The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Well I got that one wrong. It's a Ticketmaster Box Office.

Just walked through the north station concourse and wanted to clarify something...that's not specifically a ticketmaster box office. It is the main TD Garden box office, relocated from alongside the outer edge of the building.

When BeeLine took that photo, they had not yet installed the main sign above the ticket windows.
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Old MBTA ticket windows closed and moved over to where the old TDGarden Ticket windows were.

Ah, I got it wrong above, sorry [and edited]. I knew the new booth in the middle was the TDGarden Box Office, but I apparently didn't investigate closely enough to see what was going on elsewhere. I am going to stop guessing exactly how this relates to the overall construction.
I noticed getting on Storrow today that there were four cranes up. Four tower cranes seems like a lot for that site.
I was referring to this.

Distinguished aB members,

The big meeting to decry the not-very-attractive gateway office building is tonight.

No you didn't 'forget.' It's tonight. We need to show up and tell the developer how much 'w'ed really appreciate if they'd figure out a way to build something significantly less filthy than their current render.'

Boston needs your brilliant input at this meeting!


Those 4 columns are steel for the residential tower.

Looks like a office tower that was proposed in the 90’s

This city's enduring love for ugly fat squat buildings never ceases to amaze. i mean, who fucking builds like this? i don't love 1 Congress quite so much as others, (i guess) because once it's built, people standing on Causeway Street are gonna say, "what was all the fuss over. It's the fattest one yet." (Well from Causeway, at least); It's gonna be like the fat side of Dewey Square.
That was the rendering for the FleetCenter from the early 90's.

Edit: Here's the version I've had squirreled away all these years. It's more closely cropped so I never really noticed the fanciful array of stubby towers in the background.
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