The St Regis Residences (former Whiskey Priest site) | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Sounds like a very unique choice, was the development successful? Typically the condo's subsidize the hotel which is why developers like the stand alone condo model.

The condo residences haven't been built yet, nearing the conclusion of the permit approval phase. The hotel has been open for years.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Great catch. I make the drive through I-90 and the Ted at Logan all the time to where it transitions to mile 0.0 at the start of 1-A, right as the overpass goes zooming above the delightful Bremen St. Park (also right after you ascend from that scarily depressed section of I-90, hard-up against the Logan service hangars, that appears to be below sea level and floods with effortless ease...)

I remember seeing Elkus at a downtown development symposium a few years back and he was already quite elderly. He seemed to have a nice lifestyle going as a globetrotting urban(ist) observer. Clearly the emeritus partner in the Elkus/Manfredi tandem with Manfredi having almost quite literally built the 2024 Boston Olympics. Perhaps one might say the Bert Cooper to Manfredi's Roger Sterling...

Lol transcontinental? So it comes from South America?... which isnt even possible because the Jungle in Columbia is to treacherous with mountains, rivers, disease, and guerrilla fighters, that the highway just ends never to have a link between the two.
i've was down there in '02 or '03... on a surf trip to Pavones.

the swamp on the border of Panama and Columbia would cost billions to traverse.

it's worse than i-10 in Louisiana as the trek is longer.

where the swamp ends on the Colombia side is known as the Uraba region of the province of Choco--the most dangerous place in the wester....

ok, it's been topped by the recent violence in Venezuela.
Re: Whiskey Priest/Atlantic Beer Garden Redevelopment | 150 Seaport Blvd | Seaport

Lol transcontinental? So it comes from South America?... which isnt even possible because the Jungle in Columbia is to treacherous with mountains, rivers, disease, and guerrilla fighters, that the highway just ends never to have a link between the two.

Definition of transcontinental
: extending or going across a continent (a transcontinental railroad)
Lol it is transcontinental too and ends in Eastie. Doesnt end by the Whiskey Priest but damn close considering it closses the entire country. Lol happens to the best of us..
Lol it is transcontinental too and ends in Eastie. Doesnt end by the Whiskey Priest but damn close considering it closses the entire country. Lol happens to the best of us..

It does indeed! Whiskey Priest is officially closed, demo starts this week, according to staff.
Will they cordon off an area for NIMBY's to weep about the destruction of these beloved structures? You know, the ones that you can apparently see through since the new construction is supposed to upend everyone's unobstructed view of the harbor.
I wonder how the residents will feel with a crappy alucobond building on one side and the hulking World Trade Center on the other. This place will be top shelf luxury, but seems to be hemmed in with a lot of crap.
I wonder how the residents will feel with a crappy alucobond building on one side and the hulking World Trade Center on the other. This place will be top shelf luxury, but seems to be hemmed in with a lot of crap.

I'm assuming it won't bother them at all or they wouldn't be residents. Nobody's making anyone buy a condo in the place if they don't like the view.
I wonder how the residents will feel with a crappy alucobond building on one side and the hulking World Trade Center on the other. This place will be top shelf luxury, but seems to be hemmed in with a lot of crap.

I'm weird, but I see each blocked Seaport condo view as a win for the greater good! As more buildings go up and more views go away, the market will increasingly shift from ultra luxury to just luxury. That's a good thing by my book...
I wonder how the residents will feel with a crappy alucobond building on one side and the hulking World Trade Center on the other. This place will be top shelf luxury, but seems to be hemmed in with a lot of crap.

There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas
Redevelopment of WTC? Could be ...

I wonder how the residents will feel with a crappy alucobond building on one side and the hulking World Trade Center on the other. This place will be top shelf luxury, but seems to be hemmed in with a lot of crap.
