W Hotel | 100 Stuart St | Theater District

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Re: W Hotel

LOL! Good story and typical of most of those overpaid boneheads. I've never been to Baltimore, but I do know their aquarium puts ours to shame.

It is the "National Aquarium" ... I would hope so.

Re: W Hotel

Re: W Hotel

What is that theatre? Citi Centre Stage VIII at the Wilbur? It looks dwarfed right now. And a little like a Hollywood set piece.
Re: W Hotel

Is it me or does this building look fantastic in stylized, evening photos from certain cherry-picked angles... and then look like a short, fat, ugly piece of garbage when you actual drive or walk near it?

It's got a Jekyll/Hyde thing going on. It looks HORRIBLE from 93 and anywhere south - just a blockish monster from the back.
Re: W Hotel

^^ I'm glad someone else stepped up with the sentiment.

The South-facing facade is a victim of value-engineering. Further, Rawn's original design was compromised prior to construction. Yet another case where the renderings have us expecting a D-Type Jaguar, and the result is a Pontiac Fiero.
Re: W Hotel

I think the bar at the Ames will trump the Liberty and the W.

If I'm feeling posh, there's nothing wrong with the bar at the CharlesMark. I think I'll just have to attend their bourbon tasting on the September 30th.
Re: W Hotel

What's the schedule on the W, anyone know? I think a meet-up is a great idea!
Re: W Hotel

The South-facing facade is a victim of value-engineering.

At least they got the side that faced the Common and River right, unlike 45 Province.
Re: W Hotel

I think the bar at the Ames will trump the Liberty and the W.

If I'm feeling posh, there's nothing wrong with the bar at the CharlesMark. I think I'll just have to attend their bourbon tasting on the September 30th.

I know I've been to some of the swanky bars in Boston, but funny thing is I'm usually don't remember it at all and I'm dressed way off. (backwards baseball cap) Suprisingly enough, The Hotel Commenwealth has a pretty nice bar. Not on par with Ames or the others you named, but pretty nice.

Funny thing about the real swanky bars-- seems like they usually don't have a dress code. Its the fake ones trying to be swanky. The bar in the Alley, I forget the name, Whiskey Park, Tequila Rain...etc. Like the bar at the Four Seasons, though not really a 'spot' its still nice as hell but no dress code or at least I got in.
Re: W Hotel

I'd just as soon drink at Crossroads or TC's than at any of our vaunted snobitoriums. It's not where you're drinking, it's what's in your glass. I'll bet my Sox hat is dirtier than yours.

I think that some of the swankier hotel bars around town don't have dress codes because the touristas who are hotel guests tend to dress for walking around the Freedom Trail and riding the duckboats, not for a night on the town.
Re: W Hotel

I couldn't believe when, the other night, I went out dressed thoughtfully but got rejected from some place due to a strict "no sneaker" policy. This in Boston, where 85% of the male population wears nothing other than madras shorts and a Kevin Youklis shirt.

And that stupid trolley party was driving by with bikini girls sliding down stripper poles inside, to add insult to injury.
Re: W Hotel

I read an article in the Globe a few months back about the strict Boston dress code. It was funny, because they interviewed a kid visiting from LA who was rejected from a bar for the sneaker policy though he was wearing $250 Gucci sneakers. His friend was in line in front of him and got in with $45 Payless specials.

I don't have a problem with it, to be honest. However, the point made about the fake fancy places being the worst about the dress code is accurate. They're the ones who try to make it "fancy" but the vast majority of the people there are scumbags (picture the dudes from Growing up Gotti). The nicer places are more laxed and open. They base it on appearance. If someone is dressed well (regardless of whether or not they're in sneakers) or looks presentable, there is no problem. I ate at L'espalier a few months back in jeans, casual shoes and a button down with a sweater vest. If someone is going to fork over the money it takes to eat/drink there (and believe me, I forked over a week's pay for my girlfriend and I), they are more than willing to let it slide. It's the Felt's, Tequila Rains, etc that really break balls.

I've always wanted to do one of those trolley buses with the scantily clad women... anyone tried it?
Re: W Hotel

I couldn't believe when, the other night, I went out dressed thoughtfully but got rejected from some place due to a strict "no sneaker" policy. This in Boston, where 85% of the male population wears nothing other than madras shorts and a Kevin Youklis shirt.

And that stupid trolley party was driving by with bikini girls sliding down stripper poles inside, to add insult to injury.

as the kids say nowadays....OWNED.
Re: W Hotel

imagine if that's how it looked vertically....

though I like this building as is...though it is certainly not perfect or iconic
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