Society of Architects) new Space. It's open to all. I've posted the details in the events section.

I have a planning board meeting that night and won't be able to attend, unfortunately.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Since there has been quite a bit of negative posting about this project, Kairos Shen will be leading a discussion around "Boston and the Skyscraper" next Thursday at 6:30pm at the BSA (Boston Society of Architects) new Space.

IAM thinkin it NICE he hold foRum becaus of NEGSITIVE POSTLINGS on this pROjecKT
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

IAM thinkin it NICE he hold foRum becaus of NEGSITIVE POSTLINGS on this pROjecKT

Yeah. That did sound weird. What I meant was that since there had been some negative posting about the BRA concerning this particular project, forum members could have a chance to hear and speak directly to Kairos Shen about his vision for this project and others in the pipeline.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

IAM thANKankin you
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Please put your veggies outdoors now so that they can be nice and rotten by the time the Reaper of Dainty Dot shows his face. And bring cameras to show Kairos getting pelted with moldering tomatoes and cabbage.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

And back on the topic, what is the progress of the project?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

IAm thikin YoO cAn eAt my ShirTs...thIS BEIN the OPIC!!!
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

won't miss this view
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

All she needs is some sandpaper and a dust mop.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

This is in great shape. Are people really so dense that they think it's "crumbling" or "an eyesore" or "dilapidated"? I'm not making those allegations up; there was a recent article in the Globe or Herald about Ori Ron's project that described the Dainty Dot in those terms.

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

What I wanna know is why is there a Clear Channel logo smack in the middle of its side?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

^KZ, there used to be a full-sized advertising space there that was managed by Clear Channel's billboards division.

When they decided the building would be destroyed, they pulled the ad but for whatever reason left Clear Channel's logo -- probably to make the building look that much more like a "dilapidated" and "crumbling" "eyesore" if there were random, inexplicable bits of old signs still on it.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

What I wanna know is why is there a Clear Channel logo smack in the middle of its side?

So we can take a gander at how much shit Clear Channel is fucking up.

First WFNX... now Dainty Dot. WHAT NEXT?! The Public Garden?!
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

^ That was my thinking too, but itchy's more prosaic point rung a bell, and I do now remember the big billboard that used to be there.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Quick update: Equipment is now on-site, scaffolding is up. Will try to snap some photos this weekend.
