Normally things like this don't piss me off but have you see the Brooklyn Yotel they'll be getting. John Hynes is an asshat.
I actually don't mind the new render of the Yotel at all. I think the design is quite solid. I like that they've broken up the facade so it's not monotonous anymore and refined the window placement on the edges. The massing forms a nice streetwall.
That is just awful.
I actually don't mind the new render of the Yotel at all. I think the design is quite solid. I like that they've broken up the facade so it's not monotonous anymore and refined the window placement on the edges. The massing forms a nice streetwall.
Re: the headhouse. Was this the headhouse where Hynes has to wait to be designated developer of it or is that the one across the street where parcels B/C are going up? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Love three sides of this thing but the back is... bad. Going to be real awkward once the rest of the Seaport Square is built out.
Envoy Hotel.
As simple as this sign is the font is funky enough to add some personality that would otherwise be missing. Would love to see some really artistic signage/graphics happening in this city. Small and tasteful has its place but so does big and honking.