The Victor | 110 Beverly Street | West End

Re: The Victor

I agree with you the building is not terrible it is not good but it's not terrible and the only side you really see from the interstate is the glass which looks good and the Bulfinch Triangle does already have a lot of background buildings and sometimes a building that is designed by a starchitect is terrible for the street level exhibit A would be the Burj Khalifa. This at least has a decent street level even if the paneling does look like cat puke with glass in it.
Re: The Victor

No and quite frankly this is just the type of design that should be built here. I hate bland landscrapers as much as the next person on here but this is a good place for them since when it's all built out you aren't even going to see them.

Blandscrapers! Love it.
Re: The Victor

I'm happy with the density and the fact that very little of the building shows from Causeway St. The rest will be hidden by other buildings and reminiscent of warehouses. What they'll all need is a layer of grime.
Re: The Victor

Come to think of it, the Mayor's lawn could use one of these as well.
Re: The Victor

They can't build the properties around this fast enough.
Re: The Victor

This shot kinda makes me get why people hate this. It looks like a European semi truck.
Re: The Victor

They can't build the properties around this fast enough.

Agree. The bulk, the materials, the cheap-o modernism of the design ... infill is better than grassy wastelands here, but in this case only just barely.
Re: The Victor

OK, so this construction boom has the quantity part down--when do we start seeing quality?
Re: The Victor

Agree. The bulk, the materials, the cheap-o modernism of the design ... infill is better than grassy wastelands here, but in this case only just barely.

+1. Increased density is good. But lost opportunity for something not abhorrent is bad.
Re: The Victor

Photo backlog: 04/13 from the observation deck of Marriott's Custom House


Re: The Victor

Think of how many North End buildings you could fit in one undeveloped former artery parcel or empty Greenway block.

Or don't. It may not make you very happy.
Re: The Victor

Think of how many North End buildings you could fit in one undeveloped former artery parcel or empty Greenway block.

Or don't. It may not make you very happy.

When I compare the Historic Aerials 1938 imagery to the present, the Greenway is the least of my concerns. The entire West End and Government Center clearings were far more damaging than any park strand.

Case and point: go to the 1955 imagery and just imagine the expressway as parks. It looks downright PERFECT. I mean, naturally I find 1938 much more captivating, but for now, the Greenway is sacred ground. City Hall Plaza and the current "West End" are a load of horse shit that I imagine very little resistance to restoring.
Re: The Victor

When I compare the Historic Aerials 1938 imagery to the present, the Greenway is the least of my concerns. The entire West End and Government Center clearings were far more damaging than any park strand.

Case and point: go to the 1955 imagery and just imagine the expressway as parks. It looks downright PERFECT. I mean, naturally I find 1938 much more captivating, but for now, the Greenway is sacred ground. City Hall Plaza and the current "West End" are a load of horse shit that I imagine very little resistance to restoring.

Three alarm fire in Adams Square.

Historical pictures of the Adams Square neighborhood that is no longer.
