The Boulevard (née The Times/Littlest Bar) | 110 Broad St | Downtown

Re: 110 Broad St. (The Times/Littlest Bar)

i still can't believe they left only 1 1/2 walls. The other half of the front wall should still be there.

i'm with Galer on this one (per recent phone chatting).

So if this goes through and remains on schedule (finished in 2016).....

Did someone get fired yet? :)
Anything been happening on this site recently? The pictures look pretty static.
This is one of those threads that makes me angry every time I look at it.
^+3 It makes me livid that they were allowed to do this.
^^+4. It makes me livid enough to admit to GALER in a rare moment of weakness; the BPDA still has issues.
^^^+5. Someone deserves a Louisville Shampoo for this one...
It's the horrible execution of saving the Littlest Bar that pisses me off. I'm happy that they're improving the street-wall onto the Greenway, however they should have done a much better job saving the old wall. Heck they could have kept the old building and integrated it somehow, their execution was lazy and does a disservice to the history of Boston.
It's the horrible execution of saving the Littlest Bar that pisses me off. I'm happy that they're improving the street-wall onto the Greenway, however they should have done a much better job saving the old wall. Heck they could have kept the old building and integrated it somehow, their execution was lazy and does a disservice to the history of Boston.
Only two original, or somewhat original walls, remained of he Littlest Bar, the Bulfinch-designed building. The north wall looks to have been chopped off, perhaps when they cleared land for the Central Artery. The east wall was lost when any surviving parts became incorporated into a common wall with the building next door, which was constructed after the Bulfinch designed building.



^^^ See link for photo of rear of Littlest Bar building as Central Artery demolition is underway.


What old Atlantic Ave looked like circa 1942. The HARBOR BLDG was at 470 [Old} Atlantic.
At this point, why bother saving those walls?

I always find it strange that people in Boston will fight new construction that "might" throw some shade on the Common or is "too tall" or whatever, but then older buildings are subjected to this treatment and nothing is said.

Can someone 'splain that to me?
It would have been much cheaper to recreate this facade with new materials in the old style. Even if they used better materials than usual. It cost a small fortune to demo around this and then support it.
One would have to look at the financing for the project to see whether there are historic preservation tax credits in play.

The amount of tax credits to date amounts to over $23 billion.

If the walls came down, no credit, nothing historic was saved. I am quite sure the Ropewalk and the Chain Forge buildings are receiving tax credits.
