South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown



This is turning out to be one of the coolest 700 foot buildings around. I still can’t believe how awesome this looks contrasted against the head house.
That’s not its most flattering angle. The bulk of the office floors ruin the slender gesture of the residential floors.
No, the best angle is the oblique from I-93 (and presumably somewhere else on the other sides) where it looks blade-thin. It isn't on the lower floors, so it's a really clever use of angles.
I prefer the view from behind; the setbacks are more subtle. I hate the front view, which is the obvious money shot. Its best angle is definitely the view from 93.
I was at South Station several times this week, and the retail options seemed much improved. Starbucks, Dunkin, and caffe Nero for coffee. I also appreciated the quick snacks options for energy bars and juice.
