What old Atlantic Ave looked like circa 1942. The HARBOR BLDG was at 470 [Old} Atlantic.
That Gulf station on the right was in business until about 1970. Giant multistory painted Gulf sign on the entire side wall. Dramatically lit at night. It got blitzed for the Federal Reserve Bank.
Only two original, or somewhat original walls, remained of he Littlest Bar, the Bulfinch-designed building. The north wall looks to have been chopped off, perhaps when they cleared land for the Central Artery. The east wall was lost when any surviving parts became incorporated into a common wall with the building next door, which was constructed after the Bulfinch designed building.
^^^ See link for photo of rear of Littlest Bar building as Central Artery demolition is underway.
What old Atlantic Ave looked like circa 1942. The HARBOR BLDG was at 470 [Old} Atlantic.
From the PNF:
The Project will include approximately 35 parking spaces in a below grade, automated garage. The residential units will be a variety of sizes, including one bedroom, two bedroom and three bedroom units. Secure bicycle storage for residents (one per residential unit) will be included within the building.
Awesome. Thanks for posting all the great pics today.
i wonder if 55 India is to kick off at some point based on the progress of 110 Broad.