South Boston Infill and Small Developments

Re: South Boston Development

This might be the worst of new condo developments in Southie -

I live near here and am offended by this design/color as well. My only thinking is that the developer was trying to create a modern take on the west broadway projects. I seriously hope the project next door has some redeeming qualities but highly doubt it.
Re: South Boston Development

I think someone mentioned this earlier, but the great thing about these Southie developments is that most of them are small, as opposed to the hulking developments on the waterfront.

A lot of this is being developed towards the area of the waterfront, correct? Will this ever make contact with the other stuff up there?
Re: South Boston Development

Yes, most of this "small-scale" development in South Boston is occurring on East and West 1st, 2nd and 3rd Streets. So north of Broadway heading toward Seaport and downtown. I believe they rezoned the streets to permit residential a few years back. Lots of nimbys keep showing up but no proposals seem to have been shut down as a result.

As for linkage, it looks like the main arteries between the two are A Street, D Street and Summer/L Street. D Street has the most activity between the private developments and convention center hotel expansion. A Street is improving but is still plagued by the channel-side parking lots that Gillette apparently owns and the USPS lot across the street. No idea what the development plans are for those.

The Pappas family also owns a ton of land east of the convention center that is apparently being put up for sale/redevelopment. A CRE trade journal had an article on this a few months ago, but haven't seen anything since.

For a decent view on how it all looks in real-time take the South Boston Bypass road from 93 through and into the Seaport. Not only do you get a great view of downtown, South Boston and the Seaport, the signs identifying the bridges you travel under are London-style.
Re: South Boston Development

This looks awesome

Agreed. One weird thing I noticed on this building as it was going up:
The yellow "bump outs" around the windows do not contain additional living space. The blue wall was completely vertical down to the ground and they framed out (on top of the blue space) for the yellow cladding.
Re: South Boston Development

Wow I had no idea there were so many projects! Awesome! I love the Knox condos. Really nice details and color palette. Was that so hard?!
Re: South Boston Development



Not so awesome (the building, not the picture). Is that going to be retail along the right street wall? If so, that'd be a saving grace.
Re: South Boston Development

It's a Stephanie's restaurant and a Starbucks going in under there
Re: South Boston Development

Nice. The Broadway headhouse is such a wasted people draw sitting alone there mid-intersection. It needs some adjacent caffeine-'n-grub injection, and streetside ATM or something.

It's a slightly faster walk from Channel Ctr. than SS, so that Stephanie's will be packed out the door at lunch.
