Today’s garages look better than ever, the Harbor Garage could be dressed up similarly. The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy could hold a competition to brighten the facade of the Harbor Garage with graphics and non-blinking lights (this is Boston, not Vegas). The Greenway Conservancy is an art advocate and has done a great job with art installation. The garage is not on their property but is adjacent to it. Instead of having lights just at ground level, such as the light blades, this graphic/art installation would have a greater height and be more visible, a more conspicuous attraction. Cooperation with the garage property owner is necessary or maybe he could do it himself.
Of course, the elephant in the room is Chiofaro’s 60 story commercial Goliath that build-at-all-costs critics say is better than an 8 story garage blocking the waterfront. Keep the garage and build a modest-sized (this is Boston, not Hong Kong), more appropriate waterfront building in a tourist-dominated part of the waterfront.
Wanted to talk specifically about garages with Beeline’s pictures but had to veer to the last, most prominent old garage remaining in downtown.
Queue the harangues. 3...2...1...