I have not read anything about this site, but it appears that the Millbrook Cold Storage building next to Twin City Plaza is having some work done. There are construction trailers and fencing on site. Anyone know more about this project?

The Green Line will be nice, but since what the GLX will do is drain vitality from Somerville during the day, even better would be walking to work.
and the the missed opportunity of not massing new commercial at, say, Brickbottom.
To: Neighbors of 620 Broadway
Re: Proposed Development of 620 Broadway (now the Shield gas station)
When: Monday, June 2, 7:30 p.m.
Where: The DAV (next door) 616 Broadway
Dear Neighbors,
Please join your neighbors, Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang, Attorney Sean O'Donovan, and developers Gorka and Laurentzi Brabo, to learn about and view proposed plans for a 19-unit residential development at 620 Broadway. The development team will be on-hand to present the plans and to answer any questions you may have.
For more info or questions contact:
Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang, (617) 629-8033, mniedergang@somervillema.gov
Attorney Sean O'Donovan, (617) 629-8888, sean@odolaw.com
any further info on whats proposed here?
Thanks for that, could be worse I suppose.Something wonky with the PDF. Here it is again. Looks good to me. http://www.somervillema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/130201 City Permit_Reduced.pdf