Will the new stop go in before or after all 18 buildings are completed?
I?m certainly not an expert on the subject as some of you are, but I've taken the Orange line in town for at least fifteen years and I have some concerns. In my experience (during rush hours) the Orange line currently operates primarily as a commuter service for park & ride users or bus linkers from the suburbs and beyond. The preponderance of inbound riders that board the Orange line prior to North Station, do so at Malden Center or Wellington. The riders at Community College and Sullivan Station combined could not equal one third of those at Wellington or MC. While the busiest stops for getting off are State St. and DDC, it is not as absolutely unmistakable that the overwhelming majority of riders board at one of these two stops.
If there are going to be other stations added beyond North Station, especially at Assembly Square (and I think that it could be a great place for a stop) the project first needs to be completed. More importantly, the Sullivan Sq. stop (which is essentially an island under 93 set back behind a large parking lot separated from residential Charlestown serving the pedestrian poorly) should either be replaced by the assembly stop, or the difference between Sullivan and the proposed Assembly stop should be split.
My concern is that as more TOD (and just development in general) goes up around from Oak Grove, on in to North Station, (without the elimination of commuter parking) overcrowding is going to become an increasing concern. As it is, rush hour trains are packed to the brim and malfunctions and delays can make the trip unbearable for many. If Ron?s assertion is correct and that in addition to a residential area ?this will also be a major commercial and office district? how are we going to fit the numbers of people required for this area to be considered major, onto the already overcrowded trains? In order for the additional load to not be an issue, we must not expect to take on that many additional passengers at this proposed stop (b/c as I said earlier?the trains run at or over capacity.) Adding stops by itself does not appear to be a problem, but I think it?s time we invest in another RT line, and at the very minimum, invest heavily in newer, more reliable equipment.
Is this a non-issue?