The Beverly (née Merano) (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

I have not noticed it leaning and I usely pick up on such things. I think it's more of an optical thing. You can put your crazy hat away for another day.

Causeway street rises up a few feet here as it goes over the tunnel, so if you had assumed it was perfectly horizontal then you might have mistakenly concluded that the brick building was leaning...
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

^ Ok, my last post on this, I promise. But of the 2 or 3 of us on this forum who are interested, I challenge you to go inside the Equal Exchange Cafe (coffee shop across the street), and from within there, look directly at that gap. Yes, causeway street rises, and yes, the building facades are at different offsets from the curb. But I swear, from within the cafe, the upper right corner of the brick building clearly leans outward/rightward. And it makes something look very unstable about the whole scene.

Ok, I'm done about this : )
I just find integration of new & old buildings in a dense city to be an interesting topic. Sometimes it's done right and looks great, other times the design and workmanship magnify imperfections to make the design look un-robust. This one just caught my curiosity.
Re: The Merano

I'm worried that this is creating too many shadows and ruining The Historic North End.

Totally out of scale with the neighborhood. Not enough parking. Attracts the wrong element. Violates FAA regulations.

a bit contrived, but definitely a pick me up after the recent bloodbaths in Roxbury and 1 Bromfield.

This plot is a fucking mess. It's flooded, there's heaps of mud and hundreds of tire tracks all over the place. It's difficult to find a more unpleasant empty space in the whole city.

but this one is my pick for the thread winner (from March 1, 2013. :thumbup: :)
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

i got a question about the other Bullfinch triangle thread.

Is that from two or more parcels or a single parcel?
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

i got a question about the other Bullfinch triangle thread.

Is that from two or more parcels or a single parcel?

It's an infill thread for the area. Small projects like the Botique Hotel @ 104 Canal Str. or the replacement of the Friend Street Hostel @ 124 Friend Street fit into this thread. There are a lot of small parking lots through out the area that are potential construction projects.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

You can see 1 seaport square from charlestown in those last 2 pics.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

This coupled with the Causeway redesign and The Hub on Causeway is really changing the place. It will be completely unrecognizable, for the better. I for one am glad to see this vacant, vacuous plot developed. It was such a hole in the already-skimpy fabric we so recently knew.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Its crazy that this and avalon north station are up finally. I may be wrong but Im pretty sure I remember the north station tower being proposed even before SST. That was a tower I NEVER thought was going to go up. We might get damn near every building built this cycle besides columbus center, and that one will probably be the next cycle. *knock on wood. At the rate were going lately though if they drop an article tomorrow sating columbus center is back on Id be like damn thats cool, but I wouldn't really be that taken off guard.

Cladding should fly up on this and I cant wait to see how it turns out.
Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

Re: The Merano (Parcels 1B & 1C) | Bulfinch Triangle | West End

