State Street HQ | One Congress | Bulfinch Crossing | West End

I don't like the base (1st three floors) on that one ^ at all. At least State Street HQ doesn't have that white elephant as its pedestal.
I know as a whole, we tend to reserve judgement to see the final product, but I already love what I'm seeing. The steel components are fascinating to me and do already provide a sense of fluidity to the building not usually seen (in Boston at least).

I'm very excited!
Youi can already see that this building is going to have some amazing views down various streets especially juxtaposing it with some of old brick and stone structures
Jeff -- perhaps its that the steel framework is always way ahead of the rest of the building -- so that your imagination has more reign
Concrete essentially [with the exception of cores] is unveiled from the forms -- fully formed just missing the outer cladding

Or perhaps its just that we have a hundred plus years of seeing steel being erected with "daring young men" out on the "flying beams" -- possibly because those kinds of pictures fascinate news photographers
There are far fewer "exciting pix" of two guys standing next to a bucket of concrete being dumped into a form or even less exciting? -- seeing a hose squirting concrete
Whoa — you’re back!
Same for you, I see.
Yeah, been about 10 months. I guess whighlander has been back at least that long, didn’t realize. For me, it wasn’t intentional, just after years spending hours a day on here, I fell away from it. Probably won’t be back in the same way anytime soon... focus has shifted with life and pandemic changes... it’s weird... also, I still miss the old site... but glad to see my Rozzie neighbor alive and well, and the progress on this project has been ongoing. I’m usually so much more closely in touch with all of the different parts of Boston, it will be nice to go do a proper tour (soonish) and see how much construction progress has been made.
2/5 from Charlestown
DZH -- a few months from now -- that vantage point will offer some very interesting juxtaposition views
4 or 5 distinct generations and styles of buildings [covering over 200 years] in one Only-in-Boston view
