W Hotel | 100 Stuart St | Theater District

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Re: W Hotel

This building diverts the eyes from the Radisson. Good enough.
Re: W Hotel

If you want to meet up in a swanky bar, you've got to go to Drink in FP3. It's wicked cool, I went there after I toured the building. I thought it got an award for Best New Bar in Boston or America or something like that, I'll have to look into it further. But honestly, it's really interesting down there.
Re: W Hotel

Re: W Hotel

If you want to meet up in a swanky bar, you've got to go to Drink in FP3. It's wicked cool, I went there after I toured the building. I thought it got an award for Best New Bar in Boston or America or something like that, I'll have to look into it further. But honestly, it's really interesting down there.

Did they serve you up a mean Shirley Temple? ;)

Re: W Hotel

We went to drink shortly after it opened up, and could tell it was attracting the hip south end crowd to start out. We figured it had potential to become a decent joint once the initial buzz wore off, but I kinda doubt it.

I like the clean bar look with zero bottles visible. I asked what they had for scotch? They asked what I wanted? What do you have? What do you want? We probably have it. They then chip off a hunk of ice from a bigger hunk of ice and serve it to you.

"What kind of beer do you have?"

"We have light and dark."

2 beers available. In cans no less. Not a bad thing, but I'm sure the price is ridiculous. Don't know cuz I had to go to a Bruins game, so I just gave my buddy a 20 and hoped it covered 2 drinks. They took one of the good bartenders from Lucky's, so they have that going for them.

All in all, I'm sure it will stay a yuppie joint for the long haul tho.
Re: W Hotel

How is it that we have been talking about bars and alcohol for two days and Toby hasn't shown up?

Booze talk is like his bat-signal!
Re: W Hotel

Balvenie 21 Port Cask? Nikka Yoichi 20?

Ice in single malt? X gets the square. Teaspoon of distilled water. A good barkeep should know this.

For all I know it may have been distilled water in frozen form, but I doubt it.

I do prefer mine on ice (which becomes water, and has a nice way of cooling the beverage.) It releases the flavor well, and if I drink it a bit on the fast side which I usually do. It gets less watered down than if I order a scotch and water. I wish I could now remember which I settled on, because it was a brand I hadn't had before. Typically I'm a Glenlivet or Laphroaig fan.
Re: W Hotel

I was once chided by a barman for ordering single malt on the rocks (I was in my 20's, trying to impress a woman). The most important thing about drinking is that we enjoy it...

I love me some Laphroaig! The Yoichi compares well with the best of the Islay Malts (closest to Lagavulin, with a honey overtone). A sin they don't export it to the States. My pal from Edinburgh gives it his hearty endorsement.
Re: W Hotel

This building could have been built in the 80s. Isn't anything new being done with glass these days? Haven't there been any new ideas in the last 25 years?
Re: W Hotel

Why would you want something new if you could have something old ?
Re: W Hotel

I disagree...this is not an 80s building at all. It could be argued that the striped half could have been done years back but the fully transparent half is very much of this decade. I don't mind the way the striped half intereacts with the transparent glass...is it value engineering? Probably. But the building still works as a succesful design.
Re: W Hotel

That is a very flattering picture (but also a very good picture, great colors and very sharp.)
Re: W Hotel

I disagree...this is not an 80s building at all. It could be argued that the striped half could have been done years back but the fully transparent half is very much of this decade.
Wow ... I have so lost track of the decades!

I had no idea people could make such finely-parsed distinctions.

Where have I been?
Re: W Hotel

Ummm...You're obviously being sarcastic, but I don't think the statement I made really qualifies as some kind of revelation.
Re: W Hotel

No, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just out of it.

I had no idea people could tell 80's glass from today's.

Gotta sharpen up my perceptions.
Re: W Hotel

I like this side so much more. Nice picture.
Re: W Hotel

This building could have been built in the 80s. Isn't anything new being done with glass these days? Haven't there been any new ideas in the last 25 years?

I often think the same thing. Maybe not original but the only thing a little different I can think of (I don't really follow architecture) is the IAC Building in NYC, even though I'm not a big fan.

Anyhow, for what it's worth, I like the Boston W.
Re: W Hotel

That's an awesome pov. Honestly, I thought for a second someone had superimposed a photo of the W onto the space where Columbus Center is going to go.

About the same height, no?

Let's make it happen!
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