The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

^^Wow, thanks very much.

Pardon for this. it's been a tough week after death by 1000 cuts succeeded in taking down a skyscraper (Copley Tower). Everyone knows my opinion on things, so, i must be more careful choosing when to vent....

*i did feel the need to clarify things about Back Bay after my crazy Boston Supertall Cluster appeared in the 111 Federal thread (thanks for reading it).
BetonB, interesting. Thanks for sharing. A reminder for some among us, it's not about height (alone), it's about good design.
That's pretty harsh...if Odurandina is guilty of anything it's his great enthusiasm for getting things built and the frustration he feels when projects get hit with the usual roadblocks in this town.

Sorry, but that's an unbelievably charitable way to characterize what he does--multiple times a day, every day.'s not about height (alone), it's about good design.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Matters of aesthetics have always been the coin of the realm here.

Seems like our currency has become devalued.

How strange to feel like an outlander wanting to intelligently discuss the elements of good architecture and urbanism in an online community devoted to the topic...
The best iteration of the office tower was the design that looked classic 60's/70's-ish. Simple and uncluttered it didn't need to be tarted up with a bogus spire. I had hoped for a lot better from Gensler than this awkward pile, they have done excellent work all over the world.
The best iteration of the office tower was the design that looked classic 60's/70's-ish.

This one?

I pretty sure Charles Luckman shook quite a few of these out of his sleeve.

I had hoped for a lot better from Gensler than this awkward pile, they have done excellent work all over the world.

Gensler's effort is positively cartoonish, a child's take on art deco. The shape might make for an interesting wall sconce in a movie theatre. It appears to have a relative (with slightly better proportions) out west.
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This one?

I pretty sure Charles Luckman shook quite a few of these out of his sleeve.

Gensler's effort is positively cartoonish, a child's take on art deco. The shape might make for an interesting wall sconce in a movie theatre. It appears to have a relative (with slightly better proportions) out west.

Sorry to disagree. Gensler's current design might not be groundbreaking, but it's much better than this older design, particularly the office component (on the right in the rendering above). We don't need another box, particularly in this highly visible location and particularly as squat as this iteration was.
Actually, I didn't like this iteration at all.

In retrospect, the initial RoboCop-ish version (Elkus-Manfredi) is my favorite.

The prominence of this location demands better than we've seen yet. Build the podium, and design something better up top.
Glad you enjoyed it.

Matters of aesthetics have always been the coin of the realm here.

Seems like our currency has become devalued.

How strange to feel like an outlander wanting to intelligently discuss the elements of good architecture and urbanism in an online community devoted to the topic...

I will give you an amen to that too ...

Glad you enjoyed it.

Matters of aesthetics have always been the coin of the realm here.

Seems like our currency has become devalued.

How strange to feel like an outlander wanting to intelligently discuss the elements of good architecture and urbanism in an online community devoted to the topic...

I bring gifts via Copley Wolf







Ive shared these two but since its a render dump.... Gensler


