The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Great vantage points, thanks for sharing those. Can't wait to see this progress. This is well past due.
Never thought id see the day where the west end integrated into the fabric of the city to become a beautiful neighborhood in its own right.
This construction has been phenomenal and so much fun to watch.
City should keep going and run trains through that tunnel all the way to South Station!
Just so we're all clear, I believe this is just the existing orange/green line entrance with the headhouse, escalators and stairs removed and some work happening on the walls
Just so we're all clear, I believe this is just the existing orange/green line entrance with the headhouse, escalators and stairs removed and some work happening on the walls

The question is, will they extend the tunnel to the north station commuter rail boarding area or not when they're done? Prior to construction commencing, one had to walk outside from the commuter rail to get to that orange/green-line headhouse and proceed to walk under causeway street.

(now, of course, it's a pedestrian disaster with cops directing peds over causeway st.)
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

This isn't the most recent layout, but I think they more or less reverted to this when the tunnel went back in...

Thanks, Equilibria, and my apologies for posing a question that was already posed 3 years ago by Whigh and answered by Data!

That configuration looks good; I can see why the partnership with Delaware North may be quite vital, as they'll be punching through Garden walls in many locations as part of this. Helps to have both players on the same team I would imagine.
Re: The Boston Garden (TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

Thanks, Equilibria, and my apologies for posing a question that was already posed 3 years ago by Whigh and answered by Data!

That configuration looks good; I can see why the partnership with Delaware North may be quite vital, as they'll be punching through Garden walls in many locations as part of this. Helps to have both players on the same team I would imagine.

Never mind... here's the new version:

Beeline -- nice series of photos updating this project

It's still hard to grasp how big tyhis thing is

Prediction -- Cranes landing in early 2017
Can anyone give a definitive as to whether this work is just podium and we'll see tower in "x" years? I'm thrilled it's getting going and we'll see a level of life we've never seen to this part of the city, but I'd love some residents together.
The last word was that the residential tower and the hotel are a go now. The office tower is awaiting an anchor so the timing is uncertain.
The last word was that the residential tower and the hotel are a go now. The office tower is awaiting an anchor so the timing is uncertain.

I'll stick this here, though it could apply to Congress St garage, and one or two others.

Salesforce thinking about a Boston tower.

Their San Francisco tower is in a Boston Properties development, at the Transbay Center, next to the leaning MT tower.
So short. Why can't they go taller here?? Sorry for being one of those height fanatics but it upsets me to see such a short building on solid ground right next to one of the largest transit hubs in New England.
