Envoy? Might be too busy though.
Whisky Priest might be a good option.
Barking Crab is another good option right in that area. Another option is we could also push the meetup one day and do it at the Boston Calling at Dewey Square.
Envoy? Might be too busy though.
Whisky Priest might be a good option.
...we should do a weekday after work meetup somewhere with outdoor seating.
IAM likin FRIENLIES with GOOD ICE creme sandwichs
Night Shift is opening a new brewery next to North Station today.
Sounds good to me. I would suggest using meetup.com for organizing if not already planning to do so.Night Shift Lovejoy Wharf, Wednesday, December 11 or December 18, at 6pm. How does this sound?
IAM thinkin NOTwant fap
BUT. many havemet me