Someone needs to remind all the obstructionist NIMBY types that the City of Boston already contains one of the best park systems in the country, and we already have an abundance of places to go and enjoy the views. Better yet, maybe we should impose a new "view tax" on those opposed to progress, to make up for the lost revenue that it costs the city when projects get downsized/scaled back/shorter because of their antics. (only those officially on record as opposed to progress will pay the tax)
Is it better than before? Much, there is a lot less clashing between the towers. Is it iconic? Not really. The residential is nicer than it's getting credit for here, it's playing straight man to the showier office block. Wondering though what the likes of Koolhaas, Nouvel, Hadid, Foster would have done here. At any rate get 'er done.
I can't believe I have to type this, but:
Reasonable discourse > taxing thoughts you disagree with[/QUOTE
The tax idea was intended as purely satirical....and Reasonable discourse would be a dream come true, if Boston "neighborhood opposition" groups were actually reasonable. We can all agree that everyone is entitled to speak out in favor or against a development proposal......within reason. The amount of money that gets wasted by developers trying to build in Boston, and fighting just to get a damn apartment building built must be astronomical. It's insane! There is nothing reasonable about living in a large city, and wanting nothing built next to you...that is pure selfishness.
The tax idea was intended as purely satirical....and Reasonable discourse would be a dream come true, if Boston "neighborhood opposition" groups were actually reasonable. We can all agree that everyone is entitled to speak out in favor or against a development proposal......within reason. The amount of money that gets wasted by developers trying to build in Boston, and fighting just to get a damn apartment building built must be astronomical. It's insane! There is nothing reasonable about living in a large city, and wanting nothing built next to you...that is pure selfishness.
I can't believe I have to type this, but:
Reasonable discourse > taxing thoughts you disagree with[/QUOTE
The tax idea was intended as purely satirical....and Reasonable discourse would be a dream come true, if Boston "neighborhood opposition" groups were actually reasonable. We can all agree that everyone is entitled to speak out in favor or against a development proposal......within reason. The amount of money that gets wasted by developers trying to build in Boston, and fighting just to get a damn apartment building built must be astronomical. It's insane! There is nothing reasonable about living in a large city, and wanting nothing built next to you...that is pure selfishness.
I totally agree about the waste and selfishness, but people are entitled to speak out on absolutely anything they want well beyond the point of "reason" as long as they aren't directly inciting violence, and that's as it should be.
I totally agree about the waste and selfishness, but people are entitled to speak out on absolutely anything they want well beyond the point of "reason" as long as they aren't directly inciting violence, and that's as it should be.
Sure, but political leadership (AKA what you'd like to see from the BRA, the mayor's office, etc) is about calling people out for saying that hot is cold.
Sure, but political leadership (AKA what you'd like to see from the BRA, the mayor's office, etc) is about calling people out for saying that hot is cold.
Not quite sure what you're getting at. I'm all for criticizing extremists and better leadership. All I'm saying is people have a right to be extremists.
Why Boston, why?
I can't believe I have to type this, but:
Reasonable discourse > taxing thoughts you disagree with[/QUOTE
The tax idea was intended as purely satirical....and Reasonable discourse would be a dream come true, if Boston "neighborhood opposition" groups were actually reasonable. We can all agree that everyone is entitled to speak out in favor or against a development proposal......within reason. The amount of money that gets wasted by developers trying to build in Boston, and fighting just to get a damn apartment building built must be astronomical. It's insane! There is nothing reasonable about living in a large city, and wanting nothing built next to you...that is pure selfishness.
Big developers want opposition so they can prove their value as middlemen to investors. Most developers appear to try to nurture or provoke extreme opposition so as to make the reasonable opposition seem less reasonable. It is a political game.
The real perverse effect has been only the larger projects with political backing get built, while there are far too few of the smaller projects because they are too big to be built by right, but too small to be worth it to the large developers.
What's the current (your) understanding of what will be built? Why isn't the upper photo (shorter tower on the left, open-grid hat on the right) the best guess of what's going to be built?okay? thats old news at this point, neither of those will be built.
What's the current (your) understanding of what will be built? Why isn't the upper photo (shorter tower on the left, open-grid hat on the right) the best guess of what's going to be built?
What's the current (your) understanding of what will be built? Why isn't the upper photo (shorter tower on the left, open-grid hat on the right) the best guess of what's going to be built?
What's the current (your) understanding of what will be built? Why isn't the upper photo (shorter tower on the left, open-grid hat on the right) the best guess of what's going to be built? Ceremonial groundbreaking set for Wednesday at "The Hub on Causeway" - 1st phase of North Station redevelopment
It is also better than what is there right now, a parking lot.
Groundbreaking is Wednesday, according to an editor at Banker and Tradesman.
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