Specifically, this First Amendment would
allow for a single new building in place of the approved buildings A and B to now include
approximately 214 residential units and approximately 20,500 square feet of ground floor retail
space (the “Phase I Project”). The Phase I Project will also include approximately 69 parking
spaces, of which 50 will be included in the building and 19 will be on-street
This First Amendment hereby revises Section 4 as “the development of seven new building
projects” referred to as Buildings “A/B” through “H”, inclusive and with the following new
description for Building A/B:
a. Building A/B: Located at the intersection of Dorchester Street and Old Colony
Avenue, this seven-story building with approximately 214 residential units and
approximately 20,500 sf of ground floor retail space. The approved “The Green”
will be relocated to the east side of the new building, combined with a new plaza
and sidewalks along the proposed New Street that will connect Alger Street to
Damrell Street
Development Schedule
23. The Original Plan sets for the Development Schedule on Page 9, Section 17 as follows:
“Construction of the first phase of the Proposed Project is expected to take approximately
18 months and to commence in 2017.”
24. This First Amendment hereby deletes this language on Page 9, Section 17 and replaces it
with the following: “Construction of the first phase of the Proposed Project is expected to
take approximately 18 months and to commence in 2020; the first phase will include only
Building A/B and approximately 112 temporary surface parking spaces on the Buildings E
and G sites. The details about the other construction phases has not been determined at
this time.