Rose Kennedy Greenway

We turn water features off and on in deference to the cold weather--if this were permanent, I'm sure it could be stored/repaired and reinstalled yearly. I think it's a shame that something that "works" this well in this particularly Bostonian space should not live beyond a single season in 2015.
We turn water features off and on in deference to the cold weather--if this were permanent, I'm sure it could be stored/repaired and reinstalled yearly. I think it's a shame that something that "works" this well in this particularly Bostonian space should not live beyond a single season in 2015.

Tomb -- its a bit premature -- its only been in place for a week -- but I like the idea of putting something up each spring / summer season -- perhaps like one of those grapevine wreaths -- the frame work is the same but the decorations change season by season
It's very hard to photograph this well. Daytime iPhone drive-by yielded nothing even remotely recognizable.
It reminds me of one of those giant bubbles that performers make at Faneuil Hall Marketplace or on the Common when I see it in pictures. So cool.
BOS -- reminds me of the first time I saw a Silicon Dioxide Aerogel -- all form with almost no substance -- nearly just floating like a cloud

And so much less during the daytime than at night -- Fascinating ;)
