The St Regis Residences (former Whiskey Priest site) | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

relatively to the rest of seaport, this parcel is pretty small which is a nice change.
That cantilever is insane! I'm surprised that not even part of this is being done with steel. I imagine, once those temporary braces are removed and the structural load is placed on the hung column, the tension loads will be quite intense, which explains the high amount of rebar. Still makes more sense to me to at least build part of it with steel beams...
150 Seaport Blvd - 20210913 - Smuttynose (2).jpg

Interesting streetwall on the right...Looks very "fractal", like a kind of Sierpinski cube or some such thing. Really eye-catching, but I suppose a lot of it is an accidental artifact of the angle, lighting, reflections, etc. so it doesn't always look like this :cry:
I'm pleasantly surprised (though I shouldn't be) how far out this building juts out in front from the 100 Pier 4 apartments next door. The sightlines down to Downtown will be pretty nice. The noise of drivers with SDS feeling the need to rev up and down Seaport Blvd will not be so nice, however.


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