Rose Kennedy Greenway

It's weird, I think that the garden infront of IC hotel is so boring and underutilizing of the location's potential. Also being that is surounding by 3 lanes of traffic, it's attempt to be an oasis is also laughable. But enclose it w/ glass and suddenly I think it would be cool (assuming you throw a few palm trees in there)
Did anyone see the palm trees that were planted in the Public Garden over the summer? I thought that was awesome. To be honest, a garden with all native plants is boring. A garden with exotic plant life? Now that's cool.
I must have missed something - how is the greenery in front of the InterContinental "pathetic"? It's beautiful and lush. Proof to back up your claim?
The Public Garden palms (and a thumb):

Well it's all opinion. And it's nice I suppose. But to have that plot of land devoted being just a garden is so boring in my opinion. I feel like I could go to any suburban back yard and see the same thing. It could be something else and still have plants and flowers. Plus with all the traffic sorounding it I don't think it will ever be serene. But if you enclose it, then the traffic noise would disapear and it could be a santuary in the winter.
The tropical plants in the Public Garden and Copley Sq. are wintered over in the greenhouses of the Arnold Arboretum in J.P. No reason they couldn't be planted also on the greenway, as long as the funding is available.

Bridges planned to connect Boston's green spaces
Posted by Boston Globe Business Team November 20, 2009 11:32 AM

By Peter DeMarco

It was touted as the Big Dig?s greatest open-space gift to Boston: a spectacular ribbon of parks, paths, and pedestrian footbridges linking the Esplanade to both the Rose Kennedy Greenway and Boston Harbor. But when the Central Artery/Tunnel Project officially wrapped up two years ago, only half of what was promised had been built.

This week, state environmental officials, flush with $30 million from the federal stimulus package and a renewed political will, took a huge step toward addressing that failure.

Construction bids were opened Tuesday for the first of three promised footbridges, a 700-foot expanse that will rise over railroad tracks on the Cambridge-Charlestown line to link parklands on opposite sides of the Leonard P. Zakim Bridge. The federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will pay for the entire bridge, called the North Bank Bridge, and other riverfront paths.

More important, the infusion of federal dollars will be combined with another $30.5 million left over in the Central Artery?s coffers to build the other footbridges and paths promised to Bostonians nearly two decades ago, state officials said.

Once that happens - the new goal is about four years - Bostonians will be able to walk, jog, and bike from Watertown to Charlestown to South Boston without leaving the water?s edge. The city will be opened to recreational users like never before, with multiuse trails under both sides of the Zakim Bridge to explore on any journey.

?The idea that you can walk all the way down the Charles, but not to the harbor, is frustrating for people who care about the history and recreational use of the river,?? said Ian Bowles, secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. ?You?re going to finally see the Commonwealth moving forward to reclaim this last half-mile. Being able to do the North Bank Footbridge with the recovery funds has unlocked the whole rest of the deal.??

While the Big Dig spent $100 million on parks - including North Point Park in Cambridge, Paul Revere Park in Charlestown, and Nashua Street Park in Boston - it failed to build the all-important links between the parks, the Esplanade, the Greenway, and the Harbor. As a result, the parks have seen little use.

Those missing links all lie in the so-called lost half-mile of the Charles River, officially known as the New Charles River Basin. The area extends from Monsignor O?Brien Highway between the Museum of Science and Leverett Circle to the Charlestown Bridge, where the dam sits.

When the Central Artery/Tunnel Project officially closed on Dec. 31, 2007, most parks and recreation advocates figured the missing links would remain missing for a long time. The recession further sapped any hope of the state?s covering the full $60 million in remaining construction costs. And there was no guarantee that $30.5 million left over from the Central Artery, even though it was earmarked for parks, would not be siphoned off to pay other state debts.

Now, those advocates say they are both shocked and full of joy.

?These are really difficult economic times, and things are dropping right and left, so people have been disappointed about many things,?? said Vivien Li, executive director of the Boston Harbor Association since 1991. ?But this is really good news. I?ve got a big smile on my face.??

Dan Wilson, a longtime volunteer member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the New Charles River Basin, praised Bowles and the governor for their renewed commitment to finishing the work. But Wilson cautioned that promises to complete the missing links have amounted to little in the past, and budgets that were thought to be more than enough have fallen far short.

?My concern is that we may repeat the same mistake,?? Wilson said.

Bowles and Rick Sullivan, commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, said that this time the work will be done. State Transportation Secretary Jeffrey Mullan is also supporting the effort.

?We intend to keep every commitment we?ve made,?? Mullan said.

The North Bank Footbridge, which will link North Point Park in Cambridge to Paul Revere Park in Charlestown, should be built within two years, Sullivan said, as will a multiuse path on Beverly Street Extension connecting the Rose Kennedy Greenway to the Charles River.

Bowles and Sullivan said they intend to revive plans to attach a second footbridge to an existing railroad bridge across the Charles. That footbridge, which Sullivan estimated would cost $5 million, would link North Point Park in Cambridge to Nashua Street Park in Boston.

A third missing bridge, estimated at $12 million, is expected to rise over railroad tracks on the southern side of the Charles near the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital.

Noah Bierman of the Globe staff contributed to this report
This is good news. Those bridges are essential if people are going to use the new parks.
The company I work for was the low bidder on that project four years ago. The state was so cash strapped they just threw out all the bids. Then Mass Highway value engineered $5M out of the design and now it goes back out to bid. Of course this time we miss being low by 3%.
A real vision...inspirational. What could have been the RKG.

unsure what this was kind of like a LCD strobe light
the good thing is the old hardware building in the back ground looks to be under renovation?
Brookine, MA native Bill Bell?s ?Light Sticks, White?, greets South Station commuters on Dewey Square Plaza with subtle scrolling images. The display presents an intriguing scene which can be read either as a fixed array of pulsating light or as a solid image traveling across the array, allowing viewers to fill in their own meaning. This unanticipated and visually arresting duality is achieved by the synchronized switching of 1300 LED lights.
That's great... but why is it installed on top of a shipping container?
