Rose Kennedy Greenway

Unfortunately they do like their green space and access roads monumental, though.
They could actually do something like this in the Fort Point channel...once everything gets developed of course.

The only place on the Greenway I see anything 'monumental' is probably near South Station at Dewey Square. Other than that, the various factions of residents have already staked their land claims in the other sections and sadly can probably never be modified.
Nobody lives near the Greenway except the small number of folks in Harbor Towers and Rowes Wharf.
^^And West End as they will somehow convince the BRA that they are also adjacent to the parks.
They could actually do something like this in the Fort Point channel...once everything gets developed of course.

The only place on the Greenway I see anything 'monumental' is probably near South Station at Dewey Square. Other than that, the various factions of residents have already staked their land claims in the other sections and sadly can probably never be modified.

The Garden Under Glass proposal by the Horticultural Society at Dewey remains the Greenway's sole concept that held a glimmer of inspiration. It should be revived.
Neighborhood groups along the Greenway:

North End
Wharf District: Harbor Towers, Rowes Wharf, Folio
Dewey Square: Residences at Intercontinental, Leather District

Believe it or not, it takes a small group of vocal residence to derail anything in this town. It's because of these folks we have a mediocre parkway in the middle of downtown. Everything about the Greenway was based on compromise from the design of the parks to the formation of the orgnanization that now manages it. In fact these neighborhood groups like the temporary landscaping on the ramp parcels and are now trying to ensure that they remain 'open space'.

I wouldn't expect anything landmark on the Greenway anytime soon maybe except near South Station, like I mentioned before.
5 stars for the laughs I got from the ignorant and reactionary discussion moderator, whose hatred for 'cement' trumps every other evil.

Well, who can blame them really? Think of all the free-flowing stone, sand and ash we would have without that evil, evil cement.
I don't see any reference to 'cement' on the page you linked to. I hope some compromise can occur here, to allow gardens and active programmed uses to coexist. There's plenty of room for both.
Ron - it's not on the page. Watch the video (it's 10 minutes or so).
gimme a break...they talk about this craptastic "garden" as if it were Versailles. It's half-assed, maintained with relative apathy and lifeless.
Yeah, but you have to admit there are worse parcels that could be replaced with a temporary farmer's market.
gimme a break...they talk about this craptastic "garden" as if it were Versailles. It's half-assed, maintained with relative apathy and lifeless.

hmm...either a) you are thinking of the wrong parcels - something in Waltham perhaps; b) you actually have never walked through the Mass Hort parcels; or c) the last time you were there was 2008, when at that time, I might have agreed with you.

In reality, the parcels in front of the IC and Atlantic Wharf put on quite a nice show this year, horticulturally speaking, assuming you like that sort of thing. The plantings were lush and varied with texture and depth; there was a different flush of bloom every few weeks, AND they were/are well maintained. IMO, the only things missing from these two parcels are benches and a smattering of art.

Versailles - no. Beautiful gardens - yes.
Hmm, there must be some confusion here. I think the Conservancy is going to enhance these pathetic gardens by reconfiguring the pathways, adding additional plants and well as some much needed infrastructure (think lighting, seats, maybe a kiosk for food, education, etc). There's a lot of misinformation about these parcels, that's for sure.

We finally have an opportunity to to activate this part of the Greenway and there is already opposition to it!

ps: that Greater Boston segment really did not explain anything about this 'rift'.
gimme a break...they talk about this craptastic "garden" as if it were Versailles. It's half-assed, maintained with relative apathy and lifeless.
I spoke with the Conservancy staff recently, while they were working on the Mass Hort parcels. There are exactly 4 (FOUR) horticulturalists presently funded by the Conservancy for the ENTIRE Greenway to take care of all the plant material, from the North Station "Triangle" park to the Chinatown Park. Of course I was shocked, but then impressed by how much these four people have been able to accomplish this year.
