The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

As soon as Boston's ruled by our own dictatorial family of royal emirate oil barons with so much money they have to continually think up new exotic extravagant ways to spend massive amounts of money, then we can talk about why we don't have towers like Dubai.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

The Pru, Fed, and Custom House want some of what you're smoking.... The IP complex also kind of sort of wonders about you.....

But honestly, yeah, you're basically right. The absolute vast majority of the skyline is made up of filler, background buildings. It's like, how many different versions of the same brown/tan box can you possibly fit into 1 city?

I think that's what I hate about the current proposed towers. The podium looks INCREDIBLE and I hope they keep it like that. But, the overall color scheme is so drab. Don't we already have enough brown, expecially around that part of the city? Most of the newer glass buildings are towards DTX, Chinatown, South Station, etc. (talking MP 1 and 2, W Hotel, 33 Arch, new MT, 1 Atlantic, top part of State Street, etc) Back Bay has the Hancock and the upcoming CSC, Copley Tower, and Trinity Tower. We really could use something glassy (or at least more colorful) by North Station.

Not until we beat out Denver.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

As soon as Boston's ruled by our own dictatorial family of royal emirate oil barons with so much money they have to continually think up new exotic extravagant ways to spend massive amounts of money, then we can talk about why we don't have towers like Dubai.

Hey, underground: Once that's established, do you think the interface of Northpoint/Somerville can get some money for its cart paths ... I mean roads?? You don't want drivel leading up to the modern legacy-modern incarnation of Calatrava's Turning Torso (built on the site of the Shell station, of course), right??

Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Not that anything like this would actually get built here but what's wrong with a tower that has this kind of ambition? A shot of Dubai would do this city wonders. It has a crown too for all the crown lovers.

Yeah, Dubai towers get sneered at a lot here, I've notice... Not sure what tradition of high-rise innovation we're holding up here. I saw this a couple weeks ago--makes a great impression from afar, but actually up close it's a bit Frankenstein-ish. Looks soldered/stitched together rather than a sweeping whole. Still, it's clear Dubai puts a lot of stock in design.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

The Pru, Fed, and Custom House want some of what you're smoking.... The IP complex also kind of sort of wonders about you.....

I like the Pru and love the Custom House, but the Pru is a sentimental rather than aesthetic favorite and the Custom House is not really what we're talking about (so far I think we're talking really tall and contemporary). I know the Fed gets a lot of love in this forum--maybe I need to keep smoking...
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Not that anything like this would actually get built here but what's wrong with a tower that has this kind of ambition? A shot of Dubai would do this city wonders. It has a crown too for all the crown lovers.

The "crown" looks like they forgot to finish it. In fact, this is the 2nd iteration of it because the first one was literally a few wires strung across. Looked like crap, and now that it's "fixed", it still looks like crap.

Tons of twisting towers popping up these days. I'd try to emulate the one in Moscow before emulating Dubai's.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

the twisting building in Malmo looks good that one in Dubai looks god awful.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Yes, hate capitalism a system based on and necessitating the concept of perpetual growth despite finite resources.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Maybe a stupid question, but why don't these?


Look like these?

Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Not a stupid question. You might be confused by the fact that the program diagram in the first image is actually a section and not an elevation. The section and render are actually coordinated for the most part in terms of massing.

I noticed a discrepancy form-wise on the taller tower, where the section and render don't match. Those recessed bands that wrap around it are missing from the section. I'm guessing the section was just simple massing and program, done at an earlier stage. The program diagram doesn't always exactly have to match the renders, but it should be consistent with floors and massing.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Many tanks, DD!
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Seems I'm a few days too late on this, but I randomly stumbled across an image of a physical model of this project's old iteration:


And, for what it's worth, I prefer the new podium, but the older highrises.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

The ground level is amazing, the left tower is great, the right tower belongs in Anchorage, Alaska.

I'm no fan of the tower on the right as its own thing, but I actually kind of like it for this particular use. It really lends to the idea that this is multiple buildings from multiple eras. That's the key thing to me that makes this much better than the Fenway projects.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

And, for what it's worth, I prefer the new podium, but the older highrises.

Agreed! I like the left tower in this model a lot. Sad to see it go but the podium is much more important.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Is there anything happening with this project these days?
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

According to an article on the Banker and Tradesman website Boston Properties paid $10.9 mil (to Deleware North) for 80 Causway Street. No ground breaking date has been set, but a project start possible in Q1 2015.

North Station
