South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

I was at South Station several times this week, and the retail options seemed much improved. Starbucks, Dunkin, and caffe Nero for coffee. I also appreciated the quick snacks options for energy bars and juice.
Haven't all of those been there for... forever? I guess maybe I don't specifically recall a Nero, but Starbucks and Dunks have been there at least since 2020 (and given that it's Boston, I'd wager there's been a Dunks at SS since the '70s).
I was at South Station several times this week, and the retail options seemed much improved. Starbucks, Dunkin, and caffe Nero for coffee. I also appreciated the quick snacks options for energy bars and juice.

Glad to hear this. I was at South Station in the early spring to meet a childhood friend up from Florida whose wife was attending a conference at the Convention Center. A day in the 50s, my South Station highlight was getting off the train in a short sleeve shirt to find my friend bundled up like an Eskimo.

Visiting the South Station food court for a quick lunch, however, was not a highlight. What an armpit compared to the 1980s and '90s. We ended up at the South Street Diner.
Sept 21:

blue sky yet its raining?

I'll bet $20 it's an iPhone shot. Speaking from personal experience, the recent iPhone's color profile is waaayyy too blue-green in most outdoor situations and I notice it every time I use mine.
I'll bet $20 it's an iPhone shot. Speaking from personal experience, the recent iPhone's color profile is waaayyy too blue-green in most outdoor situations and I notice it every time I use mine.
You're correct. It struggles in outdoor situations, particularly overcast/low-ish light and high-glare. It seems to want to overcorrect. You either get a shot that's too dark and need to adjust afterward, or you end up with amped-up blues/greens. By comparison, my previous generations-old Samsung Galaxy in HDR mode was an incredible phone camera. Spot-on color profile and excellent contrast in comparable conditions.
All of this said, the sky conditions were in fact weird for that shot above. There was a light hazy overcast with some diffuse darker clouds floating in front.
Haven't all of those been there for... forever? I guess maybe I don't specifically recall a Nero, but Starbucks and Dunks have been there at least since 2020 (and given that it's Boston, I'd wager there's been a Dunks at SS since the '70s).

The Starbuck's was in a new location from when I was last at South Station a few months ago. The Dunks might have been in the same location, but I'm not sure. The Caffe Nero Express was in the old Starbuck's location. When I was last at South Station maybe back in June or July, the concourse was absolutely dreary and the retail options were all pretty much closed. (Maybe this was in preparation for a refresh.) So, it was nice to see the concourse full, and it seemed much cleaner, brighter, and busier than when I last visited. I can't remember the exact name of the store, but there was a place selling energy bars, quick snacks, and juice. I think that was new as well. I'm not saying it was amazing.........I'm just saying it was better than a few months ago.
You're correct. It struggles in outdoor situations, particularly overcast/low-ish light and high-glare. It seems to want to overcorrect. You either get a shot that's too dark and need to adjust afterward, or you end up with amped-up blues/greens. By comparison, my previous generations-old Samsung Galaxy in HDR mode was an incredible phone camera. Spot-on color profile and excellent contrast in comparable conditions.
All of this said, the sky conditions were in fact weird for that shot above. There was a light hazy overcast with some diffuse darker clouds floating in front.

TANGENT: for the life of me I don't understand how things went from my 2016 iPhone SE having perfectly fine if slightly dull colors, to my 2021 iPhone 12 being downright atrocious in most outdoor situations. Apple had to go out of their way to design that color profile from scratch and then say "yeah that'll stack up to the Samsungs."
When this tower is done, it'll shine on sunny days just like the new World Trade Center in New York!!!!! :)
I like how the two towers in Boston that have the most drastic "I love it!"/"I hate it!" dichotomy between their "good" and bad" sides -- SST and 1 Financial -- are grouped so closely together, geographically.
