The St Regis Residences (former Whiskey Priest site) | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Stellarfun and JANAM, responding to both your posts:

The special permit for Cronin's harborwalk showed it out over the water, not on his parcel, which I think answers your point stellarfun. Are you saying they just built the commercial enterprise out to the limit allowed for the harborwalk?

The easement point from the site owner to the north is something I'd seen, but I'm not sure how it factors in to CLF's suit. It might, I'm just not seeing it (I DO see your point on how constrained they are, I am not disputing that challenge).

I hadn't seen the Anthony's suit to prevent construction: what was the outcome of the suit? (Suing is one thing, winning is another.) Did Anthony really "own" the watersheet? And did he own the watersheet all the way across the back of Cronin's site to the MassPort site? Really? That sounds really strange. Does the current owner (s) of that site (s) own the watersheet now? (I don't have time right now to go look it up on the assessor's site) If so, how is Cronin going to get past the same hurdle without an easement over that? I don't recall seeing anything on Cronin's site plans about easements over the watersheet being granted by neighbors (I do recall the easement stellarfun noted). If this were all the case, I would think CLF would shift tactics to "the state is requiring something the owner can't provide, just like they couldn't provide before."

I'm a little perplexed on how the state back in 1997 could have issued a special permit requiring a harborwalk to be built out over public water that the state didn't control. If that's the answer to what Cronin didn't build it, that's the answer, but then why isn't Cronin shouting that to the media? (maybe he has and I missed it.)

ETA: Not disputing the assertions either of you have made, rather: seeking clarifications.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

West, Cronin's proposed development is contingent on his more than doubling the land area he currently owns.

Cronin owns 10,515 sq ft.
In addition, he needs:
> the city of Boston's 'triangle' parcel of 3,803 sq ft
> the city of Boston's sidewalk area of 3,828 sq ft
> Massport easement #1 for the harborwalk of 1,685 sq ft (this is on the east side and for a narrow harborwalk).
> Tishman Speyer easement (to be leased) of 3,148 square feet. This is on the north side, and includes the proposed narrow Harborwalk,
> Massport easement #2 (a historic easement) of 1,902 square feet. This is on the east side and between Massport easement #1 and Cronin's parcels. I think he needs easement #2 for the new building itself.

I would need to research further but it may be that Massport easement #2 was given to the previous owners when they secured the Chapter 91 license.

The Massport property line runs north south and aligns with the east bounds of Cronin's property.

In any event, the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs determination in December acknowledges there were complications in trying to meet the requirements of the Chapter 91 license.

Whiskey Priest and the Beer Garden are currently built out right to the Cronin property line on the north. Without the Tiushman property, there is no Harborwalk, or he has to incorporate the Harborwalk within his own property parcel, which makes his proposed development economically infeasible.

To my knowledge, Anthony A. never filed suit. Rather, Anthony A. may have refused to lease the submerged land to the immediate north of Whiskey Priest and the Beer Garden. Cronin, understandably, probably didn't want to chop the existing building space to provide a harborwalk.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Stellarfun, thanks for the long post. I've been on the road and have barely had time for a quick read, but wanted to at least get a thanks out.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

CLF Takes Its MHP Fight Across the Fort Point Channel

CLF appears fully committed to*seeking to enforce its view of what Ch. 91 requires and has backing for this pursuit.* The Barr Foundation awarded CLF $330,000 last year to “advance waterfront advocacy efforts”.*

Here is this group logic. Lets stop developments that have preexisted structures that already block 95% of public waterfront access as is ---but don't advocate for all the developments that actually had the open space to the waterfront with unlimited parking lots on the Seaport along with unlimited tax incentives.

This is the same group involved with the build out for the Imax.

Truly liberal hypocrites at their best.

We will have a parking garage on the Greenway for the next 100 years because of these idiots.

Chiofaro/Pru have one of the best ideas for the city to activate that area and these useless morons continue to use non-profit money to fight something beneficial for the overall good for the public and the area.
An IRS investigation should be launched against the Barr Foundation and their misuse of FREE MONEY for personal agendas.

Like I said CLF does not care about Cronin project its all about Harbor Garage development. They claim they are trying to protect the waterfront I guess they missed the entire Seaport development of all the open space that just got developed on our the taxer'sDIME---
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Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Any idea what's going on? Haven't heard anything on this for months.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

^^wtf is that? i thought it was tied up in the courts at least another year?? pending the CFL smackdown that will set precedent for the Harborfaro Tower and J Hook Lobster hotel.
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Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Relax, people. Probably just taking some cores for geotechnical consultation.

(Now, that said, even a modest investment in something like that makes one assume the developer anticipates forward progress?)
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

exactly, bigpicture, from the DEP file # hanging on the tree:

Notice of lntent for DEP File No. 006-1511 from Cronin Holdings LLC for the proposed five exploratory borings and one test pit located at 150 Seaport Boulevard, South Boston Waterfront, MA (LSCSF, LUO)

I think it's very reasonable to assume the developer has reason to anticipate forward progress. Either his lawyer's feeling cocky and/or the obvious deal that could be cut with the CLF is actually getting cut.

As an irrelevant aside: somebody at some point whacked that tree pretty good. Or it wasn't set properly when planted. Or [horrors!!!] it's getting too much shade and has the sads.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Over the last year, that tree has fallen down several times, esp during big rain storms. Pretty funny actually.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

ha, well give it credit for being a tough little tree, it looks pretty healthy for something that's fallen over several times.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Atlantic Beer Garden officially closed its doors over the weekend and now has a note saying "thanks for the memories" etc.

A good sign?
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Atlantic Beer Garden officially closed its doors over the weekend and now has a note saying "thanks for the memories" etc.

A good sign?

I don't remember anything from ABG or WP ;)
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

I saw that too. I wonder why only ABG closed and not both of them.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Atlantic Beer Garden officially closed its doors over the weekend and now has a note saying "thanks for the memories" etc.

A good sign?

eh, a better sign would have been "thanks for mammaries"
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

According to Facebook it has been closed since October 8th.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Could be a good sign, or could be that business had declined with so much else opening in the neighborhood, that it was becoming too 'down market'.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Certainly not the business decline. There is a line 20-30 deep every Friday/Saturday night. This is a completely different crowd and price point than anything else in the Seaport.
